At last, the second semester ends.

In the end, it was not possible to achieve the goal of defeating Lotus during the second semester.

I can't reach Lotus View in a few more places like that.

Very regrettable.

I just have to bet on the final test for the third semester now.

I swore I'd do my best to die.

And it's a Christmas party I've been waiting for.

Wearing a new and new dress, I wait for Lotus to see it thrilled.

Peek into the mirror many times to check your whole body.

Yeah, it shouldn't be weird anywhere.

The dress is my mother's standout, and the makeup is perfect because I've done it professionally.

As I was twitching, my brother, firmly in his suit, slipped on his face.

"Sister, what are you twitching about?

"I didn't do anything."

"... hmm?

"Is it true?

"... Oh, is that Lotus Mister's car?


My brother glanced into the window and said.

I accidentally rush over to the window to make sure.

But there's no car anywhere.

When I looked at my brother, he laughed niggly.


"~ ~ ~! Yudo!!

"I can't believe I'm really caught..."

"Ugh, if you fight! You're not making fun of my sister!

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, are you?


My brother has a perky tongue.

What a little hater.

"... I hope you forgive me enough to tease me. If it was true, I would have escorted my sister."

I blinked at my brother, who told me to be a little unfaithful.

And I can do it.

"Well. Hehe... you're jealous that Lotus took me?


My brother turned away from me without saying anything.

The behavior tells the story that what I said is right.

How cute!

I thought you were a little hateful until just now, but now you even think that little hateful attitude is cute.

"Cute... my brother, he's so cute"

"... so I'm not happy to be told you're cute..."

"But it's cute. Yudo, I love you."

I hug my brother all the time.

My brother looked bewildered, but still gets made of me but stays.

"... dance, dance with me, okay?

"Absolutely. Take a good lead, okay?

"Yeah. I'll take care of it."

My brother grins.

Apparently, you're in a better mood. Good, good.

Just then, the servants came for me.

Apparently, Lotus has arrived.

I head to the front door with my brother.

Lotus had rarely raised her forehead.

My heart goes wild in my first all-back look at last year's Cultural Festival.

Unfortunately, he didn't give me an all-back at this year's cultural festival.

I smile gracefully as I chant in my heart, quiet, quiet, my heart, and take the reins of a violent heart.

Oh, I knew I was vulnerable to Lotus View all-backs.

A lotus look in a grey suit firmly looks at me and smiles.

I want you to stop smiling all of a sudden because the destructive power of Lotus Watch's smile that I made all-back is so incredible. My heart is about to burst.

But I don't even put that on my expression, and I say hello.

"Good afternoon, Lotus. Thank you for taking the time to welcome us."

"No... I invited you from here, and it's natural for you to pick me up"

When Lotus and I were having a conversation, my brother broke in between.

"Good evening, Mr. Lotus."

"Ah, oh. Evening."

"I hear you're escorting my sister today. Sorry for the inconvenience, I just can't escort you."

"No, in annoyance..."

"I wish I could have escorted... I'm sorry, thank you for my sister"


"Sister, don't bother Mr. Lotus. And don't step on it."

"I know.... I'm not a child anymore..."

My brother turns to me as soon as he lowers his head hectically to Lotus View and draws attention.

It's like I'm a child.

I'm a little stubborn with such a brother's attitude.

And I'm getting closer to Lotus View.

"Dear Lotus, let's go now. If we don't hurry, we'll have time."

"Right. Shall we go?"

I took the offered Lotus View arm and tried to walk out.

But once I look back and smile at my brother.

"Yodo, I'll see you later"

"Yeah, I'll see you later"

My brother grins.

I got into Lotus View's car as my smiling brother dropped me off.

I ride first, then Lotus Watch rides.

When Lotus Watch rides, the car door closes and the driver sits in the driver's seat.

Somehow I get restless and I soften up.

I'm not used to cars in people's homes.

"Are you nervous?

"Yeah... just a little restless"

"Heh. You're nervous too."

"Of course."

What does Lotus think of me?

You're making me nervous about the crowd.

While you're saying that, the car runs out.

I look out the window.

It's quiet in the car because neither Lotus nor I talk.

But that silence makes me unbearable.

Out of my mouth was something I've been wondering about.

"... Um. Are you glad you're not with Mr. Orange?

"The princess birch asked me to invite someone other than me to join her this year..."

"Well, Mr. Orange."

Is it awkward? Maybe so.

Attending a Christmas party with a shaken opponent must be hard for Mr. Orange right now.

"That's not why I'm glad you're here with me."

"No, no... I just didn't have anyone either... it's just each other"

When I say so, the car stops quietly and informs me that I have arrived at the venue.

When Lotus sees out of the car and I continue, Lotus sees offers his hand.

"Your hand, ma'am?

You look like a prankster, Lotus Says.

It doesn't look like a lotus look, a slightly imposing look.

I blink a few times at such a lotus look and squirt.

"Pfft...... thank you"

I took Lotus View's hand and got out of the car.

But my laughter doesn't stop.

Lotus glances at me, who keeps laughing at me with couscous.

"Was that so funny?

"Yeah... 'cause I didn't think Lord Lotus would look like that... hehe"

"... you see, I'm coming. It gets in the way of traffic."


We walk out prompted by the infidel Lotus View.

I was escorted to Lotus View and stepped into the venue.

Step into the venue and you feel a painful gaze.

That's a lotus look, and I was impressed.

Lotus Michi does not take such a gaze, but walks with dignity.

I just plugged it into the center of the hall and it looks like it's time for the dance to start.

Lotus sight stops and turns towards me.

"... dance?

"Huh? Oh, um... I'm not very good at dancing. So maybe I'll step on it, but if you don't mind..."

I'm embarrassed to say it myself, and I lean down.

Lotus smiled and turned to me.

"It's okay, I'll avoid it properly. So dance with me."

"Ah... yeah, happy"

I was thrilled, I took Lotus Watch's hand.

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