That day, after shopping with Misaki-san, we both enjoyed dinner. And I said goodbye to Misaki, and I was just about to pick up a cab, and she called.

The name of the person on the phone is Tojo. It's rare for him to call me, and I answer the phone thinking. Is there anything I can do for Misaki? I'm sure you've told him you're with me today, so did you make the call? Then I'm sorry -! Let me laugh at you.

"Yes, Kagura Tree."

"Ah, Mr. Kaguraki? I'm sorry I'm late. Are you okay now?

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"I wonder if I'm with Misaki now"

"No, Misaki and I just broke up earlier..."

Was it for Misaki-san after all?

This was unfortunate -! chance to laugh at you!?

When I was a little excited about the chances I came around, Tojo muttered 'Sooka' as he was relieved. And what about me? and clap out.

Wasn't it for Misaki-san? So, what the hell is he doing calling me...?

'That would have been just fine. Can you come over here for a second now?


"It's all I can ask of Mr. Kaguraki."

What can you only ask of me? What the hell is that...?

"Actually... -"

I opened my eyes to what Tojo had told me and was surprised, and then I immediately answered and picked up a cab and boarded.

When I arrived at my destination, Tojo greeted me with a sorry look on his face.

"I'm suddenly sorry, Mr. Kaguraki"

"No… more than that, please explain"

"Yeah, you are. Just go inside, 'cause I think you know what I mean when you see it."


I step inside, prompted by Tojo.

What I saw there...

"Ho, it's really crumbling..."

"You're right, aren't you? Hey, there you go. Because Yasuyu would never have been like this..."

"Did you drink that much?

"Hmm... well, quite?

How much is that?

Tojo laughs and deludes all the time at my gaze like that. Don't think you'll be deluded as much as you laughed! What are you doing to people's boyfriends!!

Tojo hurriedly apologizes, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." But I don't see sincerity in that apology. Show your sincerity if you want to apologize.

We have to do something about Lotus View.

As it stands now, Lotus is sleeping on the floor with her left hand on her face and on her back. It's time to get cold at night, so if you don't hang something, you'll catch a cold.

"Sorry, Mr. Kaguraki. As I said on the phone, I have plans to go away tomorrow, and I can't relax much. So can I ask you to do something about Yoshiyu?

"... you have no choice. I'd like you to take responsibility for bringing Yasuyu-san so far, but... if you have plans, I can't help it."

"I'm so sorry. Because I apologize again. Well, I asked for Yoshiyu."

That said, Tojo hastily left Lotus View's apartment.

This apology is expensive, get ready and put it down!

I can't say... so keep it in mind. Deliver to Tojo!

Yes, I just sent a precaution to Tojo, and I stared again at the sleeping Lotus View.

Looks pretty weak. Though I never heard of Lotus seeing being vulnerable to alcohol... I guess I'd rather fall into the strong category. Me? I'm in the Lower Door category. What is it? Cassis, just drinking orange is the kind of level that makes your face red?

Anyway, it's not good to stay like this. I have to wake up Lotus. Oh, should I give you water before that... I think I've heard that drinking water breaks down alcohol faster.

I go into the kitchen of Lotus View's house knowingly and take a 500ml pet bottle of mineral water out of the fridge and go to Lotus View.

Sitting right near Lotus View, I rock Lotus View.

"Soyu-san, Soyu-san"

"... mmm..."

Whoa!? What a colorful voice...! Hey, I'm getting a little thrilled...

No, calm down, calm down, Rinhua. He's a sick man. He is a sick man. Treat him with a merciful heart like the Virgin Mary... it's okay, Rinhua can do it child...!

Yes, he scolds himself and rocks Lotus Watch again.


"... hmm? Ri, huh...?

"Yes, it's me"

"Why are you here...?

A more plundering and dally voice than usual. That's so colorful...

Oh, maybe I can't... I can't just deal with a merciful heart like the Virgin Mary...

Though I think so, I desperately make a loving smile so I don't show it to my face. I hope you're making it well...

"Tojo-sama called me. He wants you to embrace Yasuyu-san."

"... yes..."

You don't have the strength to say anything, Lotus answers and shuts up.

This is pretty good. With that in mind, my maternal instinct swells when the evil me disappears and I have to hug her through Lotus View.

"Soyu-san, if you're here, you'll catch a cold, so let's go to bed, shall we? Oh, shall we have some water before then?"


Lotus is left to me. Um, I'm pretty drunk.

But this could be cute. It's a grown up lotus look who usually says he can afford it and dislikes it, but this is how lotus look younger and cuter than usual who listens to me properly. Maternal instincts are tickled.

Very often, Lotus sight drinks water and wipes the water with her hand, which has become slightly zero. Every trick like that looks very colorful, is it the power of alcohol?

Oh no, I'm not a carnivorous girl... if I stay with Lotus Watch like this, I'm going to attack you. Weigh yourself, me!

"Soyu-san, let's go to bed. Because I'm there for you."

That's what I say, wake up Lotus Watch, and help him stand.

Skinny, but Lotus View is still a man's person, so it was very difficult to support Lotus View. I already support you with my will, temper and guts. I hope I don't get muscle aches tomorrow...

When I managed to get Lotus View to bed, I exhaled and sat up hello. It was heavy labor. I didn't expect to be this tired just to help carry each person… I feel bad for my lack of strength.

Still, I manage to get up and futon Lotus Watch, who is falling asleep in bed with nothing on her. Is it a little hot, I'm sweating. Drinking alcohol raises your body temperature. Hey, I guess so.

I'm going to go get a towel to wipe your sweat off. Then I'll bring you some water. You should be able to drink it right when you wake up.

I'll wipe Lotus Watch's sweat with the towel I brought you. Yeah, yeah, I feel like I'm hugging you something! After being self satisfied with myself like that, it was almost morning time when I checked my time on my phone. No! We have to contact the house!

Contact your father or brother and he's going to get a ghost call, so let's call your mother here. I thought so and tried to get out of the room, and something pulled me so hard that I couldn't move on.

"... where are you going?

"Huh...? Oh, just to get in touch with the house... it's too late, so just contact me..."



"... you can't leave me."


Yeah, yeah!?

Hey, what is this cute creature!? Isn't it against the rule to say it with a slightly moistened eye upward!?

Is this really a lotus look? Hey, you are Yoshimi Yoshimi, right?!? No way fake!?

My vision shook as I was moving my mouth and losing my words. And when I realized, Lotus Watch's face was right in front of me, and I slept on the bed with Lotus Watch holding me.

"Oh, oh, that! Yasuyu-san......!?

"Because I won't let you go. Stay with me."

"Yes, I'm here, I'm here, just contact the house...! Hmm!?

I get my lips blocked forcefully. A unique smell of alcohol, fragrant at that time. It's a smell I would never smell from my usual lotus sight.

I kissed him over and over again, and my breath was totally up when I was released.

What is this lotus... It would be too dele. The power of alcohol is really great... there's a Lotus View delle open that's not very dele...

"Soo, Yasuyu, eh... not really, if you're impotent..."

The drunkenness will turn unnecessarily, before I said, Lotus fell into bed.

Oh, that's why I said...

"... disgusting"

"I drank too much. Be careful how much you drink next time, okay?

"... ok"

I stroke the head of Lotus Watch, who nods honestly. Then Lotus looked at him and narrowed his eyes to make him feel good.

It's like a cat. Such a lotus look is adorable and I smile unexpectedly.

"... Rinhua"

"What is it?

"... stay by my side"

"Yeah, of course. I'll always be by your side."

So get some sleep...

Saying so and kissing Lotus Seeing's forehead, Lotus Seeing smiles as if relieved. Needless to say, I got away with that unusual smile.

And a little while later I heard sleep from Lotus View.

Lotus seeing is like this when you drink alcohol, I've never known it before. Such a lotus look is cute too, I must be hit by a pretty lotus look.

Well, we can't do this forever, and it's time to get up.

That's what I thought and tried to wake my body up, but for some reason my body doesn't move.

Why the hell!? And in a hurry, I realize that I am disappointed to see Lotus.

Oh no, I can't move!? It's pathetic to wake up Lotus who fell asleep because of it. But I can't move until I wake up Lotus... and I haven't even contacted the house... what should I do?

When I looked at Lotus' face in trouble, I slept with my childish sleeping face on my face. When I saw that, a lot of things kind of got better, and I thought, okay.

All you have to do is think after Lotus Wake Up. Until then, I'll sleep a little too. I'm very sleepy because of the heavy labor of carrying Lotus View.

I could fall asleep as soon as I meditated on my eyes.

In the morning, when I woke up, her face was right in front of me.

I was just wondering how the hell... I can remember last night.

Yes, I was drinking with the Japs, and they tricked me into drinking sake with water. Even before that I drank quite a bit, and because I drank it all at once, my drunkenness turned all at once.

I remember that far. After that, what's going on is completely out of my memory. I don't even feel like Rinhua gave me a hug... or she did. This is more proof than anything that she is sleeping in front of you like this.

I'll make sure I'm dressed quickly. Apparently, he's not in a state of affairs with drunken momentum... Good, I assure you heartily.

In the meantime, worried about what was going on with this situation, Rinhua woke up, "... mmm..." And when you look at me, you laugh.

"Good morning, Soyu-san."

"... Morning"

"How about an addition or a subtraction?

"It's okay now. Sorry, I think I caused you trouble yesterday."

"No. I showed you something very good"

Niko and Rinhua laugh and say.

But I'm a good one...? and frowns.

"Me, what's up?

"... it's a secret"

"That means you did something, right?

So, it's a secret.

"... Rinhua"

"I won't tell you."

I can't help but wonder what the hell I've done to her that it's a resolute secret.

I have a niggling grin thinking about how I can hear it from her.

Did you feel something in that grin, Rinhua shudders when she blurts?

"You really don't want to tell me?

"Yeah... no, the..."

"Well, then I have an idea."

"Or think...?

I smile back at Rinhua when I hear in the wind that I am afraid.

"There's a lot of ways, which is better?

"Doh, which...?

"I guess the quickest thing to do is ask your body"


"Blame me for your weakness, make me throw up,"

"Huh...? Huh...?"

"Oh... may I take a bath with you now? Sweat makes me a little sick, and in the meantime, I think I can hear it from you, two birds a stone."


"And then... right. Stop making sweets for you."


"There's more..."

"Oh no!! Stop it already!!!

You can't stand it anymore, Rinhua screams.

And I smile.

"So tell me?


Rinhua dropped her shoulder disappointingly after wandering her gaze when she smiled with a smile that wouldn't make her say no. Apparently, he noticed.

He whispered about my insanity last night, and I regretted not listening... I hold my head for a little while and then stare at Rinhua.

"Forget it."


"Forget about last night. Okay?"

"Oh... no, I can't..."


"Well, I won't forget to let you try it so awesome! Because you were so cute last night, Song Yu! I don't want to forget!

"... I'm not happy to be told you're cute"

"I was happy, wasn't I? Soyu-san sweetened me like a child. … I'm always sweet…"

I open my eyes to what Rinhua said softly.

It's natural for a man to want her to be sweet, and is there a man who isn't happy to be sweetened?

"So sometimes you can sweeten me...?

Rinhua, who said embarrassingly, hit me, I thought. And I feel a lot of things bouncing and flying.

"... well, let's sweeten it now"


When I covered Rinhua, Rinhua turned bright red on her face.

"Soyu-san... it's morning now...?

"I know. You can always be sweet, can't you?

"Oh, well, that's true...! Oh, yeah! I haven't taken a bath yet...!

"I'm not in either. Just let me in with you."

"Hey, why does that happen...!

To Rinhua protesting with a bright red face: "... don't you like it?," Rinhua pressed silently.

Apparently, it doesn't mean I don't like it.

"... I don't like it, so you're in trouble..."

"I'm not in trouble, though."

"Oh, women's minds are complicated!

"Yeah, that's tough. So? What do we do?

"… ~ ~ ~!!

Rinhua screamed without a voice.

Looking at her like that for fun, she was stared at. But I'm not scared at all, and I'm just rather cute, so it doesn't work at all.

"... Yes, time is up. Let's take a bath."

"I didn't hear there was a time limit!?



Blocking Rinhua's mouth complaining makes her grown up.

"... you won't let me sweeten you?

"... that's not a good way to put it..."

"It's sloppy. So, you're gonna make me sweet? You won't give it to me?

"... you know..."


"Really sloppy...! That's... that's a good decision..."

Rinhua shrugged bright red in the face is adorable and accidentally takes her lips away again.

And as it is, I will take Rinhua and move to the bathroom.

I took the word, and there's no problem. Have you already given up Rinhua in my arms, too, dear?

We've been dating for almost two years now, but the feeling of loving her doesn't diminish, it's rather an increase.

I want to live with her quickly. The feeling swells by the day.

"... I want to live with you soon."

"Me too…"

She also gave it back to me to the little whining words, and that's all I feel filled with.

And again, I think.

- I told you I was on top of you.

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