When I got home after noon, I rarely had a sister.

Today was the last day of the test and the school ended in half a day.

Let's just forget and relax today that the test is over and filled with openness and that you are a student. What shall I do when I get home?

With all that in mind, I casually peered into the living room to get a drink before I went back to my room and my sister was lying on her desk.

Worried that she was not feeling well, I approached my sister and spoke to her.


Normally, when you look at me, you have a full smile on your face, and your sister greets you with a "Welcome Home" voice, she doesn't respond.

Is it still not feeling well? Now I shook my sister's shoulder and called her in.


"... uhhh... wait... I'm so hungry... ahhh I can't eat that much... forgive me and play Yuki-chan..."


... Apparently, my concern was a total concern.

I peered into my sister's face and she looked very happy and slept.

Let's just say I didn't see anyone drooling.

I sincerely think I lost it worrying, and I spill a sigh.

Looking casually on the table, the cookbook and notebook were spread out.

The cookbook reads: 'Easy for anyone! Professional flavour!!' It says large, with sticky notes, by the way.

When I looked at the page with the sticky note on it, I thought it really looked like a sister, with supplements and notes written in the letters of my sister, or lined with markers.

My sister is basically serious. It's also the last day of my long holiday homework and I won't panic, but I'll proceed properly and systematically, that's who I am.

I'm sure he was studying cooking until just now.

Because my sister was breathtaking these days when she cooked a dish that made Lotus Mi smile that it was absolutely delicious.

As the saying goes, my sister seriously started studying cooking. I buy books from all over the place and go to the library to study hard about cooking.

It also seemed like a lot of things were up late at night because of it, and more times I rushed out of the house when I slept.

I'm sure he was studying late last night as well. I think I most likely fell asleep because of it and fell asleep like this…

Oh, man, he's a troubled man, but I still think he's like a sister.

Unlike in high school these days, my sister is sparkling.

Until last year, I was a sister with a lot of troubled faces, but lately I've been lively.

I guess every day is very fulfilling. And I also know that Lotus Mi is responsible for one of those causes.

When I look at my happy sister, I sincerely think that although I feel somewhat complicated, it was good.

Well, what's the matter, I stare at my sister and worry.

If it's true, you should wake him up and tell him to sleep in his room. That's better for you.

But my sister is asleep very happily. Daiwa, I'm sure you're even dreaming of Lotus Mi eating all the sweets she made.

Waking up a happy sleeping sister is pathetic.

When I was worried about what to do, I heard a big belly noise.

I thought my belly bug rang, but it's obviously not from my belly. Then who the hell, I just thought, I look at the person in front of me and convince myself, oh...

There's a wrinkle on his face that seemed happy until just now.

Oh, you're hungry, I understand. I'm sure you'll wake up hungry now, and I laugh bitterly.

Speaking of which, I still haven't had lunch.

It's a little late for lunch, but too early for a snack, that kind of time.

When I thought about getting a light snack, my sister's book caught my eye.

After casually turning the page apart, I whispered to my sister, small, "I'll borrow this book," and left the living room.

In the meantime, let's put our bags down, take off our uniforms and get dressed.

After that, I decided for the first time in a long time to do my sister's filial service for you.

Imagine your sister's amazing face and her cheeks loose.

I was just going to relax today anyway. Spend part of that time for my sister.

It's a small gift for a sister who's been working hard lately.

I asked the house helpers to rent the kitchen.

Check what's in the fridge and decide on a menu to make as you compare it to a cookbook.

I have cooked several times before with my sister's help. So I'm sure you'll be fine.

Remembering how my sister is cooking, I prepare and cook quite well, although not handily…

Well, it's no big deal when it comes to cooking. It's about a snack.

I chose a menu that I could even make for my amateur. Just soothe, cut, and simmer. There's nothing I can do to make things less hassle-free. Because I'm an amateur.

All you have to do is say yes to the vessel. As I painstakingly serve it on the vessel to make it look as good as possible, I hear a small grunt, "I'm hungry..." and turn around the voice.

There stood a sister with a slightly sleepy face, biting down her yawn.

"Mm-hmm... nice smell. Soup, I guess? What Sue......... Huh?

My sister looked at me and solidified, trying to ask with a grinning grin.

He stares at me with his eyes open and his mouth wide open.

I feel better about that look on my little dumb sister's face.

"Morning, sister. Did you sleep well?

"Morning. Yeah, I haven't slept well in a long time...... not!

In the first place, it's not “good morning” anymore!

and my sister approaches me as she puts in the penetration and looks open again when she sees what I was serving.

"Did Yudo make this?

"Sort of."

"All of this?


"... why...?

"Well, you know, sometimes. All you have to do is let the soup go. It's a little late, but let's have lunch. Sister, you're hungry, right?

"Huh? That's... I'm hungry..."

"Then go to the living room first. I'll take it."

But I kick my confused sister out of the kitchen, and I carry a visible vessel in the basin for two that has become a little warped.

My sister cleaned up on the table and sat with a strange face.

The condition was strange and it was about to blow out, but I enjoyed it a lot.

Put what was on the basin and lower your hips in front of your sister's eyes.

"Come on, enjoy it"

Smile. When I said that, my sister looked confused.

But I couldn't help but say, "I'll have it," and reach for what I made.

I made sandwiches, salads and soup.

The sandwich just cut what was in the fridge and sandwiched it in the bread, and the salad cut the vegetables appropriately and sprinkled with dressing just as the book said. And the soup. Well, it's similar.

Well, this is what amateur guys make for the first time. and I am convinced on my own.

"... delicious. It's delicious."

The sister said so and smiled after eating to bite each bite.

"I guess it's because I like the material. I'm not in a lot of trouble..."

"Yeah, I'm not. Yudo made it so hard, it's delicious. You made it for me, didn't you? Thanks."

"... nothing. It's not a big deal, I was hungry..."

Sister laughed furiously as she shifted her gaze away from her sister to hide the lightness.

"But why? Why did you cook me lunch?

"... because my sister has been working so hard lately, the reward, the targeted..."

When I was ashamed of myself and Toad and Ole said, something soft came hugging me all the time.

"... Oh, already! How cute! That's my brother! I love Yu-kun already!

"Hey, sister... wax...!

I smell so good from my sister hugging me all the time. I'm not happy to hear you say you're cute. … etc., and not if you are thinking about it.

Sister, because I'm really tight on my neck! I'm dying!! Don't put any more effort into it!!!

Finally freed from her sister's embrace attack, I breathe roughly and repeatedly with Zeher.

... I really thought I was going to die.

"Thank you so much, Yudo. I was so happy."

"... more than happy for your sister..."

I'm exhausted, as opposed to my sister, who seems to be in a very good mood.

Why is my sister filial and conversely I am strangled?

No, I'm heavily aware that I didn't feel that way about my sister. But it's still unreasonable.

"... yes! Hey, Yodo, come here?


My sister, who was thinking of something, didn't just say she had come up with something good. She makes her face shine and invites me.

I obey my sister with a bad feeling. [M]

My sister sits straight on the couch and gives instructions to sit me next to her.

Following it, sitting beside her, she laughed at her.

What...? My vision spinned at the same time I thought. For some reason, our ceiling is visible in front of us.

I don't even have to think about it.

"Sister, what the hell..."

"I, I know. Yodo, you're studying late at night, right? I didn't think he looked very good lately. So, yeah. I'll lend you my knee, so go to sleep?


Why did it happen?

I do study late at night, but I'm not going to have that on my face. This much would be what we all do.

Besides, I don't need you bothering to lend me my sister's knee. All you have to do is sleep on your own bet.

It's just embarrassing to have a knee pillow.

"Fine, sister... it's heavy. I sleep in my room..."

"Then you're not paying me back. What, you're telling me my sister's knee pillow isn't enough?

"That's not what..."

"Sleep on my knees, then. It's my sister's orders."

Pizza and her sister say it off.

When this happens, my sister will try to have knee pillows, even if she is mean. It's impossible to avoid that. At least for me.

I have always been vulnerable to my sister's “favors” and “orders”.

Because I know myself so well, I gave up on dodging my knee pillow early and closed my eyes.

Let's say thank you in a little while and get up. Until then, let's pretend we slept.

"Good night, Yudo"

I was going to pretend I slept, but my sister's hand, which gently combs my hair, was comfortable and I was really falling asleep at some point.

And when I woke up, I panicked that it had been quite a while, and apologized to my sister.

This is a lifetime of unconsciousness that I want to erase from my memory.

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