Immortal Asura

Chapter 1290: Bully me at Xuanyuan?

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"That was natural. The great God of War Xuanyuan was respected as the ancestor of the gun. His marksmanship is superb. No one can beat him in one shot, defend our people, and kill unknown enemies." Ancient books, said excitedly: "If we can see the style of Xuanyuan Emperor then, it will be a blessing for us all three lives."

"I just don't know how many true stories this Xuanyuan Ming got," the old man said with expectation.

When Nangongyu saw that all his flying knives were blocked by Xuan Yuanming, he could not threaten Xuan Yuanming at all. He could not help but snorted and said, "I want to see how many flying knives you can catch me. . "

As soon as Nangongyu's voice fell and he waved his hand, he once again threw out four flying knives. The four flying knives also turned into a streamer. They attacked Xuanyuanming at a rapid speed. At this time, the twelve flying knives were The direction of the air changes, forming a very mysterious arrangement, trapping Xuan Yuanming firmly in it.

Seeing this, Wang Zong could not help but frowned, and looked at Xuanyuan Ming with some worry, and said, "This Nangongyu's flying sword seems to imply some kind of formation, similar to the sword formation, and the power suddenly increased. A lot. "

Dao Chen on the side nodded and said, "Of course, this Nangong family is known as the family formation family, and their strongest is the family formation, and this Nangongyu is the genius of the family Nangong family, and one can arrange it with a flying knife. The formation that requires many people to perform is equally powerful. This is the strength of Nangong Yu. "

"And this formation method should be the legendary Nangong family's strongest cut fairy array. Twelve is the initial form of this formation method. The more people are, the more powerful it is. For Nangongyu, the more flying knives, the more powerful. "" Dao Chen analyzed side by side.

"Cut the fairy array? It's such a big breath," the fat man on the side sneered and said, "Can the fairy also cut?"

"Naturally, it's just that it shows that the power of this formation is really powerful," Dao Chen said aside.

"So, isn't Brother Xuanyuan so dangerous?" Wang Zhengheng said with some worry.

Zhang Yan shook his head and said, "It's okay. Brother Xuanyuan has more than just this strength. Even if the Xianxianzhen is very powerful, I believe that Xuanyuan's marksmanship will not be powerful. Otherwise, why would the three big families lead their Xuanyuan family? Don't forget Brother Xuanyuan's body of war. "

"It's the same, it's because I'm too worried. Seeing Brother Xuanyuan this way, he hasn't exerted all his strength, even just started to take it seriously," Wang Zongxiao said with a smile.

Xuan Yuanming was surrounded by gun shadows at this time, and all the twelve flying knives attacked from the surroundings were blocked, but it seemed to be a little busy, he could barely protect himself and couldn't fight back at all.

Nangong He also smiled with relief when he saw this, and said with great joy: "Brother Zhuge, are our strengths okay?"

"It's really good. It's better than our breeze, even stronger," said the elders of the Zhuge family with a smile.

When Zhuge Qingfeng heard the words, he didn't say much, but just thought in his heart. Now let you be proud for a while, and you will know the power of these guys after a while, when you cry.

Nangong Yu saw Xuanyuan Ming completely trapped by himself. It was only a matter of time before victory, and he smiled proudly and said, "What? Are you able to bear this? It seems that your Xuanyuan family has really fallen a lot, I You can't cope with these twelve flying swords.

Xuanyuan Ming snorted coldly, and the war in his eyes was utterly stunned. A moment of war erupted completely, and the violent war raged throughout the audience. Everyone around him felt this powerful war and shocked everyone. Shivering, he immediately took a few steps back to the back again, looking at Xuan Yuanming with a look of horror.

Xuanyuan Ming ’s golden body bloomed, and the intense warfare made Xuanyuan Ming like a **** of war. The silver dragon gun trembled in his hand and a dragon yin came. Then the silver dragon gun turned madly, and the silver dragon gun turned more and more. The sooner it finally formed a whirlwind-like gun shadow, forming a huge suction power. The huge suction power even affected the surrounding spiritual power, and gathered all the surrounding spiritual power in the grab.

At this time, Nangong Yu was surprised to find that his flying knife was unable to pass through the vortex formed by the gun shadow, and was completely absorbed by the gun shadow. Even his flying knife did not follow his trajectory. All of a sudden it seemed to fall into it.

When Nangong Yu desperately withdrew the flying knife, Xuan Yuanming shot suddenly. Xuan Yuanming saw the timing, the silver dragon gun shook in his hand, and a little cold mang went straight to Nangong Yu to stab, then followed the gun as if A true dragon, rushed towards Nangong Yu directly.

The crowd only saw a swirling vortex, and then a real dragon flew out from it, accompanied by a real dragon rushing through, and the space around them seemed to be penetrated by this gun The speed is extremely fast, and even Nangongyu's flying knife can't keep up.

And Nangong Yu was surprised when he saw this. He did not expect Xuan Yuanming to burst out such a powerful power at this instant. The God of War is really powerful. In anxiety, Nongong Yu once again appeared eight flying knives, the previous flying knives. Also recalled by Nangong Yu, twenty flying knives gathered in front of them, neatly arranged in a very mysterious orientation.

Immediately after Nangong Yu waved, the twenty flying knives gathered together, connected end to end, and one silver dragon gun directed at Xuan Yuanming attacked in the past.


The flying sound of the flying knife came, and then it collided with Xuan Yuanming's silver dragon gun. However, there was still a gap in the strength of Nangong Yu. Although the flying knife's power increased greatly, it was still not Xuan Yuanming. Opponent, Xuan Yuanming's silver dragon gun directly crashed into one.

Immediately followed by the second, the third ... until the last flying knife was blown off, Xuan Yuanming's silver dragon gun still maintained its power, but its power was weakened a lot, but it was still facing Nangong. Yu stabbed in the past, and at this time had arrived in front of Nangong Yu, Nangong Yu was too late to dodge.

When Nangongyu saw the gun stab into his throat, he suddenly exclaimed, "My life is off!"

Seeing this, Nangong Crane was also frightened, and immediately came towards this side, shouting loudly: "Stop!"

Xuan Yuanming didn't expect Nangong Yu to be so vulnerable. He hadn't tried his best yet. This guy couldn't bear it anymore. Xuan Yuanming didn't want to kill Nangong Yu. After all, he was from the three great families, and there was no deep hatred.

Xuan Yuanming could only recover his silver dragon gun desperately, and at the same time forced to turn his wrist, forcibly changed the trajectory of the silver dragon gun, the tip of the gun was sideways, and he avoided the key point of Nangongyu's throat, and stuck it directly On the shoulder of Nangong Yu, he suddenly made a hole in Nangong Yu's shoulder.

The blood flowed out along the wound in an instant, and Nangong Yu also mourned. At this time, Nangong Crane on the side had arrived, and he stretched out his palm and patted him towards Xuanyuan Ming. He said with a gritted teeth, "Boy, you are so big Dare, give me death! "

When Xuan Yuanming saw that the situation was bad, he immediately took back his silver dragon gun, and then stood in front of him, trying to resist the palm of Nangong Crane, but at this time, a figure suddenly blocked Xuan Yuanming's body. Before, he directly pushed Nangong Crane back with one palm.

Nangong Crane was also shocked and looked at the person with a shocked face. After all, he could easily push him back with one palm. The strength of this person must not be simple. He can repel his people in the realm of Valkyrie. Nangong Crane is confident that few people can Do it.

The comer was an old man with crane hair. The old man looked full of energy and spirits. At this moment, he was full of anger, and stared at Nangong Crane. He stood in front of Xuan Yuanming and protected Xuan Yuanming.

And Zhang Yan also looked at the person with a puzzled look. Just now Zhang Yangang wanted to help Xuanyuan Ming, but found out that this old man was one step ahead. It looks like he should be Xuanyuan family.

Xuan Yuanming also recognized the person and said with some surprise, "Three elders, why did your old man come here?"

The old man glanced at Xuan Yuanming and snorted, "Wait a minute to pack you up."

After speaking, the old man turned around and looked at Nangong He, who was full of momentum, especially the powerful war will be stronger than Xuan Yuanming, and everyone who was present at a sudden was shocked.

The three elders looked at Nan Gonghe coldly and said, "What? No one can bully my Xuanyuan family? You old man, even Tian shamelessly attacked a younger man, do you want to lose face? If you do n’t want it, I can Pick it for you. "

As soon as the words of the three elders came out, everyone in the surroundings was in an uproar. Everyone's eyes gathered on the three elders, the elders of the Xuanyuan family, and they also repelled the elders of the Nangong family. The elders are very strong. The Xuanyuan family is not as declining as the legend, but it is stronger than the other two families.

Jian Wuhen also frowned and looked at what happened here. He was still thinking about it, looking at Zhang Yan, there was a heir to the Xuanyuan family, and Ling Feng was also standing by Zhang Yan. This made Jian Wuren feel Zhang Yan is a bit tricky.

Fortunately, there is already a gambling contract with Zhang Yan. As long as he wins Zhang Yan himself, no one dares to gossip when he wants to kill him. It is a matter of course that he is willing to lose. By then, he can justify his killing. Zhang Yan, no one dares to stop.

As soon as the three elders' voices fell, more than a dozen figures separated from the crowd and came over to this side, and all of them stood next to Xuanyuan Ming. There were young and old, and these people were all wary, big. There is a look of war without a word.

When Xuan Yuanming saw so many people coming, he couldn't help but said excitedly, "I didn't expect you to come, I thought you wouldn't come."

A man who is seven points similar to Xuanyuan Ming smiled and walked over and said, "Brother, you are all here, and of course we have to take a look. After all, this is a trial of immortal stone. It has many benefits. Good things ca n’t be left to you alone, do n’t you? Besides, you sneak out alone, but we are very worried about your safety. ”

Xuan Yuanming smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Smell boy, you talk a lot."

The three elders looked at Nangong Crane and questioned: "Your Nangong family actually started working with our Xuanyuan family? Have you forgotten the ancestral training?"

Nangong Crane was choked by the three elders for a moment. He looked at Nangong Yu and found that Nangong Yu was not a big deal. The injuries on his shoulders did not hurt at all, and he couldn't help but relax.

Nangong He looked at Xuan Yuanming and smiled and said, "I was just too impulsive just now. I lost my mind in an anxious situation and almost caused a disaster. It is really the old man's not."

"Anyway, thank you for your mercy just now. Xuanyuan's family is indeed Xuanyuan's family. This kind of strength is admirable," Nangong He said with a smile.

Nangong Crane looked at the three elders and asked, "In Shimonamiya Crane, I don't know how you call it? It is really good strength."

Seeing Nangong He talking like this, the elders gradually lost their anger and snorted, "Xuanyuan Mountain."

"The three great families of ours have finally gotten together. It is better that we get together and get to know each other. It saves the flood to wash the Dragon King Temple. The family does not know the family. Any grievances are written off. After all, we have no deep hatred. "Nangong He said with a smile.

Xuanyuan Mountain hadn't waited to speak yet, but Xuan Yuanming snorted and said, "It's nothing to do with your Nangong family, but let me shake hands with the Zhuge family, that's impossible. The grudges between us are endless. . "

When Xuanyuan Ming spoke like this, everyone in the Zhuge family suddenly seemed very embarrassed. After all, from the perspective of the three families, the Xuanyuan family was the strongest, and their Zhuge family was the weakest. The people in the Zhuge family seemed a little overwhelmed. If you kill them here, they are not opponents at all, let alone Zhang Yan's group is there.

Xuanyuan Mountain also frowned when he heard the words, then turned around and asked Xuanyuan Ming: "What's going on?"

Xuan Yuanming also spoke about the despicable deeds of the Zhuge family, as well as the circumstances in which they had been beaten to flee. The crowd of people around for a week was also uproar. Didn't expect that this kind of thing happened before?

Everyone couldn't help but look at Zhang Yan and their group, thinking how strong Zhang Yan was? With such a few people, he could flee the people of the Zhuge family.

"No wonder the people in Zhuge's family look a little bit embarrassed, and they have a deep hatred with Zhang Yan. It turned out that this happened before," the warrior on the side suddenly realized.

After listening to Xuanyuan Mountain, he suddenly became furious. Xuanyuan Ming was the heir of the Xuanyuan family. If something happened, wouldn't it have broken the path of Xuanyuan family? Xuanyuan Mountain's warfare increased sharply, and he looked at the Zhuge family with anger in his eyes, and said coldly, "You are looking for death!"

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