I'm the Heroine, but I Want to Hand That Role Over

I had a dream in the middle of summer.

The rays of the sun poured down with you, announcing the arrival of summer.

It's so sunny and hot that if you go outside, it'll melt.

The rainy season is also dawning and the sunny day continues.

It was also hot enough to groan that morning and I left my room sincerely thinking I couldn't live without cooling, walking as usual towards the living room where I would eat.

Along the way I come across my brother, firmly dressed in his uniform, and I smile and say "Good morning, Yodo" as usual.

My brother greets me back, as usual, "Good morning, sister," and we both head to the living room together.

... Yeah, it wasn't the same as usual until I said hello...

"Yu, Yudo kun...?


Seeing me calling my brother's name a little confused, my brother tilted his neck strangely.

Always, my brother is adorable. Yeah, my brother's the cutest in the world! I knew it!

Yes, she's cute. She's cute, but come on......

"Hey, I feel like I'm close today..."

My brother and I are so close that we don't have a fist minute between us.

I should have walked a little further usually. We're cool and not hot at all, but I feel like this distance feels a little strange in the summer. If it's cold, I'll sneak up on my brother and keep him warm.

But my brother looked decent and said, "Really? You're always right," he says.

Was it always this close? Is it my fault?

Though I doubted it, I reconsidered that if my brother were to say so, I'm sure he would.

Must be my fault. I don't know how far away it is because it's hot. I'm sure it is.

From then on, as usual, my family was there for breakfast, and me and my brother, who had no business, especially in the morning, all got in the car.

Talk to me as usual and my brother heals me.

The same landscape as usual. Yes, this is the same landscape as always. I kind of feel like I'm very close to my brother, but I'm sure that's my fault. Must be.

While I'm telling myself yes, I get to school and walk all the way with my brother.

Step out of the car and a little heat will hit you. Oh, I want to get inside a school that is fully air-conditioned soon......!

As I walked hoping so truthfully, I was suddenly drawn all the way.

Hey, what!?

"Morning, Kaguraki. You look cute today."


I'm held lightly with that greeting, and I'm a hot, surprised, shameful one, and I make weird odd noises.

And when I looked at the person who was the cause of my odd voice in fear, there was a heckle there smiling like a shining sun.

"That's a cute scream. Sounds like you."

A heckle that grins and looks at me with a feverish eye.

Huh? What? What the hell is wrong with you? Because Hetare is about Misaki-san...

"Well, she's in trouble."

I am relieved by the cool voice.

Oh, thank goodness...... and I looked at the Lord of my voice in a hoax, and I was gnawed again.

"Ha, Lord Lotus...?


It's not a lotus look at a lotus look laughing at me. This is not a lotus look. Lotus is always mean to me. attitude ridiculed by disgusting words. That would be you, Yuki Lotus! What are those eyes! Look at me with such loving eyes. Oh, my God, that's not the lotus look I know!

Oh, I'm sure this is a bad dream.

Must be. It's not real. If you're dreaming, wake up. Put me back in my usual routine!

"... what are you guys doing?

To a calm, familiar voice, I relieve myself wholeheartedly.

And looking back at the person in that voice, there was a flying bird with a strange face there.

The flying birds were always the same when they looked at me. I am heartily relieved by that attitude.

"Flying bird!

"What's up, Kagura Tree? I'll tell you what, bringing in sweets..."

"What are you talking about!?

Why all of a sudden do you have words for bringing in sweets? What do flying birds think I am!?

"Flying Birds, Flying Birds... I kind of feel strange about everyone..."

"What's wrong with everyone's attitude?

Ha, and the flying bird leaned his neck, and stared at the heckle and the lotus, and his brother.

"... You guys seem to be confused about Kagura Tree, did you do something?

"No way. I didn't do anything. I just said hello as usual"

"I didn't do anything in particular either."

"Me too."

They all look strange.

Huh... am I crazy? Was this the usual sight?

"That's what the three of you say..."

"So, but! It's not what it always is... it's always like this..."

As I say it, I lose confidence gradually and my voice squeezes.

Are you crazy about me? Or was it more of a dream to think I was the way I always was?

"... you really... can't leave me alone"

Uh, and I gave him a face, and there was a flying bird face there with a troubled face.

But the eyes, I don't know...

"I want to be trapped somewhere.... I'm sure they think so too"

"Hey, what are you talking about, Flying Bird..."

Retreat from the flying bird with a twist.

Another, unpleasant sweat tells the body about the heat.

Shit. What is this? I don't know this, I don't...!

Even if I look around like I ask for help, it's just people watching us faraway, and no one tries to help me.

Somebody help me......! When I hoped so, I found Misaki-san.

Misaki-san would definitely help.

That's what I thought, and I tried to speak to Misaki to ask her for help.

─ ─ But I couldn't.

Because Misaki-san was staring at me with such cold eyes that she had never seen it.

I've never seen Misaki-san look at me like that.

Why not? Why not?

Such questions swirl through me.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Anyone. Anyone can help me......!

That didn't get my wish, and I was surrounded by four people.

And as he represented, Lotus Seeing's hand stretched out to me, touching my face.

And I grinned as cold as a doll, and said with a laugh.


Lotus whispered in my ear that I would never let him go again.

"No, no, no!!!!

jumps up bulky, there in my room I'm used to seeing.

I held down my dokundokun and jumping heart.

I'm all drenched with unpleasant sweat. I want to take a shower......

When I thought so and looked at the clock, it was always a lot earlier than the time to wake up.

Good, I have time for a shower on this.

That's how I get out of the room with my clothes on, head to the bathroom and take a shower.

When I sweated, I felt just a little better, and my heart calmed down a lot.

And it was a bad dream.

Something was making everyone want to see Yandere, and I was afraid.

It was a good dream. I wish that was real...... frustrating.

When I left the bathroom neatly, I ran into my brother.

On my brother's face I remember a dream I had earlier and accidentally find myself.

"... Hello, sister... Wake up early today..."

My brother, who greeted me with a yawn bite, kept his distance as usual and didn't come any closer to me than he had to.

I'm horrified about that. That was a dream, after all.

"Morning, Yudo. I had a little nasty dreams... I woke up earlier than usual"

"Well... that was a lot..."

"... Yudo. Shouldn't you be washing your face?

"Mm-hmm... I think I'll wash it too..."

If I had a good look at my brother, whose Lu Rhythm hasn't turned slightly, my hair had a sleeping habit. Maybe he's falling asleep a little.

I went back to my room to set up my own discipline as I dropped off behind my brother heading to the washroom in a fluffy and dangerous foothold.

And when I finished my shift and went to the living room, my brother seemed to wake up completely, "I'm here for breakfast, sister," he called out in the usual tone.

... Sleeping brother, he was a little cute. Too bad.

After breakfast, I ride with my brother to school.

Even in the car my brother's distance was as usual and I was heartily relieved.

Yeah, I knew that was a dream.

As I got out of the car and walked with my brother, I got a lot of help.

Huh... no way...?

"Morning, Kaguraki. You look dumb all the time with more, but what's wrong?

A heckle stood there smiling refreshingly.

Hethale just pulled my hand, nothing more came of it, and I was relieved and at the same time angry at Hethale's rude dialogue.

"... Good morning, Tojo-sama. I wonder what that attitude is like to a lady."

"Haha, sorry, huh? I forgot."

... Does that mean you forgot I'm a lady?

Or did you mean you forgot the gentleman's code that you should not be rude to a lady?

Probably the former. Goddamn it, you piece of shit.

"... what are you doing"

Turning to his squeaky voice, there stood a lotus look with a squeaky face as the voice sounded.

Lotus looked at me and said, "What have you done?" He looked suspicious and said. Huh! Rude!!

"I'm not doing anything!

"... Hmm, yes"

Although I pulled back once, Lotus still looks suspicious.

How much I don't trust you, me. I'm not gonna be making that much noise, am I?

I complained about Lotus Seeing and was convinced that that was a dream, after all, for the usual exchange that Lotus Seeing would pass through it.

This is our usual exchange. There is no such thing as a close and scary atmosphere.

"... you guys again. Don't make a scene in the morning."

A flying bird looks cautious with a face that looks like a headache.

This is also the usual sight, and I dressed up as a reflective breeze, thinking that this routine is happy. I'm not calling you Yandere or anything. Besides, I'm sorry I'm going to be like that reverse harem.

Besides, if Misaki-san sees you with such cold eyes, I can't live!

"Heh heh, looks like everyone's having so much fun"

To Misaki, who has joined our conversation with a poor grin, I wave the invisible tail of a dog and snuggle up to Misaki.

Misaki said hello to me with a nice smile, and I am full of happiness.

Oh, I'm so happy to be friends with Misaki!

As I spoke to Misaki-san with a deluded grin, my arm was accidentally pulled.

What, I thought, and I looked back, and there was a look-alike face there.

Hmm? What the hell?

"That face, forbidden"


Which face is that?

"I wish it was just in front of us, but wouldn't you look like that in a public place? Because it gathers very unpleasant gazes."


... I don't really know what that means, but when I ask back, I'm going to be unnecessarily grumpy, so let's snort.

Lotus sighed deeply when she replied that she understood even though she did not know the explanation.

... so what the hell.

"Really... makes me want to lock you up somewhere"

"... Huh?

"That way, you don't have to feel this way"

"... uh, Master Lotus?

"Even now, I'll lock you up somewhere."

Lotus eyes staring at me like that are inorganic.

I remember the moment I was caught by Lotus Seeing in that dream and I almost trembled.

"─ ─ Oh, my God. I'm kidding, are you serious?

Lotus Look puts my arm away and laughs mean.

... What, are you kidding me?

I don't want you to do that again after you have weird dreams!

While I knew that Lotus Mitsu couldn't possibly know the contents of my dreams, I thought I had hit such an eight, and I glanced at Lotus Mitsu.

Lotus Mitsu remains a cool face in my gaze like that, if I'm really angry!

I let go of Lotus View and go inside the school building with Misaki-san.

He really doesn't like lotus sight!

"Yasuyu, you were pretty serious right now, weren't you?

And I looked at him, and I said, "Oh, my God, I don't know." ♪ And make me fall in love. ♪

When I looked sideways, Yudo and the flying bird looked at me with a frightened, alarming, complicated look, but I pretended not to notice it either.

The dialogue I just had, I meant about half of it.

It's true that I wanted to hide her somewhere with an innocent, defenseless smile without any plan.

But I also know that if I do that, she won't be her anymore. Besides, she was clearly frightened. There's no way you can even think about it.

That's why you hide the truth with a joke.

I don't want to frighten her into submission, I want her heart.

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