Immortal Asura

Chapter 1246: Fruits of the Law of Space

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The crowd immediately heard the words, immediately followed the fat man, and quickly ran towards the mountains in the distance.

The fat man used to walk because he was too tired. The whole man was fat like a mountain of meat. Now that he suddenly felt the fruit of the rules, he could be said to be flying. Zhang Yan and the others were almost behind the fat man. They were fast on the ground. Walking, in the blink of an eye, it was almost reaching the mountains in the distance.

Zhang Yan said with a smile while running: "You guy is really that, usually you are too lazy to die, and once you encounter a treasure, you run faster than anyone else."

Everyone on the side heard laughter, Qin Shiyan also covered her mouth and smiled, and said with a smile, "I never expected that the fat man has not changed."

At this time, the fat man was too lazy to talk to Zhang Yan, where he concentratedly ran towards the mountains in front, while running there, distinguished the direction, and carefully explored the direction of the fruit of the law. The fat man should be accurate to his own position. The meters are not bad.

With the fat man quickly walking towards the mountains, Zhang Yan passed through the mountains in front of them and passed through the woods. A valley appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The trees and trees in the valley were no longer tall towering ancient trees, but they were green. The grassland is green and there is a tree that looks very ordinary in the middle of the grassland.

This tree is only over one meter tall, there are no leaves on it, there is only a trunk that is curved, and a thin branch is branched off from the trunk. The top of the branch has a crystal clear fruit, the fruit is almost colorless and transparent, if it is not reflective If so, I'm afraid people can't see clearly.

When everyone in Zhang Yan saw this fruit, everyone was also in front of them, and the fat man was very excited and exclaimed: "The fruit of the law of space, this time really makes a lot of money. You must know that the fruit of this law of space is very rare, more common. It ’s harder to meet the fruits of the law. "

The high-level law of space law is also very difficult for warriors to understand. Only the strong warriors who are trained by martial arts can touch the power of a little space law. If you want to fully understand it, it is difficult to do so. But the fruit of this law of space is useful to all warriors, and it is also one of the most sought-after fruit of law.

The fat man's eyes were all light, and he immediately raised his leg and ran towards the tree in the center. However, no matter how the fat man ran, he felt that the fruit of the law was in front of him, but his distance from the fruit of the law did not change. As if it had been so far.

After the fat man ran for a long time, he couldn't help but stop a little helplessly, and said in doubt: "It's strange, what's going on? Why can't I live here forever?"

"The power of space. I am afraid that the space here has been affected by the power of space. It has been completely distorted and changed. You are affected by the power of space. So you have been traveling through the space. Moving forward in the true sense, "Zhang Yan thought carefully, then explained to the fat man.

Dao Chen also nodded and said, "It is indeed the reason for the power of the law of space. The power of the law of space here is extremely powerful, which has changed the space of the entire valley. The valley in front of us may not exist at all. In front of our eyes, but in another space, it is only because of the force of space that the space is folded, so that we can see that it is in front of us. "

"But this is what we really see. I did feel the fruit of this space. Why isn't it here?" The fat man asked in a daze.

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "It's not that it doesn't exist. The fruit of space does exist here, and it's right in front of it, but the space around it is superimposed. It is possible that it is somewhere else, just from us. You can approach it, but by the same token, maybe there are places in the past elsewhere, do you understand? "

The fat man nodded a bit, and then asked, "How can we get the fruits of this space? Do we have to look at it like this? Seeing it be taken away by others?"

"Of course I can't look at it this way. Wouldn't it be a pity if such a good thing was obtained by others?" Wang Zongheng said immediately.

Dao Chen nodded and said, "Now that you have encountered it, try it and see if you can get it. If the realization of the power of space can break the space in front of you, you can enter it."

"Let me try it," Dao Chen said lightly.

Everybody Zhang Yan heard the words and looked at Dao Chen. After all, Dao Chen is a heavenly body, and his understanding of the power of the law is different from ordinary people. Zhang Yan also does n’t know how Dao Chen ’s space rules, but he probably should not weak.

Dao Chen stepped forward and waved his hand gently, and then the entire body had the power of the space law to wave, the power of Dao Chen's space law began to test the space in front of him, trying to penetrate the center of the valley. .

However, the power of the law of space in the valley has repelled Daochen. This makes the power of Daochen's law unable to penetrate. Daochen can't help frowning, and after trying again, he says helplessly: "No, this The power of the law is a bit stronger, stronger than the power of my space law, and more violent, and I can do nothing about it. "

"What to do? None of us here are very good at space laws, right?" Xuan Yuanming said helplessly.

Zhang Yan heard a smile and said, "What? Did you forget me? Let me try it."

Everyone heard the words and looked at Zhang Yan. At this time, they remembered that Zhang Yan's body was also very powerful. During the previous battle, Zhang Yan's sword contained the power of the law of space, presumably Zhang Yan The laws of space should also be strong.

Zhang Yan took Zhan Yuejian in his hands, and Zhang Yan didn't make nonsense, nor did he communicate with the power of the space laws like Daochen, but directly operated the spiritual force, and at the same time he exerted Haotian Jianyi to the extreme. The power of space law is also exerted.

The power of the powerful sword mixed with the laws of space was gathered on Zhang Yan's Jianyue Sword. Then Zhang Yan did not hesitate to cut out a sword, and saw a flash of cold light. This sword instantly took the space in front of him. Beheaded.

Everyone only saw that the sword's qi was like a cutting knife, which directly cut through the space in front of it, and the space immediately before it appeared like a mirror, with a broken sound, and cracks appeared in the crowd at the same time. Right now.

Everyone only saw that the space in front of them began to collapse, and everyone's hearts were very shocked. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yan used the brute force to cut open the space in front of him. How strong is this sword?

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