Immortal Asura

Chapter 1245: Sword Yi Dacheng

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"It's also said that our strength is still a bit inadequate now, but no matter what, we can't let the people of Zhuge Family live out, otherwise our troubles will be great," the fat people on the side also agreed with Zhang Yan, They nodded and said there.

After the people packed up, they continued to move forward, after all, their ultimate goal was the end of Xianlu, and they couldn't waste time here.

It ’s just that after a big war here, it has been turned into ruins again, and the warriors around have also been hiding away. They all know that this is where the Zhuge family clashes with people, but who is it? It is not clear, but they all guess that the last winner must be the Zhuge family, after all, the Zhuge family is comparable to the existence of Emperor Xiantong, how can they lose?

And Zhang Yan and they continued to move forward quietly, while the fat man on the road looked at Zhang Yan and asked, "Boss, why have you made a breakthrough again this time? How do I feel your sword has become stronger than before? A lot? If you had dealt with the old guy of the Zhuge family, you wouldn't be so easy. After all, the old guy is still quite powerful. "

Dao Chen and Wang Ziheng both looked at Zhang Yan when they heard what they said. They were also curious about Zhang Yan's current strength. After all, the situation was obvious. Zhang Yan did not exert his full strength, but the strength was already better than that of fighting the evil gods. A lot stronger.

Dao Chen lamented in his heart that this Shura immortal body is indeed a body that kills the gods. The body born for the battle will be so much stronger after one battle. It is really shocking.

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "Although you know my swordsmanship is just a trick, everything depends on the swordsmanship. Only by realizing the swordsmanship to the level of accomplishment can we realize the full strength of this swordsmanship and return to trueness. There is a realm of tricks and tricks, and now that I'm a sword master, I can use the power of this Haotian sword trick. "

"It's just that I'm too weak now, and I can't fully exert the power of Haotian Jianjue. Otherwise, only one sword can be used to kill him," Zhang Yan said very aggressively.

After all, Zhang Yan has seen his father Shi Zhanhao's sword in the sea. No one can catch his sword. Zhang Yan still has a long way to go to reach that point.

"Moreover, Meier is here this time. The weapons in the hands of the Zhuge family are still very powerful. If Meier's molten heart helped, we would have to deal with them," Zhang Yan Said with a smile.

The people of Zhuge Family have been rushing towards the depths of the fairy road, and they are afraid of being caught up by Zhang Yan. After all, they have a heart of melting hands. For their warriors like Zhuge Family, they have too much Large grams are used.

At this time, Zhuge Qingfeng was frustrated, and the whole person looked very decadent. He had been the parent of Zhugeshi and rarely walked outside, but he was careful and proud, as the first genius of the Zhugeshi family. Without putting anyone in his eyes, his cultivation has always been ahead of his peers, but this time he came out to experience it, but it gave him a big blow.

Originally, he was still thinking about fighting with the Invisible Son. In his eyes, those who can be his opponents are the heirs of Emperor Xiantong, but today the blow to him was too great. Unexpectedly, let alone fight with the Invisible Son, but he was defeated by an unknown soldier here, and he was defeated so thoroughly.

Zhuge Qingfeng couldn't believe it. He was not Zhang Yan's opponent. Not only was Zhang Yan's strength better than him, but the strength of that Daochen was still not what he could deal with, let alone Zhang Yan could fight against the elders. How horrible is strength? how can that be? How could I be worse than them?

Zhuge Qingfeng couldn't understand what he thought, nor could he accept the fact that he was not as good as Zhang Yan, so that the more he wanted to become more angry, the more he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and spit out blood directly, his eyes were black, and he died Passed.

The people at the Zhuge family were startled when they saw the situation. They came around to check the situation of Zhuge Qingfeng. After looking at it, they found that Zhuge Qingfeng was not a big problem, but the spiritual power was not running smoothly and the blood and blood were blocked.

The old man could not help but shook his head, sighed and said helplessly: "I can't bear such a blow. How can it be good in the future?"

"We all blame us. We shouldn't let them stay in the Zhuge family all the time. I didn't expect such a bad heart, hey!" The old man looked a little lonely.

"I remember, it turned out that this group of people was Zhang Yan who was particularly popular recently," someone suddenly shouted.

The old man turned his head to look at the young disciple, and the man immediately said, "I used to think the name Zhang Yan was familiar, but now I remember that they almost killed the heir to the Emperor Ji Zong, and they fought against the invisible son. Zhang Yan, who has not yet won. "

"It turned out to be him, no wonder he has such a powerful strength," the old man said suddenly when he heard the words. "It turned out that he was the most recent enthusiastic Zhang Yan. I haven't noticed it before, I only thought that those were passed on by magpies. Now it seems This is all true. "

"But anyway, killing so many people in our Zhuge family can not let them leave here alive, and after finding other old friends, we will destroy this Zhang Yan together," the old man's eyes flashed with murderous intention.


While everyone was talking and laughing, Zhang Yan walked toward the depths of Xianlu. At the same time, the fat man was always paying attention to the existence of treasures nearby. Now the fat man has become a pet looking for treasures.

The group walked for three days. Within three days, they had not encountered any one, not even a monster, not to mention a treasure, not even the shadow of a living creature. been.

Zhang Yan could not help but said with a smile: "It seems that the impact of the previous battle is still great, and there are no living creatures within a hundred miles."

"After all, it is a large-scale battle, of course, it will scare away a lot of things, and no one wants to be caught in the pond here," Dao Chen said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's rare to be quiet and just adjust our condition," Zhang Yan said with a light smile.

While talking, the fat man suddenly said, "Come with me, there is something good in front of me, and I smell the fruit of the law."

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