I'm Not a Detective

Chapter 182 Are you so dependent on me now?

"Thank you very much, Qingtian-san."

Qingmi Ruri was very responsible. After quickly escorting the prisoner downstairs to Okuno Taiji, he immediately fulfilled his "eyes" responsibility and came back to pick up Takeshi Nanabahara. When he saw Keita Yukiei accompanying him slowly down the stairs, he immediately thanked him.

Keita Yukiei could not see anything from Takeshi Nanahara's face. It seemed that Igata Shigeru's casual Hu Chai did not arouse the "detective"'s alert, and a smile had appeared on his face again - he had two dimples when he smiled. He is full of sunshine, and is really suitable for working as a puppy in a public relations club. It is not a problem to make a lot of money every month.

He smiled and said "nothing" and handed Nanahara Takeshi to Qingmi Ruri, and quickly picked up the stolen goods and chased Okuno Taiji and Hidakaji.

Takeshi Nanabahara looked at Qingda Xingrong walking away through his sunglasses, heaved a sigh of relief, and told Qingmi Ruri: "No matter what happens next, you are not allowed to leave me more than three feet away."

He wanted to test Keita Xingrong's truth before he was willing to be alone with him, but to be honest, he didn't think he was very suspicious before. After all, what Igata Shigeru said was more like a joke between friends. Wanting to test it out is just idleness.

As a result, before he could open his mouth to test, Keita Xingrong became vigilant and wanted to test him. She thought he was really blind, but he didn't hide his true face at all when they were alone.

This is an unexpected joy, but also an unexpected risk. Qingda Xingrong is definitely a dangerous animal. As long as he finds something wrong, he is very likely to kill him. Anything can be done to him, so he needs to put on his stab-proof clothing quickly. .

Qingjian Liuli didn't know what happened yet, but she felt a little happy. She took his hand and led him away, humming and saying: "What are you afraid of? See if you are scared, I will leave for a little while." Son, I won’t ignore you. Forget it, I will definitely guide you well before going home, so don’t worry.”

Is this guy so dependent on me now?

Can't stand my absence for even two or three minutes?

Yep, it’s really annoying, but there’s nothing you can do about it, just hold his dog’s paw!

Takeshi Nanahara glanced at her sideways through his sunglasses and wanted to scold her, but forget it and said nothing in the end.

Now is not the time to talk about it. Qingjian Liuli has a simple personality and cannot hide her thoughts. If she knows, she will definitely have a different look on her face. If she is discovered by Qingtian Xingrong, the consequences are unpredictable. It is better to wait. Although Qingtian Xingrong is an inspector , but he is also equipped with a gun, a small southern revolver, and is currently very vigilant. His skills seem to be quite good, and his reactions are quite fast, so he is not easy to deal with. Fortunately, he did not feel threatened at the moment, and there was no sudden outburst. The possibility of trouble.

Takeshi Nanabahara was not in a hurry, and followed them all the way to the interrogation, handing over the four unlucky thieves Igata Shigeru, then had a quick bite to eat, and continued to search for the "tall, lanky guy in the first grade carrying a bucket bag."

The search continued until dark, but the five people found nothing. Nine years is a long time. Most people can't remember what happened during that time. Moreover, there was an alibi for Tuesday night. It couldn't be " Tuesday Night Killers.”

Takeshi Nanahara stretched and suggested: "It's getting late. Let's stop here today. Let's continue tomorrow!"

Okuno Taiji, Hidakaji and Keita Yukiei had no objection, but Okuno Taiji didn't want to go back so early, and it was pointless for a bachelor to get off work early, so he suggested: "Should we go have a drink?"

Takeshi Nanahara and Ruri Kiyomi must not drink, but they can eat together. However, Takeshi Nanahara still smiled and declined, "You three, go ahead and introduce the case of 'Tuesday Night Killer' to Keita-san in detail. We don’t know how long the investigation will last!”

Keita Xingrong had an idea, and the five people discussed it for a while. Takeshi Nanahara did not let Taiji Okuno send them back. The investigation team was disbanded on the spot. Two seniors took a junior to drink and chat, and the other two were underage. People take taxis home on their own.

Takeshi Nanabahara watched the three of them leave in a small broken car blowing out black smoke. He smiled and rubbed his face. He found a phone booth and made calls for a while. Qingmi Liuli had been standing outside waiting, and she was inexplicable when he saw him come out. Said: "Who did you call? Is there anything else?"

She was hungry and wanted to go home quickly for dinner.

Takeshi Nanahara smiled and said: "Of course I called the girl with gold-rimmed glasses and asked her to lead someone to sneak attack on that Qingtian guy."

Well, the job of arresting is too dangerous. Keita Yukiei still has a gun. He is a "blind" and will not join in the fun. It is better to leave it to professionals. Let Nakano Eri lead enough elite men to fight with Okuno. Taiji and the others "met by chance" and swarmed up and knocked Qingtian Xingrong over.

It wasn't working well before. Taketsu Nanahara didn't dare to wink at Okuno Taiji and Hidakaji, or do something too unusual, such as finding a reason to send Keita Yukiei away, and he didn't even dare to direct Qingmi Ruri to conduct a sneak attack. Keita Yukiei was very sensitive. , if you feel something is wrong, you might as well draw your gun and shoot, which may result in loss of life.

He is more afraid of death, and has no confidence in the reaction speed of Okuno Taiji and Hidakaji. It is a little more troublesome to spend an afternoon in exchange for a 100% safe arrest, but he personally feels that it is very profitable - he was destroyed by a bomb last time Fei, I have a psychological shadow. I really don’t want to get another stray bullet this time.

Kiyomi Ruri didn't understand anymore and said in confusion: "Wait a minute, why did you ask Ms. Nakano to sneak attack Keita-san? Do you think he is the 'Tuesday Night Killer'? Is it because Igata Shigeru said he was a little weird at noon? Isn't that right? , that sounds like nonsense. Didn’t you also refuse a girl’s confession? Are you also a serial killer?”

This is really hard to explain, so Takeshi Nanahara did not explain it. He simply smiled and said: "Anyway, let's control him first. We will go to his house later and have a look. I think we should be able to find something." , everything will be clear by then.”

This case is basically closed. Serial killers are different from ordinary murderers. The latter pursues leaving no traces and would like to burn down the crime scene, but the former, on the contrary, usually takes the initiative to save souvenirs and does not The tools for committing the crime will be destroyed. As long as the person is found, the rest will be simpler than an ordinary murder case, just a direct search.

Qingmi Ruri was still a little worried. She always felt that Takeshi Nanahara's judgment was a bit hasty this time, and she was worried that it would be difficult to arrest the wrong person. But this was the case, so she could only wait patiently. About forty minutes later, Nakano Eri took Okuno Taiji. , Hidakaji and others came, picked up Takeshi Nanahara and Ruri Qingmi and went to look for evidence.


Qingtian Xingrong's home is an old building with a courtyard wall facing the street, front and back yards, and there are people at home. His wife and children are at home - his wife is the same age as him, named Qingtian Minako, and his son is three years old. Left and right, named Keitian and Guang.

Keita Minako was very surprised that a large number of detectives suddenly came to her house, and she was a little overwhelmed. However, she was very honest and cooperative, and she had no choice but to cooperate. She could only hold her son in her arms and watch as the detectives began to "check" her house. .

Fumi Hirakawa, a professor of criminal psychology, happened to be with Nakano Eri before. Hearing that an important suspect was discovered, he also came with him. After entering the door and looking around, he frowned at her and said: "Ms. Nakano, you are too hasty. This is not right." It may be the residence of the 'Tuesday Night Slayer'. This is completely inconsistent with the life characteristics of a serial killer. Is it wrong?"

Nakano Eri adjusted her glasses and immediately looked at Takeshi Nanabahara, wanting to hear what another expert had to say.

Before, Takeshi Nanahara must have asked her to control Keita Yukiei first, and also emphasized that the other party was extremely dangerous. He would not hesitate to shoot if he sensed something was wrong. He had no psychological burden on killing people, but the reason was not explained. Over a period of time, the two parties have established a deep trust. In addition, Qingtian Xingrong is a policeman himself, so even if the wrong arrest is made, public opinion will have less impact. She then took action decisively, but now she is still confused.

Takeshi Nanahara smiled at Hirakawa Shi and told him not to worry and look at the search results first. The detectives searched for a while. The only suspicious item was a large bundle of rope in the warehouse, which was the same as the one used by the murderer in the previous case. The rope is consistent, but this kind of rope is too ordinary, and this thing alone cannot be used as strong evidence.

Nakano Eri asked his men to send the rope back for testing, and left the warehouse for the criminal police to continue searching. At this moment, Keita Minako also reacted and said anxiously: "Are you suspecting that Koei-kun is the 'Tuesday Night Murderer'? How is this possible, he is a policeman, why do you doubt him?"

Nakano Eri immediately asked her: "Is he at home this Tuesday night?"

Keita Minako was stunned for a moment while holding her son, and said hesitantly: "He is not at home, but he must have gone to work for his shift, right?"

Nakano Eri turned around and ordered his subordinates: "Go and ask Songtang about his relationship."

Someone went immediately, but Takeshi Nanahara didn't pay much attention to this matter. He held Qingmi Ruri's hand and walked around the backyard, thinking: "There is something wrong with the ground."

Qingjian Liuli looked down strangely: "What's wrong? Where you are standing is normal!"

Takeshi Nanahara stepped on the ground again, without explaining much to her. He turned to Qingtian Minako and asked politely: "Ms. Qingtian, do you mind if we dig up your backyard and take a look? Don't worry, I promise to help you later. Fill it out."

Keita Minako nodded slightly hesitantly. Qingmi Ruri immediately went to the warehouse to find a shovel. When he came back, he asked Nanabahara Takeshi: "Where to dig?"

She didn't know why she wanted to dig, but Nanabahara Wudu said that she wanted to dig, so she dug.

Takeshi Nanahara turned around again, pointed at his feet and said: "Dig here, slow down."

The soil here has definitely been filled in. Even if it was filled carefully, it was still slightly sunken compared to other places after being soaked in water on a rainy day. He could feel it, and Qing Jian Liuli immediately started digging carefully. After getting up, after a few shovels, my hands trembled and I felt that the shovel hit something hard. Several criminal policemen nearby also noticed it. They put on their gloves and began to dig into the soil. They quickly pulled out half of the skeleton, but it was not human, but some kind of small animal.

However, something was finally discovered. Qingmi Ruri immediately continued to dig, and several criminal policemen also pulled and helped with their hands. Soon more and more skeletons were exposed. There must be more than a dozen small animal corpses, and Takeshi Nanabahara pointed out In other places that he felt were slightly sunken, more and more detectives came to dig, and soon one of the detectives exclaimed.

He dug out a skull. It had been buried for a long time, and the flesh was basically rotten. The skull stared at everyone with two black eye sockets.

Keita Minako looked at the skeleton and seemed to think of something. Her face instantly turned pale and shaky. However, Keita Wako, who she was holding, looked at the skull. Her originally ignorant eyes suddenly lit up, and she stretched out her hand as if she wanted to touch it.

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