I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 288.

"Since marrying my daughter makes you feel short, how about marrying me?" bigmom's eyes rolled back and he said, half joking, half serious.


The words instantly confused Carlos.

Marry you?

I'm afraid I'm crazy!

Although marrying a rich woman can make a person struggle for many years less, but he Carlos is not a poor boy anymore, he has a strong power in his hands, he doesn't need a rich woman and so on to get success, okay?

Besides how old are you, your older son is almost as old as me, looks, and body became too second nature to be a real lady.

And most importantly he Carlos didn't want his hat to change color.

"Ling Ling you'd be more or less the same age if you were eighteen, but now we have too much age difference."

"You're not my type, there's no need to bring this up again, I'm going to have to control my hands if I do." Carlos was depressed and nestled inside and resisted the urge to do anything to open his mouth.

"Hmph, just don't mention it, you stinky men just know how to glamour young and beautiful women, I wasn't necessarily attracted to you when I was younger."

"You know when I was eighteen, the pirates chasing me couldn't kill me for three days and three nights" bigmom scowled at Carlos and was quite proud of himself.

The eighteen-year-old Charlotte Lingling is indeed a super beauty, can compete with Hancock's existence, but the years are a pig-killing knife, today's has become really bigmom.

Wait another ten years or so and that's a horror movie style auntie!

The conversation between the two made the people present very speechless, how a good fight where to pull, especially bigmom's children are even more speechless, I dare you mom you want to find a stepfather with us not too much age difference?

Who can stand this!

Carlos is speechless for bigmom, killing for three days and nights, what kind of broken metaphor is that?

Forget it, isn't it asking for trouble to have this conversation with bigmom?

She knows nothing about male and female love, two love ah, bigmom only knows how to pass down the family name, maybe not even know how to pass down the family name, in bigmom seriously, children are tools, the more advanced kind.

"Got to, don't pull those, let people clean up, continue the tea party, you said to treat me to the cake has not yet tasted."

"It's a good idea to come to the bakery once, serve me all the delicious desserts, okay?" Carlos resolutely changed the subject, lest bigmom bring the subject to marrying her, and again, he was really going to freak out regardless of the consequences.

"No problem, I can treat you to a meal, but I have one condition." bigmom smirked, not knowing what was on his mind.

"Say, but don't overdo it or I can't control myself, it's just dessert" Carlos' brow furrowed.

"Since you don't want to marry, how about this, you pick some of my sons and daughters to be their teachers?"

"As long as you promise, desserts and such can naturally be eaten at will, how about my bigmom pirate group officially forming an offensive and defensive alliance with your God's Eye pirate group to advance and retreat together?"

One plan fails, bigmon has another plan, for Carlos is this super genius who can be her equal, super strong, bigmom no matter what is not willing to easily set fire, must establish contact.

This is a matter of great benefit to the bigmom pirate group, of course, there is no small benefit to the God's Eye pirate group.

"That's something to consider, let's forget about your son, you can personally discipline him, I'll discipline you you might not feel comfortable."

This world was still a world dominated by men after all, and there were far fewer strong women than men.

"Fine, take your pick, the daughters are coming over." The latter sentence was said to the daughters who were watching the battle from afar.

Bigmom's words no one in the nations dared to contradict her, and all of bigmom's daughters came along, big and small, of all races.

Carlos was a normal human and didn't have much feeling for the other races, so he picked places that were normal humans and not too ugly.

So after looking around, Carlos picked out three people, Charlotte Smudge, Charlotte Garrett, and Charlotte Marble.

These three people in terms of Carlos' aesthetics think the most beautiful, yes, is so realistic, the Governor does not fit the aesthetic but will affect the mood.

Among the three women Smudge is the oldest, looking about eighteen or nineteen years old, tall and long-legged, body doubled; Garrett is about fourteen or fifteen years old, just developed, youthful and invincible; Marble's words are a loli, looking eight or nine years old.

After Carlos finished his selection, bigmom called the three girls over, whispering something, saying that Carlos, who had been paying attention, noticed that the three girls' faces were slowly blushing.

Carlos's brow furrowed, realizing that maybe it wasn't that simple, bigmom wouldn't let the daughters who were her apprentices seduce him, would he?

No way, no way, no way.

Is this bigmom's roundabout strategy?

The story of the young, handsome, powerful master and the three beautiful, youthful female apprentices who had to tell it?

It seemed like it might work if it did, and Carlos felt a slight caution in his heart

Chapter 326 - The Pentagram

After satisfying bigmom's request, the ensuing tea party resumed its pleasant, harmonious, friendly, luxurious, distinguished, and elegant atmosphere, and if it wasn't for the fact that there were still some temporarily indelible traces around, one would have thought that nothing had happened.

Carlos had a good taste of the best batch of desserts in all the countries at the Cake Island, all of which were specially prepared for the enjoyment of the lady, and then had a batch of some desserts, so to speak, and ate the desserts all at once, and after this time, Carlos reckoned that he didn't want to eat desserts again for six months.

Some over-eaten, he is not an aunt, extremely addicted to dessert, for dessert to be able to do whatever it takes.

Of course Carlos though his mouth hadn't stopped at the tea party, and with his great digestive capacity he had eaten enough, but he had done other things.

For example, meeting, talking, and working with the New World's hidden Dark World bigwigs, and there were still more of them in the Dark World today, more than just a business as streamlined as the Great Wave after a decade or so, and a business like Pleasant Street had more than one bigwig dabbling in it.

Stacy had become one of the big names in Pleasant Street with the covert support of the world government, but not the only big name that hadn't unified the Pleasant Street industry to become one of the kings of the Dark World.

Carlos talks to these people about collaborations that are mutually beneficial, which incidentally includes Stacy, but of course Carlos doesn't know Stacy very well on the outside.

Cooperating with these big shots of the Dark World was mutually beneficial, each taking what they needed, and Carlos' current power was fully qualified for this, as well as a means to expand his network.

As a super big brother who aspired to become a world-wide black and white, how could he not know these big brothers of the dark world and not establish a good relationship with them?

Carlos was also going to find an opportunity to run to the Sanctuary Marijoa and use Berry's charm and his own abilities to properly corral a few world government officials, preferably high ranking ones, as his helpers.

There were people in the court who were good officials, and naturally, the one Carlos most wanted to cage was an existence of the level of the Five Old Stars, but it was too difficult and almost impossible, so he had to settle for the second best.

After the tea party was over, Carlos didn't leave in a hurry, instead, Dover and Moonlight Moria left after greeting Carlos, they and their crew always felt extremely uncomfortable to stay here, tied up, careful and very unhappy.

This was due to strength, the bottom line wasn't enough, Carlos didn't have that concern.

Carlos not only didn't leave, but also treated the ten thousand countries as his own home, under the leadership of his three disciples, playing everywhere, each island to see, what flour island, wheat island, nut island and so on, play happy, casually break off a piece of house to eat is also possible.

It took a few days to visit the various islands of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand, and only then did Carlos leave with bigmom, satisfied and ready to go back.

In other words, bigmom normal, still very sensible, at night even sent beauty to accompany him, well, is in line with his aesthetic beauty.

Well it is also possible that it is not bigmom sent, is his son, subordinate sent, anyway, no matter who sent, Carlos is to take this gratitude, not blame bigmom before the sudden madness.

This kind of thing for bigmom pirate group is really too simple, accompany his those beauties one by one are happy, not the slightest reluctance, dedicated very much, Carlos asked the reason only understand out to accompany him can three years not on the supply.

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