I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 183 Mom, you are wrong

The bones are the best evidence. Regardless of whether Qingda Xingrong is the "Tuesday Night Killer" or not, at least the arrest is correct. He has to give an explanation for this corpse.

Nakano Eri was so energetic that he immediately ordered a comprehensive background check and emergency interrogation of Qingtian Xingrong. At the same time, he summoned the forensics department and more criminal police officers to prepare to dig up the front and back yards of Qingtian's house. The rooms had to be searched inch by inch, and even the rooms were searched inch by inch. Three people had to take turns reaching in and touching the mouse hole, making sure not to miss any clues.

She had a hunch that Takeshi Nanahara was still as reliable as ever, so he must have found the right person.

Takeshi Nanahara didn't care about these trivial matters. In fact, his work was basically completed. He and Qingmi Ruri helped Qingtian Minako to rest in the house, helped her rub her hands to soothe her mind, and casually asked: "Mrs. Qingtian, are you guessing?" Who is that corpse?"

Minako Keita has not yet reacted to the sudden transformation of her husband into a "serial killer". Even though it has not been proven that her husband is a serial killer, she is already a little convinced. So many small animal bones are too scary, let alone returning them. It's definitely not normal to have human bones.

She murmured: "I don't know, I just feel... I feel like that might be Xingrong-kun's mother."

That corpse was indeed that of a woman. Takeshi Takeshi took a peek at it just now and asked patiently: "Why is there such a guess?"

Keita Minako said in a daze: "I asked Xingrong-kun why he didn't go to college before. He was obviously very smart. Then he told me that he and his mother were the only two people in his family. When he was in his third year of high school, his mother suddenly ran away from home. With no source of income, he joined the Taoist police recruitment program after graduating from high school. I felt a little sorry for him at the time. Just now... when I saw the corpse just now, I suddenly thought that it might be... that he ran away from home... …”

There is no evidence for this speculation, but it is not impossible. It is even possible that the first person Qingtian Xingrong killed was his mother. Just guessing it is horrifying, and Qingtian Minako can't say it at all.

Qingjian Liuli couldn't help but ask: "Mrs. Qingtian, you and Qingtian-san have been married for a long time, haven't you noticed anything unusual about him?"

Keita Minako hesitated and said: "No, really not. We have been married for five years. He has always been very good and gentle to me. He will help me with housework whenever I take turns. There is nothing abnormal..." she said When he finally came to his senses, tears welled up in his eyes. He held Takeshi Nanahara's hand tightly and said excitedly, "Yes, he can't be a murderer. There must be other reasons. Please find out!"

Takeshi Nanahara patted her hand and comforted her softly: "Of course, we are investigating now. Can you tell us more about what happened between you? How did you meet, and when did you get married?"

Keita Minako was stunned for a while, calmed down, and roughly talked about the process of her and Keita Xingrong's acquaintance and love until they got married and had children.

They met more than five years ago. She was a supermarket cashier. She lost her wallet while shopping on her holiday. She hurriedly went to make inquiries, hoping that a kind person would find it and return it to her. The person who received her was Qingtian Xingrong, and The next day, Keita Xingrong actually called her and said that he had found her wallet. Although the money was gone, the social security card and the like were still there, and he could send them to her when he got off work.

In order to express her gratitude, she invited him to dinner and gave him an employee discount when he came to shop. As time went by, the two of them got to know each other and slowly started dating.

She felt that she was very lucky at that time. She had an ordinary appearance, an ordinary job, and an ordinary family. She didn’t think she was anything special anyway, but Qingtian Xingrong was tall and handsome, had a charming smile, was very smart, considerate, and easy-going. You can guess what she is thinking.

The two have been together for half a year, and Qingtian Xingrong has never made her angry at all. Regular dates have become the most anticipated thing in her life. Every time they are very sweet, she is reluctant to separate from him. In the end, Qingtian Xingrong When Rong wanted to get married, even though she felt a little urgent, she didn't even dare to hesitate and agreed directly - for such a good boyfriend, her colleagues and friends were almost crazy with envy, and many of them looked at Keita Yuki. Rong drooled, she suspected that if she didn't grasp happiness, someone would definitely want to take her place soon.

Of course, she also had doubts about why Qingtian Xingrong was willing to marry such an ordinary girl like her. She once asked him, and he smiled and said: Of course I want to marry you. It’s so troublesome to be a human being. I don’t want to date anyone after work. It will feel weird to others. It will be weird for others to date and not get married. I also want to have a child, so I have no choice but to marry you.

How this sounded like a joke, she didn't care at the time. After all, she was just an ordinary person, and she couldn't think of anything for her to plot. She just thought it was her gentleness and considerateness that impressed him, so she stopped thinking about it.

And her married life is also very happy. Qingtian Xingrong does not have any bad habits. She does not smoke, drink or gamble. She pays her salary in full. Other women do not even look at her. She is a 100% good husband, and she takes care of her with peace of mind. Family, she worked hard to be a good wife, and then she got pregnant almost four years ago. She gave birth to her son Keita Wakko in ten months of pregnancy, which upgraded Keita Xingrong to a father.

For the next three years, the family of three lived a peaceful and happy life. Keita Xingrong loved his child very much and often went out to play with him alone. Until today, the happy life was suddenly broken. A despicable and evil blind high school student led a group of detectives He rushed into their warm little home and dug up the bones in the backyard of their ancestral home.

After Minako Keita finished telling her story, she was confused for a moment, as if she felt like she was dreaming. Otherwise, how could a happy life like a dream suddenly turn into a nightmare?

How could such a good husband be a murderer? Or even a serial killer?

Qing's heart was moved when he saw Liuli. He counted the time on his fingers and felt a little confused at the same time.

Nine years ago, Keita Xingrong, a freshman in high school, killed a rabbit?

After being honest for two years, he killed his mother again in his senior year of high school?

After graduating from high school, he became a police officer. He started committing crimes every two or three months and killed five people in more than a year. Then he met Minako. In order to continue to be a "normal person", he took the time to date and get married, and then he Take care of your pregnant wife and subsequent baby like a "normal person" and live a "normal" life with peace of mind?

It wasn't until his son was three years old and it was time to go to kindergarten that he decided to continue committing crimes?

Are you working so hard to pretend to be a "normal person"?

It's so strange. Is this because of obsessive-compulsive disorder or other reasons?

Takenori Nanabahara is inexplicably sympathetic to the same problem. It's not easy for both of them, and they are both trying their best to adapt to this unfortunate world, but of course they are different in nature. He is still a little kind in his heart, and he is still a human being even if he is irritable in daily life. Keita Yukiroshi's heart is from He has never given birth to kindness, and he is not a human being in the ordinary sense.

He touched his chin and pondered for a moment, then asked Keita Minako: "What about his mother? Apart from him running away from home in his senior year of high school, have you asked about anything else, or has he mentioned it?"

Keita Minako whispered: "No, I don't dare to ask. After marriage, I occasionally mentioned his mother once, and his smile became weird. I was a little scared, and..."

"And what?"

Qing Tianmei's mind was clearer now. She had just seen the corpse for the first time, and the impact was too strong. She was so uneasy that she kept confessing honestly. Now she started to worry about whether her words would be detrimental to her husband, but then she thought again, The bones have been placed in the backyard. If it wasn't my mother-in-law, it wouldn't matter if I told her; if it was my mother-in-law, there would be no point in hiding it.

She was stunned for a long time before whispering again: "Also, Xingrong-kun seems to have a bad relationship with his mother. Xingrong-kun has many old scars on his back and chest. They should have been inflicted by his mother when he was a child... I'm just guessing. But except for his mother, I can’t think of anyone who beat him often when he was a child, so he must have had a bad childhood, and it was his sadness that I never dared to ask about in detail.”

"That's it..."

Takeshi Nanahara nodded, and before he could ask anything else, Taiji Okuno came from the backyard and reported: "Nanahara-san, you found something. Miss Nakano asks you to go and have a look."

"Found something again?"

Takeshi Nanahara immediately stood up and let Qingmi Ruri lead him to the backyard. In just ten minutes, Qingtian's backyard had changed drastically. At first glance, it looked like an archaeological site. A large group of people were digging holes in full swing. There were still people He kept sorting out the skeleton and picking up broken bones, while Nakano Eri was on the backyard corridor, surrounding a small box with several detectives and Shi Hirakawa.

When Nakano Eri saw Takeshi Nanahara approaching, she immediately moved out of the way, but Shirazaki Hirakawa had no intention of moving away and was concentrating on flipping through a thick notebook while wearing gloves.

Well, a good sample may not lead to a few good papers.

Nakano Eri adjusted her glasses, coughed hard, and reminded: "Professor Hirakawa, Nanabahara-san is here."

Hirakawa Shi raised his head in surprise, looked at the serious Nakano Eri, and then looked at the surrounding detectives who were looking at him. He reacted instantly - these people felt that Takeshi Shichihara was the real expert, so when they found important evidence, they must first Let Takeshi Nanahara check. Only after Takeshi Nanahara has completed his inspection can it be his turn. Even if Takeshi Nanahara is blind, he still has to be the first in line.

These police officers were too realistic, and Hirakawa Shi felt a little unhappy, but he couldn't say anything. He was still talking at the police station, constantly enriching the details of the psychological portrait, and commanding the elite criminal police officers to filter the list of recent discharges from mental hospitals. A college student here, along with a JK and two low-level criminal police officers, has caught the suspect and successfully recovered the evidence, basically sealing the victory.

Takenori Nanabahara listened attentively and seemed to understand the situation. He smiled innocently and said, "What evidence was found? Is Professor Hirakawa looking at it? Please continue reading. It doesn't matter if I wait."

"It should be the diary of the suspect's mother, or her manuscript." Hirakawa Shi has already read it a few times. Now he has a new criminal psychological portrait of the suspect. He will definitely be able to catch the suspect again, but now It was too late to use hindsight. He saw that all the detectives around him were staring at him. He moved and smiled dryly to get out of the way. "Nanahara-san is a young and promising person. Are you interested in studying criminal psychology in the future?"

This kid seems to be a promising talent. He can be his graduate student and assistant in the future.

Takeshi Nanabahara took his place and smiled: "Thank you, but forget it, I will probably choose quantum physics or mysticism in the future."

Okuno Taiji couldn't help but nod, feeling that Takeshi Nanahara should continue to delve into the path of mysticism. After all, his "perception" ability was too strong. He and Hidakaji didn't notice anything strange about Keita Yukiei at all, and even had a good impression of him. They were planning to recommend him to the Life Safety Class to try to become a criminal police officer if he turned around and made contributions. However, Takeshi Nanahara discovered that there was something wrong with him early on. Go and learn how to use criminal psychological profiling - this professor has done nothing for three days, and he is not helping at the police station, and the things he investigates are of no use at all.

Hirakawa Shi laughed and stopped talking. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't bear to part with such good thesis material, so he continued to rubbish shamelessly, while Takeshi Nanahara didn't care about him. There was no conflict anyway, and turned his attention to the diary in front of him, babbling. , signaling "Eye" Liuli to start working.

Qingjian Ruri also put on white gloves and began to carefully flip through the thick hard-covered notepad - it must have been buried for six or seven years, but the box was well sealed and the paper had no flesh to rot easily. It was a bit damp now. , as long as you are careful when reading, it won't be a big problem.

She flipped through the notebook and read it again, and found that it should be the "diary" left by Qingtian Xingrong's mother, but the dates were not consecutive. The whole thing was more like an essay to relieve worries, or to talk to her late husband, writing whatever came to mind.

Most of the front pages were trivial things about daily life, and more of them were recording the growth of children. Important content did not appear until half the book was passed. She glanced at it twice and then whispered to Takeshi Nanahara: "Today is a bit bad. The kindergarten teacher has a bad day today." He came to me and said that Xiaorong threw a bird that fell from the nest into the wall, which was very cruel. I came back and scolded him a few times, and he went to bed early. Could it be that he was sad? He was still a child. , Am I going too far? Katsuno-kun, he needs to develop some love, maybe I should buy him a pet? "

After reading this paragraph, Qingjian Liuli flipped through more than a dozen pages, but nothing happened until he saw the relevant content before continuing to read, "Sheng Zejun, something is wrong. Today, the puppy at home suddenly died. Xiaorong Can you still ask me if I can have cake tomorrow? He is not sad at all, it is obviously his puppy!

I asked him why he wanted to eat cake tomorrow. He looked at me very strangely and said he must have cake. I asked him for a long time before he told me that the goldfish he raised last time died. I immediately bought him strawberry cake. , this time the puppy died, shouldn't we buy him a cake as well?

Sheng Zejun, what's going on? Why does he think so? He seems a little different from other children. Is it a problem with my education? The death of the puppy is a bit strange. Did he kill the puppy? But he is only four years old, so he should be an innocent and cute child. Is it my imagination? "

Qingjian Liuli swallowed and turned a few more pages. She found that it was Qingtian Xingrong's mother who was silently observing her son. She picked another paragraph and read, "Sheng Zejun, Xiaorong seems to be sick. I saw it with my own eyes today." He was chasing a kitten with a stick and smiling happily. I have never seen him smile so happily...Is he sick? What should I do?"

Qingmi Ruri continued to turn the pages. Next, it seemed that Keita Xingrong's mother was reading various books and asking doctors everywhere, trying to figure out what was wrong with her son. At the same time, she was raising pets with her son, hoping that he would learn to be caring. .

This process has been going on for a long time, but the results achieved are obviously limited. It seems that whatever you raise will die, the handwriting in the essay is getting more and more sloppy, "Sheng Zejun, Xiao Rong seems to be really not normal, he started throwing stones at other children I threw it suddenly. I could feel that he was very excited at that moment and smiled happily after throwing it. What should I do? He is becoming less and less interested in other things and seems to have no human emotions. I am a little scared... …”

The essay seemed to have stopped for a long time, and when it was continued, the words became neat again. Qingjian Liuli licked her lips and read in a low voice, "I have thought about it, I can't let Xiao Rong become a weirdo, and I can't let him go into a mental illness. Yuan, I want him to have a normal life! From today on, I will start to strictly control him, and I want him to become a normal person! Katsuno-kun, please protect us with your spirit in heaven!"

Qingjian Liuli quickly read through it again, focusing on how the mother strictly controlled her son, how she taught her son to restrain his desires, how to observe and judge other people's moods, how to get along with others, and how to behave like a normal person. As time went by, the words gradually became more relaxed, and it seemed that the strict discipline had achieved results. Her son behaved completely like an ordinary person, never made any mistakes again, and stopped abusing and killing small animals.

Until one day, the text suddenly started to scribble again, "Sheng Zejun, I beat Xiao Rong hard again today. He actually killed another kitten and wanted to secretly bury it in the backyard. His illness should be cured." Okay. I kept beating him until I figured it out. He said he couldn't control the rabbit when he saw the school rabbit and started to relapse again.

He also regretted it. He cried. I have rarely seen him cry since he was a child, but this time he finally cried. He must have really regretted it. It just doesn't matter if a few rabbits and kittens died. I'll keep an eye on him. Some, he will become successful like a normal person, marry a wife and have children normally. I will not live up to your expectations of me. "

Then the essay seemed to stop for a while, and when I picked up the essay soon after, Keita Yukiroshi seemed to be getting better again. His college life has been normal. He even brought his friends home to play and got along well with them.

Qingjian Liuli could feel Qingtian Xingrong's mother's heartfelt happiness from the words, "It will be the graduation ceremony of the senior year of high school soon. All these years of hard work have not been in vain. Xiaorong is getting better and better now, and there is no problem in successfully integrating into society." , he will have a bright and brilliant future!"

The essay stopped abruptly here. The font was changed to a single line:

Mom, you are wrong, you should reflect on it!

It's a little late, but I just finished writing this paragraph of 5,000 words, which is just a way to make up for yesterday's vacation!

Also, please ask for votes again, I have to have some fun this month.

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