I'm the Heroine, but I Want to Hand That Role Over

Applause Gratitude Story 1 One Day Kaguraki Sister Brother

I was bringing my brother's lunch that day.

It's my handmade lunch box. I make it with a lot of love.

Now I hope this lady, but being just a commoner in my previous life, I thought cooking was such an easy victory.

Anyway, in my last life, I was good at curry rice.

You should be able to make anything if you can make a curry.

I was licking the food.

I hope not now. Why did I, this young lady, want to cook?

Let's be honest. Because the women in the men around me were too powerful.

Good attentiveness, good handmade confectionery. I'm with a man like that.

I shouted, "The girl power without me can't stay like this."

Women's Power said:

"You're a girl comic book heroine! As it is, they will take that position to the men! If that happens, I'm done as a girl!

I was annoyed. That's right. You can't spoil the current situation where women's power is losing to the men. I'm a girl, a maiden. Can you lose to a man?

I thought so, I decided to hone my skills, 'cooking', which the men of today would not have had together.

I didn't look very good to the people at home, but just in case, and for my loving husband one day, I just want to remember to cook! And I pleaded.

My mother agreed with me like that, but my father still looked sinister. He said I didn't have to cook.

To my father like that, I said upward.

"Even for fatigued fathers at work, I want you to remember the food that's good for your body and eat it for your father!

In one word, my father fell lightly. Easy win, Father.

The next day I woke up early in the morning and tried to make lunch.

But this is surprisingly difficult and I can't do what I think.

That day ended up failing, and our cook made it for us. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for licking your food.

I desperately studied and practiced cooking.

Now that I'm able to make something decent, I've come up with a lunch for my beloved brother.

Ask your brother to taste it. What a good idea.

With such a monumental first round of lunch, I take my brother's class and have lunch with me.

Me and my brother decided to go out in the courtyard and eat lunch.

Sitting in a cool place in the shade of a tree, I smile and give my lunch to my brother.

My brother also receives lunch with a smile on his face.

but I watched closely. That my brother's eyes, who received his lunch, shook anxiously for a moment.

Trust me. Because it's not poisoned.

My brother opens his lunch lid with careful hands.

There was a beautiful line of colored freaks there.

I am able to make a meeting. What do you say, brother, my sister's cooking skills. Sounds delicious, doesn't it?

My brother stared at the lunch as surprised and then looked at me.

I smile to look graceful.

"Is this really made by your sister?

"Yeah. Sure. I made this all by myself."

"... heh. That's right..."

My brother whines in a hard voice.

Are you even dissatisfied?

To my lunch box.

"I know, but I'll ask just in case. Sister, what is this?

My brother points at the rice balls and asks me.

I answer with a doya face.

"It's a panda."

"... why, are you a panda?

"Because you're not cute. By the way, the theme of that lunch box is" Delightful Forest Animals. "

Pandas don't live in the woods, and my calm brother's scratch comes through magnificently.

Yes, what I made was a so-called, character valve.

I've wanted to make it for a long time - character valves.

Oh, by the way, my lunch box has the same specifications as my brother's.

"Why do you have an octopus when it's" The Forest Animals "?"

"You'll be adorable, Mr. Octopus, Winner"

"... right"

"Better than that, try it"

"Yeah, I get it..."

My brother tells me like I'm tired for some reason. Why is that?

My brother mouths the simmer. By the way, the stewed vegetables were cutely cut as well.

My brother silently eats a simmer, sauces, and swallows.

I stared at the condition and waited for my brother's thoughts.

"... sister, this is delicious. Something feels sweet."

"Really? Good. Eat the others."

My brother ate more and more of the other things, and his lunch was quickly emptied.

And behave yourself, and say hello to me.

I smiled and answered.

Apparently, they had a delicious meal. Good.

When I was eating lunch too, my brother leaned against my shoulder and slept at some point.

I seem to be encouraging physical festival practice lately, and I guess I'm tired.

I grinned and stared at my brother's sleeping face.

While I was doing that, I was getting sleepy, too, and finally fell asleep.

I woke up a little before the prebell rang. I would normally have overslept if I hadn't been woken up by the lotus view that happened to take me down the street.

Looks like it was a bad idea to work hard and get up early. A little reflection......

It's still a little, earlier story that students who see us napping together amicably in the courtyard start sending warm glances every time they see us, or that dangerous stories of our sisters and brothers come out by some students.

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