I'm the Heroine, but I Want to Hand That Role Over

Applause Gratitude Story 2 Lotus View's Goto

'Cause I'll make you turn around.'

I told her.

I wish I had told you, how can I turn her around......

I thought about it, but I can't think of a good idea.

I've never tried to be liked by anyone from myself before.

So I have no idea what to do.

Like, go straight to the front?

No, I can't do that imitation, I'm embarrassed.

What, is there a good way?

I can't even think of it and end up with the same attitude as before.

What are you doing, me...

Besides, I feel avoided by her lately.

No, I don't feel like it, it's definitely avoided.

You don't have to avoid it.

I unknowingly stopped working and sighed.

"It's unusual for Lotus to sigh. What's bothering you?

He was listening to my sigh. A flying bird asks with a refreshing laugh.

Speaking of which, I remember sometimes you were jealous of flying birds.

It's just a memory now.

"... nothing"

"Shall I guess?

No, you don't have to guess.

The flying bird says with a laugh of fun.

"You mean Kagura Tree, right?


I meant to be unresponsive, but my body moved slightly.

The flying bird who sees it laughs niggly. I don't care if flying birds laugh like this.

"Recently, Kaguraki has been having problems, too."

"... troubles?

"Oh. I hear you two recently made a confession. One of them appeals enthusiastically, but nothing about the other changes his attitude but is he really liked? And you seem to wonder,"

".................. heh"

I feel my face pull.

This is about you and me, right? You know that, and the flying birds are telling me that, right?

"Kagura Tree seems to want you to behave properly."

"Uh... yeah."

To a proper attitude, or...

It seems a little tricky to me, but let's try.

Ignoring the birds watching Niyanya and me, I got my job done quickly.

I had a chance the next day, so I'll try it fast.

Eat her gourmet dough, combined with the wonders of what has been avoided before.

The flavor of fluffiness and tea spreads through your mouth.

Flying bird Japanese confectionery is a big deal.

She looked at me blindly.

And when I laughed and said a treat, every chair lagged behind me.

The reaction is hilarious and makes fun of me for sticking around.

No, I had to put it in an attitude.

But when I saw where she was turning her face bright red, I guess that conveyed quite a bit of my fondness.

No, maybe he's just angry. That's more likely.

But I dared to meditate on the possibility, and decided to think that my favor had been conveyed.

Then I forced myself to ask her out on a date.

But I'm sure she doesn't realize she's on a date.

Even if she doesn't mean it, I'm going on a date.

I think the results of the date were good. She seemed to enjoy it, too.

There were happenings like meeting a princess birch on the way, but it's trivial.

I'm just worried that she won't be turned into a princess birch.

The princess birch doesn't have good feelings for the woman around me. You must be mistaken for taking me for a brother.

From a young age, the princess birch was perfect for me. So I'm sure it is.

As soon as the uniform turns into summer clothes, it's a test.

I concentrated more on my studies than usual.

Because we are fighting against the devil. Besides, last time, she almost pulled me out.

Honestly, I didn't think she could study this far. From your usual behavior, you don't seem very smart.

At the time of the last test, it was a glitch. I didn't give it to her attitude, but I was relieved that she wouldn't let me out.

Again, I want to be above her. It's a man's will.

So you can't lose again this time.

And on the day of the final test announcement, I'm going to go see the results with you.

I lost. It was more shocking that she and I were second on the same rate than that.

I studied pretty hard, but she caught me up.

I was secretly determined to study more seriously next time.

"Let's go to the ocean" was invited by Ji. I nodded, not thinking deeply, but wondering if the sea would be good once in a while. I didn't know that was a trap.

I heard it was an easy trip between men, but I didn't hear it was with Misaki and her until Natsuki.

But as a result, the trip was fun.

There were happenings about her falling into the ocean or facial reception, but day one was fun.

On the second day, there was an accident that Misaki would fall into the sea.

My liver really got cold when I went into the ocean to help Misaki.

If I did anything wrong, my life would be in danger.

Though I'm glad we both didn't have to say otherwise to our lives, we were almost in danger of catastrophe.

I realized the fear of the sea.

She and I were talking about something that night.

I was curious, but the next day, they both looked refreshed, so I guess there was some sort of settlement between them.

When I was relieved, I was kicked out with her.

And I was to go somewhere with a beautiful view. How did this happen?

However, it was fun walking around talking to her about no other love.

I noticed I was holding hands with her along the way, but I felt like I couldn't let go of my hand and pretended not to notice.

As she walked in a bad scaffolding place, she was gripped hard and surprised.

No, relax, me.

The scaffolding is bad, so I just got the power.

She keeps her hands together all the time, but she doesn't show off her reluctance.

Can I expect a little of this?

With that in mind, my body got unnaturally tense.

The tip through the cave was covered with a side of flowers.

Having seen such a view, she smiled as if her eyes were shining and she didn't think.

"Beautiful, Master Lotus"

"Oh, yeah."

A smiling girlfriend and a side of flowers. Oh, my God, it's a picture.

I push the words I'm about to say.

Not like me, a common word.

I'm sure she'd be creepy if I told her.

But I really do now.

- He said you were prettier than a flower.

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