I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 289.

bigmom's soul fruit but regularly have to let the inhabitants here contribute a certain lifespan, this is the price of shelter.

Every beautiful woman who came to accompany him was a first time, looks, body first class out of the ordinary, different personality, it seems that not all women can be selected yet, it takes a lot of competition.

Make Carlos really a little happy, this life is good, in his territory Carlos is really not good to do this kind of thing, he but to face, and then to whom, also can not be too harsh on their own territory people, this is the right attitude of the party talker!

So when greeting with bigmom to leave, Carlos generously said that in the future there are any actions that need to divine eyes pirate group to open their mouths, although ask, divine eyes pirate group will definitely fully cooperate.

Of course, the share of benefits belonging to the bandits group is not less, Carlos is not so happy to the point of selling the benefits of his territory, can be a little less, but not without.

This is a very good result for the bigmom bandit group, a little less is also much more valuable than some beautiful women, the bigmom bandit group does not have any love of the river and more beautiful values.

When he came, Carlos was alone, and when he returned, he brought back three beautiful apprentices of different ages, the encounters of life are really mysterious!

Upon returning to the Island of the Sun and Moon, Carlos introduced the three girls and then had them given a place to stay until he had time to teach them some other time.

Smuggy's three daughters were a little lost when they left Mankind, but it didn't last long and they quickly returned to normal.

The bigmom's children are too many, these children are not so much children, more like subordinates, mother's love that kind of thing is still children can still enjoy a bit, after the children's stage, bigmom's requirements for them but not low.

After coming back, Carlos was also relatively leisurely, the God's Eye Bandits have been relatively peaceful in recent times, there was no major event worthy of Carlos personally handling, the core members could all be well done.

Quietly, Carlos wondered how to make things happen, said to take ten islands want ten islands, silent for so long, the God's Eye Bandits should also move.

Carlos went to his study, and carefully watched the chart of the new world, this chart is basically the most complete chart of the new world, except for a small part of the sea, most of the sea is more detailed.

Ten islands, now there are already four islands, there are still six missing, these six islands Carlos need to think about it, it is best to connect the ten islands to form a complete territory, too scattered can be bad.

But after studying for a while, Carlos found that no matter how he chose, he couldn't make the ten islands into one, and the two islands behind were too far away from Sun Moon Island.

After pondering for a while, Carlos had an idea. He decided to swap the two islands with someone else, and replace them with a group of islands that could form a continuous chain.

What? No exchange?

If you don't want to exchange, then we'll take them by force. It's best to exchange directly to avoid conflict, but if we can't avoid it, we'll just do it.

Finding the two islands that he most wanted to swap, and then connecting the previously selected islands, the existing islands into one, Carlos was surprised to find a group of islands formed, and formed the shape of a pentagram, ten islands together exactly to form a pentagram, simply wonderful!

Seeing the pentagram, Carlos slapped the table and made up his mind, he was going to make these islands, and he was going to turn the tables on anyone who dared to stop him!

Having made up his mind, Carlos studied the powers of the islands to see which ones had to be fought, those that could be obtained in exchange for soldiers, and those that could be obtained through threats and intimidation

Some of these ten islands were rich, some were barren, some were powerful, some were weak, and different islands used different methods.

After weighing for a long time and comparing the warring parties, Carlos decided that this time the God's Eye Bandits would do the job alone, they didn't need the help of other forces, they would be enough to get the job done by themselves.

He, Carlos, wanted to make the Pentagram shine in this world as well, to be the brightest star!

Having made up his mind, Carlos immediately began to act, immediately having the core crew that was on guard outside notified to return to Sun and Moon Island.

Chapter 327 - Stirring Up the Storm

The next afternoon, all the cadres of the God's Eye Bandits had returned to Sun Moon Island and gathered together, each sitting in their own place, preparing to welcome Carlos.

In the morning, Carlos didn't spare any time, besides making more specific action plans, he also took the time to instruct Smudge, Garret, and Mabel on their cultivation.

On Sun Moon Island, in the main hall of Carlos's manor, the core crew of the God's Eye Bandits were discussing Carlos's purpose for summoning them, and it was generally agreed that they should be making a move, after all, they had been standing firm in the New World for so long.

"Captain arrives!" The two elite pirates guarding the door shouted loudly, and the main hall quieted down.

Carlos walked into the main hall and came to sit down in the center of the main hall, and everyone rose to their feet and saluted, "Meet the Captain!"

"All up, sit down." Carlos smiled and looked up.

Only when they heard Carlos' words did everyone sit down, their eyes all gathered on Carlos.

"Calling you all together this time, as you have guessed, we, the God's Eye Bandits, are about to make a move."

"Ten islands, I'm aiming for ten islands, not one more, not one less."

"Currently we have four islands, Sun Moon Island and Green Mulberry Island are the ones we have the deepest control over, and the remaining two islands have an average level of control."

"Therefore, I decided to exchange these two islands with other powers for the one closer to Sun Moon Island, even if it takes a little loss."

"We'll exchange the two new islands first as a courtesy, if we're willing to exchange, we'll take a little loss, if we're not willing to exchange then we'll take it hard!"

"I've sent messengers to the forces belonging to the two islands I have my eye on to convey my thoughts on whether it's an exchange or a fight down soon, so these two islands will be put aside for now."

"There are six more islands that you will need to shoot down."

"Someone, hang up the charts."

After everyone listened intently, two pirates soon hung up a chart in the main hall, Carlos walked over to the chart and the rest of them got up and followed.

Carlos pointed to the pentagonal territory on the chart and continued to speak, "The ones circled in green are the islands that already belong to us, the ones circled in yellow are the islands that we want to exchange, and the ones circled in red are the islands that we want to shoot down."

"Six islands, I'm going to ask Hilleu you and Martin to each bring pirates to shoot down two, these four islands are your task."

Carlos pointed out each of the four islands to the north and west of the chart opening his mouth to order.

"Please don't worry captain, the mission will be completed!" Rain's Hilliu and Martin looked at each other in a deep voice.

Rain's Hilleu and Martin had been the top two warriors of the God's Eye Bandits, and they had been competing for the top position of the warriors, and were usually more competitive, but they were still within the bounds of healthy competition, so Carlos didn't care.

"Doris, Ryder, these two islands are your two tasks respectively." Carlos ordered again, pointing to the two islands to the southeast and southwest on the chart.

"Please don't worry, Captain."

"Please rest assured, Captain."

The two of them spoke successively, Carlos nodded his head in satisfaction, he still recognized the abilities of the two of them, Doris Heroine, whose battle strength had been kept in the top three of the main battle force, was getting stronger and stronger.

"Everyone else, Kylie stay on Sun Moon Island to help me dispatch personnel and supplies."

"Suzanne figure out the four lines of march, the weather in the New World is unpredictable, there is absolutely no chance of getting into a horrific natural disaster."

"Sholema dispatch the doctor, prepare enough drugs and poisons."

"As for O'Neill, Olson, and Louis, you three can choose who you want to follow."


"Understood, Captain!" All of them responded in unison.

"Alright, each of you go down and get ready, the war will start soon, and this time I'll take action, it's up to you."

"This is your chance to make a name for yourselves in the New World, so take it." Carlos waved his hand and smiled.

Everyone nodded seriously and left with different feelings.

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