The dance begins.

Lotus was very good at dancing. He leads properly and cares to make it easier for me to dance.

Thanks to you I managed to finish one song without stepping foot.

It was a dream time.

I never thought it would be fun to dance, but now I thought the dance was so much fun.

At the time we finished the dance, a voice was called to me.

"Good evening, Kaguraki and Yoshiyu"

Good afternoon, Tojo-sama.


Lotus saw only a few, but looked up.

I tilted my neck at such a lotus look, and the heckle grinned bitterly.

"Kaguraki-san, would you dance with me for a song?

"... if you don't mind stepping on my feet"

"Haha. Leave it to me, I'll avoid it properly.... So sorry, Yasuyu. Let me borrow Kaguraki-san for a second."

"... oh"

Lotus sight snorts like a disapproval or something.

Heckle looks sorry for such a lotus look before facing me.

And the song begins.

Take steps to match the slow music.

"Dear Tojo, who are you attending today?

"Of course, with Misaki."

"Well. You invited me properly this year on your own. It's great."

"... I can't be honest, but for once, I'll say thank you..."

Hethale said, attracting a smile.

But that's a lot of progress compared to last year.

From the bottom of my heart, I think heckles have grown.

"Dear Tojo, Have you revealed your feelings to Misaki?

"... no, not yet. You may think I have an excuse, but I can't even get the time inside... me and Misaki."

"Really... Dear Tojo. I have a suggestion for you."


I've been thinking about it.

Why can't Hetare tell Misaki-san how she feels until now, even though whoever sees it is both thoughts and knows Misaki-san feels for herself?

Well, the heck is hectic, but I can't tell you why, because I'm sure.

But more than that, I think the power of comic book correction is working.

Originally, Hetare was supposed to fall in love with Rinhua (me).

It was all the way there. If it had stayed that way, I don't think he would have been so hectic.

In fact, the appeal to me was very aggressive, but as soon as Misaki-san realized she liked it, it was hectic.

Why have you been so hectic?

Isn't that to keep Tojo (hero) from sticking with people other than me?

If I think about it that way, I'm convinced it's been hectic so far.

I (the heroine) don't fall in love with Tojo (the hero) and Tojo (the hero) likes me other than me (the heroine).

This is the result of the efforts of corrective forces to respond to such anomalies (irregularities).

So if we take it to the unfolding of the comic book story (story), it won't have to be hectic?

In comics, Tojo (Hero) confesses to Rinhua (Heroin) is a graduation ceremony.

So the two of them are bonded, and they become formal fiancées at a later date.

Ask Misaki-san to stand in my place in this position of Rinhua (Heroin).

That way, to expand as in comics, it becomes.

It's just not the same person you get tied to.

"Why don't you decide to make a confession on graduation day?

"For graduation...?

"Yeah. That would be a good time. Last day of high school life when it comes to graduation. What a classic, telling your thoughts to someone you like on the last day of your high school life. Why don't you take that classic stream and confess?

"... Indeed. It could be easy to prepare and decide if you set a date..."

"That's right. Why don't you just say it in front of the whole school? I can't pull it anymore, so maybe it's just right for Tojo-sama, right?

"That's just..."

"Hehe, I'm just kidding."

Kuru, I turn.

Heckle is also a good dancer. There's no stomping your feet when you dance while you talk.

"... I've made up my mind. To graduation, I confess."

"Yeah, I'm behind you."

I grin.

Heckle laughs at me too.

And then I realize.

"Speaking of which, where is Misaki?

"... oh. If you're Misaki, over there."

I glance at the tip of the heckle.

There was a rare combination there.

"Oh. Flying birds...... and Misaki? That's a rare combination. How could those two?

"I want to hear this one... Misaki looks like she's having fun, and what are you talking about? I didn't know there was a rival this close..."

"... I think that's Tojo-sama's assumption..."

When I laughed bitterly, I took the wrong steps.

Avoid heckling with a single hair in crisis when you are about to step on your feet.

Danger, danger.

I apologize for the heckle, but the heckle doesn't seem to be the case, and I care more about the flickering and Misaki-san.

"I don't think you have to worry so much. 'Cause I'm a flying bird. I don't do anything to deprive a friend of someone he likes."

"... right. But don't be jealous."

"I have no choice. That's love."

That's just where the song ends.

We thanked each other.

"Dear Tojo, I'm looking forward to graduation."

"Oh. Wait in anticipation. Because I'll give Mr. Kaguraki a good report."


When we're laughing at each other, my voice rings again.


"Oh, Yudo...? What's the matter with you?

"What's the matter, it's not. Now let's dance with me. You promised, didn't you?

"Oh, yeah. Fine, I can dance in about one more song."

"So, Mr. Tojo, I'll borrow your sister"

"Oh, oh..."

The heckle nods slightly.

But my brother went into a dance attitude with me, without worrying about such a heck of a thing.

Soon after that, the music plays again.

"Sister, you were getting a lot of attention, did you notice?

My brother makes fun of me as he leads me and says:

"Wasn't I the one, Lotus and Tojo featured?

"There's that too... well, if you haven't noticed"

My brother laughs bitterly at me.

"Sister, you're dancing better."

"Really? It was worth the hard work."

"It's true. Is that for Lotus?

"What... what are you talking about"

"... you're too upset, sister. But I knew you would, didn't I?

"Uh... the..."

I don't know what to answer, I'm confused.

If so, I can somehow snort, and I feel different denying it.

What an answer.

My brother laughs gently at me confused.

"... If you're Lotus, you can admit it"


"If you're Mr. Lotus, you can give up your sister. The truth is, I've always wanted you to be my only sister, but if you can make my sister happy, I'll admit Lotus. Mr. Lotus Michi can take care of your sister... and I feel it."

"Wow, that's a sight from the top."

"You bet. I was closest to my sister."

"Hehe... right.... Yudo, thank you"

".................. yeah"

My brother looked a little cut and immediately smiled.

"Besides, it's time for your sister to leave her brother."

"Isn't that what you say, Yodo, that you have to go away from your sister?

"I'll be fine."

"I may not be okay...... Because I love Yodo. I'm not going to be able to leave my brother."

"... don't say that in front of Mr. Lotus? I'm afraid I'll catch you later..."

"Well, why? Wouldn't it be weird if my sister loved her brother?

"Yes, but...... ha. I have a little sympathy for Lotus..."

Why is that?

When I tilted my neck, the song was just over.

When I thanked him, he pulled my arm.

Looking back, there was a slightly grumpy lotus look there.

"Master Lotus? What's wrong with you?

"... really, no alarm, no gap... let's go over there"

"Huh? Ah, yes... bye, Yudo"

I look back and wave at my brother as I walk to be taken to Lotus View.

My brother smiled and dropped me off with a small wave.

The place brought to Lotus View is the sweet corner.

If you look around, there are different treats lined up.

I let the sweets shine my eyes.

"Well! They all look delicious... I don't know what to eat"

"It's about time."

"I know. Ah... speaking of which, what can I do for you?

So much so that you took me away on purpose.

I'm sure there's something I can do for you.

"... there's nothing I can do for you"

"Huh? Then why bother..."

"I shouldn't talk to you if I don't need you?

"Huh...? It's not like that..."

When I looked at Lotus with confusion, Lotus looked at her face.

"Dancing with a different man, you want to drive me crazy with jealousy?

"Huh? But it was Tojo-sama and Yudo who danced..."

"Still, so. Even if your best friend and your brother are dealing with you, still, you're jealous. … so much so that I can be stunned"

Lotus looks at herself with a grin of mockery.

But I was delighted with Lotus View's jealousy.

Am I crazy?

I'm glad you're jealous, I can't believe it.

I suppress cheeks that are about to loosen and say with a serious face.

"I'll be careful from now on"

"... it would help if you did so"

Lotus Mitsu smiled bitterly.

Yeah. What should I do? I have a hard time keeping my cheeks down that I'm about to loosen.

I think I can build up my facial expressions very well.

With that in mind, a well-acquainted face came together.


"Misaki... and you, too, flying bird"

"I'm here, too, right?

"Oh, did you also want Tojo-sama..."

"Yeah, I was there, just now"

"Oh, really..."

It must be my fault that the smile of the smiling heckle looked so black.

Let's think so.

"Oh, Rinhua."

"... just now, sister"

"Morning Fi to Yudo...?

Oh, my God.

A large collection of facial acquaintances.

When someone you know gathers, the scene quickly becomes busy.

We indulge in sweets while blossoming laughter.

Oh, that's fun.

I wish time would stop all this time.

I couldn't help but think so.

- Until graduation, a little more.

The graduation ceremony is just around the corner.

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