If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 141 Evidence is a Double-Edged Sword

"Arrest arrest arrest..."

Listening to the sound of police sirens on the street, Feng Xue was sitting on a park bench holding a copy of the Tussock newspaper. The corners of Feng Xue's lips curled up slightly. It has been almost two months, and none of the four colleagues have been caught, and they are even deliberately developing a characteristic crime pattern.

The first one was keen on destroying religious places. In less than two months, they blew up all the churches in Backlund, big and small. Many hospitals in China have quietly covered the red cross to avoid being accidentally injured by the "antichrist".

The second one likes to attack street girls and female trainees by the river at night. I don’t know if the world before the other party’s crossing overlaps with this world. His modus operandi is similar to the legend of Jack the Ripper in many places. Matching, including sending a kidney to Severus Field, he was called the Jack the Ripper of the 21st century by the good news media, but I don’t know if it was because he was illiterate, and he was not as good as he was in history. write a sarcastic letter. At least the part that was published in the newspaper didn't.

The third one seems to be intentionally creating a style of sacrifice by cultists. They will always use the blood of the dead to draw large and small magic circles and meaningless symbols around the corpse. As a person with the blessing of translation konjac, Feng Xue can be sure that the runes in those photos in the newspaper are meaningless.

Compared with the first three, the fourth one is much less topical. This guy didn't deliberately create some kind of symbol, he just followed the victim home, and then killed her in front of her family. Regardless of other witnesses, although this can indeed obtain the most accurate recognition of the victim's family members, it is just an "ordinary" serial perverted murderer. If you want to say the probability of four people gathering ghost talk entries, this person Must be the lowest.

As for Feng Xue...

"Sure enough, it's better to be educated!" Feng Xue casually stuffed the newspaper that published articles mocking the inaction of Sivelas Field into the trash can, and walked towards the nearby supermarket.

Compared with those four colleagues who are still relying on killing and plundering [knowledge], Feng Xue has already gone further. The strange stories he is currently creating are not only spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye, but are even harvesting the "residual value" of the four colleagues. ".

After all, in a city where Jack the Ripper, psycho killers, bloody cultists, and church blasters all appear at the same time, there is a demon who "works hard" every day, and people will naturally feel that these things are "Devil's Work".

But Feng Xue wasn't worried about offending those colleagues, because they couldn't get this bonus in the first place.

It's as if capitalists saw a street stall making money, imitated the other party's idea, registered a trademark brand, and attracted customers to finance, and finally chained it all over the country. For the street stall owner, this did not damage his income, and even It may have helped him to promote it. As long as no one specifically tells him (or the plagiarist falsely accuses him of infringement), he may never realize that the value he created has been plagiarized and exploited for the rest of his life.

But in the final analysis, the value of these exploitations is small. For Feng Xue, the urban legend of the devil who gradually spread in the circle of housewives, who will break into other people's homes in the afternoon and borrow ingredients to prepare delicious dinners, is the only one. Is the real big head.

After trying a few times, but almost being regarded as a pervert, Feng Xue suddenly realized a problem. It was a knowledge that he knew a long time ago but had been ignored all the time——

Lao Li actually told him how to become a strange story.

Feng Xue has always been thinking about how to condense a new label, but she forgot that Lao Li once said when explaining the meaning of the label that the label is essentially to let people in the real world anchor nothing.

Multiple tags are anchored to each other, so that they can accurately point to an object, and this kind of anchoring, in the eyes of Feng Xue today, is undoubtedly an entry of strange talk!

Therefore, unlike those who have always only played under the framework of Infinite City to obtain labels, Feng Xue, who already has multiple labels from the real world, actually doesn't need to think about how to add labels at all, but how to use the existing ones Tags are connected together to construct a "Ghost Story" that can recognize all tags at the same time.

So, after a brief thought, he found that the most suitable label on his body was not the "instructor" that Yan Guo just provided, nor the "money printing machine" that could attract cash machines, nor was it the one with a strong fantasy color. 【Devil】, but the one at the beginning, the least favored by him, and has been left in the corner to eat ashes all the time. Only one person provided a small amount of [Consciousness] labels——


Compared with other labels, the [Chef] label is very simple, so simple that it will be subconsciously ignored, but it is precisely because of this simplicity that it has great room for expansion.

It is very difficult for a person to be recognized as a "demon". Even if you do many bad things, the final recognition may be just a bad person or a criminal.

It is also difficult for a person to be recognized as a "money printing machine", because it requires you to provide a lot of benefits.

It is not easy for a person to be recognized as a "teacher", because you must at least be able to teach the other party what they are willing to learn, otherwise it is just indoctrination rather than teaching.

However, it is very simple for a person to be recognized as a "chef", as long as he can cook delicious food!

Not to mention nothing, even if you are an ordinary person, as long as you can cook delicious food, strangers will have the association and cognition of "you are not a professional chef".

Based on the chef, in a country with a strong religious atmosphere, it is natural to create the element of "demon" through language and the way of showing extraordinary power, and through the teaching of cooking, it is also possible to produce the instructor's label. gain.

In fact, if Feng Xue wanted to, he could add the label of "money printing machine". For example, before leaving, he left a large sum of money in the name of "food expenses", and it would be easy to have corresponding associations.

But after Feng Xue thought about it, he still didn't do it, because what he needed was an urban legend, a strange story, and the strange story should reduce the participation of "real things" as much as possible.

In this way, even if he no longer makes a move, some people will lie that they have met the "devil chef", because there is no need to lie. After all, the ingredients used by the "devil chef" are also bought by the housewife. A photo of a beautiful enough dinner can be used as plausible "evidence".

The reason why a ghost story is a ghost story is that it cannot be verified or falsified. As long as you cook a good meal, everyone can claim to have seen a "demon chef", and no one can refute your lying.

But if money or other "kind" remuneration is left, it will add a shackle to the spread of this legend, and increase the threshold for those "cloud experiencers" who falsely claim that they have seen "demon chefs".

After all, a lie that cannot be exposed and a lie that can be easily exposed have completely different psychological burdens when lying.

And this is also Feng Xue's groping out, the first criterion for creating strange stories——

Try not to leave any physical objects that can prove their existence.

The [Rich Man] label is the same as [Assassin], it is given by Infinite City, and it will be invalid in reality. Of course, Assassin, a label that has been held for a long time, has the basis for acting and the knowledge endowed by the label, but [there is] Qianren] This label Feng Xue just got it and went out, so it basically has no influence.

Now belongs to Feng Xue's own labels, only [Devil], [Chef], [Money Printing Machine] and [Instructor].

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