In the supermarket on Williams Street in the Hillston District of Backlund, Feng Xue, who was wearing a luxurious dress, walked in the aisle with a vegetable basket. From time to time, she picked up one or two items for a closer look, or put them back in place. Or add to basket.

And during the whole process, none of the passers-by who came and went felt that there was anything wrong with his attire, as if what he was wearing was not a men's dress, but an ordinary everyday outfit.

Although the ability to blend into the environment and reduce the sense of presence are both abilities to hide oneself, their characteristics are completely opposite. The more crowded and lively places are, the more useful they are. On the contrary, it is the kind of gloomy and narrow, which is easy to hide It will give people a feeling of "this guy is so good with this kind of dark corner, he is probably some kind of dangerous element".

Before going out, Feng Xue exchanged all the authentic and false books she had accumulated into Tacoin, and then bought various large and small packing cloths. These days, apart from spreading the Chinese food culture to British housewives, she is also collecting all kinds of books. A possible usable thing, and then recast part of it, destroy it, smelt it, and then transform it into a variety of [elements] that are difficult to obtain in Infinity City.

As for the source of funds, it is naturally those generous ATMs!

But obviously he came to the supermarket not just for shopping, or if it was just for shopping, he wouldn't be still accumulating goods for two months.

The reason why he chose this time to enter the supermarket was to choose the right housewife.

It sounds like an easy job, but it's actually quite a challenge.

The first thing to consider is the other party's financial situation.

The same housewives are also forced to work full-time because of unemployment, and choose full-time jobs because they are not short of money. The former usually lives relatively poorly, while the latter belongs to the middle class or even the bourgeoisie.

If it was the former, there was probably no mood to discuss gossip at all, and more than that, Feng Xue's sneaking in without authorization would probably make the already poor family worse.

The latter is completely different. Being rich means that most of the social circles are rich people, rich housewives, which in itself means having free time.

And in terms of their family background, there is no shortage of ingredients for one or two meals. Even if his existence is exposed in the future, the follow-up investigators will not dare to go too far in the face of these wealthy wives. The appearance of Feng Xue in their lives will not have any negative effects other than bringing some talking points.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you are too rich, after all, Feng Xue doesn't want to meet the kind of owner who always drives when he goes out to buy groceries!

In addition to the economic situation, what should be considered is the quantity and type of ingredients purchased by the other party. When Feng Xue first played the ghost story, because of his lack of experience, he had to make some under the premise that the ingredients, seasonings, and tableware were all limited. Not much room for an English dinner.

After all, his [Chef] label comes from Chen Xiyao himself rather than Infinite City. The breadth of recipes contained in it is really limited, that is, the content of basic skills is very comprehensive. Guo, if he plays such a skill, he may not only not be recognized by the chefs, but may even be ridiculed by the housewives of Yan country for being too fashionable.

However, with two months of fermenting, Feng Xue's [cook] label has gradually grown in the spread of these housewives, and the elements of it have become more and more active. Today, even if Feng Xue goes to Yan Country, You can also call yourself a "professional chef" without shame.

In addition to the above two, the factor of "distance" should also be considered.

Any strange talk first spread slowly from a small area, and finally spread, so Feng Xue locked this supermarket as the base camp for selecting candidates, but even so, he would occasionally encounter that kind of "landmine", such as Once before, he followed a wife and took the subway from Hillston area to the south area of ​​the bridge abruptly. Although he had completed the daily tasks of the day, the lady was not in Hillston area at all. In the circle of the district, I am afraid that for a long time, the spread of his strange stories will not have any effect.

In addition to these, factors such as the other party's age, personality, and taste must also be considered. Age determines the other party's ability to accept, and personality determines whether the other party will chat with others about themselves. As for taste, this needs to be determined from the purchased ingredients. Judging from the kitchen utensils at home mainly affects Feng Xue's subtle seasoning when cooking.

In the final analysis, the kind of crooked nuts that are common in novels will surprise you the first time you eat Chinese food. After all, it’s just a novel. Eating carefully crafted Huaiyang cuisine is purely playing the piano against the cow. If you want to capture the target at the first bite, the key point is to adjust the seasoning differently from person to person. It's a kind of fun, but Feng Xue, who is still in the early stage of starting a business, obviously hasn't reached the point where she can enjoy such extravagant fun.

The experience summed up in the past two months flashed through my mind, and I kept passing housewives, don't ask him how he knew it must be a housewife, a young adult woman who can hang around in the supermarket at this point in time ( refers to those under the age of 40), even if they are not housewives, they probably do not have a job.

Feng Xue quickly selected today's target through the smell of his body, clothing, the state of his shoes, and the gloss of his skin. He followed behind the opponent, observing the opponent's choice of ingredients without any trace, and after confirming that the opponent was done. After shopping and basically meeting the criteria, Feng Xue began to conceive today's dinner recipe in her mind, while going to the cashier to pay first.

"Hi, it's 70 pounds in total." After the cashier finished scanning the code, Feng Xue immediately took out seven ten-pound banknotes and patted them on the table. Xue basically keeps the price at an integer every time she makes a purchase, and prepares the payment before paying.

Picking up the shopping bag, Feng Xue took the first step out of the supermarket relying on her excellent foot strength, then quickly packed the shopping bag with a large cloth and stuffed it into the storage bag, and then opened the breath blocking, followed the target from a distance, avoiding the road all the way Patrolling police officers and community security came to the expected townhouse.

"Very good, I didn't encounter a 'land mine'!" Looking at the small villa in front of me, Feng Xue's mouth slightly curled up. He came to the window, opened his cloak with both hands, and as his body turned into a shadow, he appeared the next moment In the house.

In the soundless footsteps, Feng Xue, who didn't know when she put on a white bone mask, came behind the young housewife, slapped several of her acupuncture points with precision, and then said in a somewhat pretentious aria:

"Don't be nervous, ma'am, I'm off work today, this time I just want to borrow the kitchen with you..."

Although everything is as usual, why does this lady's eyes seem not to be afraid, but rather... fanatic?

"I'm afraid I've encountered a pervert?"

The group of housewives is not necessarily full of housewives, just like the group of authors is not necessarily all authors. It is normal for a few strange people to mix in in the network environment, right? Maybe there is also a master of the extreme way (laughs)!

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