I'm the Heroine, but I Want to Hand That Role Over

I want to be alone, when that happens.

At the end of the last cultural festival of high school life, I visited the library in an attempt to study during test week when I was welcomed free from student union activities.

In a very quiet, calm and study-friendly place where not many people stop by the library that will be in the school, I take a trip to the library every test week to encourage self-study.

When I enter the library, I try to sit in the classic seat where there are always few people as usual and it is no longer a designated seat, and I realize that I have a visitor.

I was surprised that the person was an unexpected one.

"... Waterless?

Speaking up, she stopped her hand running the pen, gave him a serious look earlier and a face facing the notebook, blinking loudly once as she was a little surprised when she looked at me. But the next moment he grins and smiles.

"Oh, flying bird. You're here to study, too?

"Yes, but..."

"Bizarre encounter. Me, too."

When I asked if I could sit in the front seat, Mizunase said, "Please keep smiling." I sat back in the seat in front of the waterless, sweet to the word.

"... but it's unusual for you to be alone"

Mizunase looked unexpected when she squirmed unexpectedly that she was studying alone, with images that were always surrounded by people.

"Sometimes I want to be alone."

Everyone would, wouldn't they? and Mizunase says to ask for consent.

In fact, sometimes I want to be alone, so I snort at it.

"Besides, I was wondering if I could study alone once in a while. It would be nice to study with Rinhua, but I will still be sweet with Rinhua. That wouldn't be a good idea, would it?

"Sure. Kaguraki can only study."

"Just study," he said with all his strength, and Mizunase laughed dullly and said, "Awful, flying bird." Around not making denials just because it's terrible, maybe Aquarius thinks something similar to me.

"Rinhua is very good at teaching. It's always been very helpful because it's so polite."

"Oh...... sure. Kaguraki is good for teaching people. I've only been taught once, too."

Kaguraki is quite popular. Once you ask me to tell you, you can tell me even if I leave my studies alone. I become very self-absorbed because that is very easy to understand and teach me courteously.

Outreach, I think she might be suitable for faculty. However, based on how she usually looks, I think the students are going to make fun of me.

"You change your mind, but you also study flying birds."

"What? You bet. Studying is for the students."

"No, I didn't. I was wondering if you were the same type as Shigemitsu and Yoshiyuki."

"Oh... I see"

Tojo and Lotus are not studying like the students the world thinks they are. They don't have to study very much. They're the type of genius that can do that.

I think Kaguraki probably does the same. However, because Kaguraki has the goal of "defeating Lotus View," he is studying as much as we do. Still, Kaguraki is no match for Lotus, so Lotus is amazing.

Well, I think maybe Lotus is studying where people aren't looking. He doesn't seem to want people to see him chopped up.

When it comes to me, I'm not the same type as them.

I can't do more and more studies if I don't, and I'm desperate to keep my current grades. So occasionally I envy the lotus view of how I can afford it.

"I can only study for what I've done."

"Well, yeah... that's a little surprising. But so am I."

"And the waterless...?

"Yeah, that's right. I'm still desperately studying this. I'm just trying not to put that in my attitude. Because I only get what I do."

Alignment, I don't know what to say to the smiling waterless, confused.

If Tojo sees me like this, I'm sure I'll be in a lot of trouble. When I look to the side casually, I notice the person staring at me, and I harden.

"... it's sloppy, it's sloppy, Flying Bird... I can't believe I ran out on my own and studied with Misaki...!

"I missed you, Mr. Flying Bird... even though I believed you"

I had a grudge. I was in a hurry for two pairs of eyes staring at me with a gaze, not good.

This is called Netineti Netineti Netineti later. I want you to give me a break about that. That's a lot of mental damage, and it's physically relaxing.

"Oh, Rinhua and Yi. What's wrong with you two?

As I was in a hurry, Waterless, who I noticed both of us, looked strange and called out to them.

"I happened to meet Tojo-sama in front of the library!

"Yes, by chance. Coincidences are scary."

By chance, by accident, I send a frivolous gaze to the two of you who emphatically say:

It's definitely not a coincidence.

"Well, yeah. That's what happens. But why are you both in the library?... Oh, you two studied?

"It is! Sometimes I thought it would be nice to study in the library!

I'm just like Kaguraki-san.

... lying.

Am I the only one who thinks that?

Waterless is, and I'm nodding, but are you sure you can convince me with that?

That's right. When I sent my gaze, Waterless smiled back.

... apparently we know that Aquarius is also a lie. I'm pretending to be convinced that I knew. I'm sure you're willing to ask around Tojo later.

"So, shall we study together?

Kaguraki and Tojo sparkled their faces when Mizunase made such a suggestion with a smile that did not make them feel fine dust.

"Yes, please!

"Because of this, let me do that."

I had a grudge earlier. I can't stand the sight of the two of you sitting in a good mood.

What two people in cash. I even feel impressed by the speed with which it switches through.

Afterwards, Kagura Tree, who secured the seat next to Waterless Tree, stared at Tojo with a Doya face, and looked at Kagura Tree with Tojo's likely regrettable face, and Tojo was appreciative of Waterless by explaining easily where Tojo did not know about Waterless Tree again, and stared at Tojo with an angry shape on Kagura Tree, which was a lively time to study, unlike originally planned.

However, it is difficult to say that the study has progressed, but the time is very enjoyable, and it is not bad to study like this once in a while.

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