If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

The day before yesterday Tan. Pick up, at the Orange God's Festival of Abundance. (after)

Vasuglio is lined with unpainted sun-dried bricks and stone houses with streets that do not have flashy colors. The main roads were paved with cobblestones to prevent dry soil from rising and were always clean. From that impression, it was as if the entire city were an extension of the temple.

There are artificially built fountains all over the city, magically filled by what makes it a business. It was dry land with little rain, but the people who lived in the city did not need to contend over the water.

The side of the fountain, through which cold winds pass, is a place to relax, with many people stopping their feet. It also makes sense to avoid the heat during the day, and in Vasilio, this hour at dusk is the busiest in the city.

More than the original reason, the Fountain now had made the feet of those who went to the city stop.

Several pure white flowers floated on the waters of the fountain. It was dedicated to the God of Orange (Cormosey) because it is considered part of power and symbol of its bounty.

In the temple courtyard, Frisos and Platinum, dressed in matching hoods, looked surprised at the gorgeous flowers of the large wheel that never bloomed.

Pussy and I slap the surface of the water and laugh out loud at how the floating petals shake.

I look back behind my back and see my parents watching themselves like that with a serene face, making my smile more and more enjoyable.

He had a smile he didn't feel at all, such as anxiety about going outside for the first time. For both of us, we didn't have to be anxious about having absolute trust parents on our side.

Smaragudi stops someone holding a cage by the fountain and receives four wheels of flowers in exchange for change.

"Thank you for the daily food, you put it in the fountain."

When Smaragudi said so and floated pure white flowers in the fountain, their daughters honestly imitated it. Well, Mov had a flower in his chest that he received from Smaragdi with a slight hesitation.


"Because it's divine, I know I have no choice"

After hearing the bewildered Smaragudi voice, she flows flowers to the fountain. After a while Smaragdi was convinced in retrospect of his actions.

Speaking of which, I never sent you a single flower.

Apparently it was a picture star. Mov makes his expression look like a childish obstinate, seemingly uncomfortable. Smaragdi would never deny her like that, he just hugged her.

"It was my fault. What kind of flowers does Mov like? You never heard of it."

"In that (...), I don't even have a chance to touch those things..."

"Right. Then we have to figure out what kind of flower suits Mov."

Smaragdi, laughing, reaches into her hand with his arm as it was spinning into Mov's hips.

"You're not going anywhere in the city, so stay out of it."

Dyed his cheeks slightly, Mov held his hand firmly as it was. Little daughters hands hold tight with their empty hands. Pratina and Frisos, holding hands with each of their mothers and fathers, looked up at their parents with a grin.

Today's city has floral wheels all over the corner creating a gorgeous atmosphere. In the wake of the color of the sunset, even the shadows stretching out onto the red-stained walls coloured the city with pleasure.

Eventually, ahead of us was the temple of the 'God of Oranges (Cormosey)'. It was a shrewd temple, incomparable with the Great Temple of the Purple God (Banafsegi), where they always lived.

It is also characteristic that decorations made of metal are applied all over the building. The children turned their fingers and gave an exciting voice to many of those illustrated designs they had never seen before.

"Rug, that, what?

"Oh, that's a plot that means the grace of 'The Orange God'... it also depicts a lot of plants that don't exist in this country"

"I'd like to see more. Rug, hug, hug."

"Calm down, Lisso. Oh, don't even look at Latina like that."

"And Latina. Hold Latina, too."

Smaragdi looked happy, smiling bitterly, to his daughters who held him at the same time. The daughters, who are growing up slowly, find it harder every day to hold them up at the same time in skinny smaragdi. Still, I couldn't refuse such a treat.


"There's one over there, too, Rag, ahhh"

Walk slowly with your daughters in your arms. Smaragdi's arms were monopolized by his daughters, but with that perhaps reduced distance, Mov walked next door to lean softly against him.

Mov rewears the hood of Frisos, who was about to fall too far, with a gentle hand.

From anywhere, she was, like, a sweet mother.

Walk around the building. It is usually a quiet temple where there are not many people, but today it was a festival and many people were visiting.

At the temple's altar is also known as the Toyota Festival, which is loaded with harvests taken this year.

Because of the harsh environment and the limited crops that can be taken, gratitude to God was a divine matter that became the bedrock of pure faith.

"I guess it's time to start"



Tilt her neck as her daughters were held in his arms to the muttering Smaragdi voice. Mov also looked strange, Smaragdi smiled and invited her to a position a little away from the crowd.

"The service dance begins. Get out of here and go around the springs all over the city to show off your dancing. Dancing in the fountain is more gorgeous and attracts people, so if you want to take your time, this is better."

Shortly after Smaragdi explained, several clerics appeared from within the temple. Very different from what you hear in the temple of "The Purple God (Banafsegi)," rough enough percussion instruments and whistle sounds controlled the surroundings in such a volume that they paid off the darkness.

The twin daughters, who were surprised by the loud noise and hugged their father, also nailed their gaze so that they could be drawn when the glorious dressed witch showed up. As I also forgot to blink, I see myself still in the graceful dance of a witch.

If Smaragdi sees Mov next door, she loves the way her daughters are obsessed, more than dancing. We noticed Smaragdi's gaze and looked up at him, smiling graciously at each other.

Canceled by the performance, it's hard to exchange words.

Yes. When Smaragdi thought, Mov tangled his own arm from himself into his arm. Smaragdi, who is holding her daughters up, could not respond to her, but sees Mov dye her cheeks a little shy at a close distance.

"... it's good to meet you."

Mov responded with a happy grin to Smaragdi's voice whining as he thought he didn't have to hear it.

"Ahead... no matter what happens, my thoughts will never waver."

"... yeah"

Closed his eyes, Mov put his own head on Smaragdi's shoulder. Her plumage passes along with a slight weight.

"I'm really glad we were together, too, Smaragdi"

Return your gaze to the cheers of your daughters.

The temple dance led to the climax. A few dancers who were in perfect alignment make a slight time difference in movement. The delicate hands with thin gold rings flickered like waves, and the matching costumes dyed in the bright colour of God spread like flowers.

The sunset has already vanished beyond the desert, beyond the hills, and the stars have spread again into heaven.

Mov lights up the magic lights softly so that the dance excitement I was watching earlier doesn't wake me up, so that my jumping daughters don't get caught in the dark.

Watching the fun two, Smaragdi and Mov walked slowly with their hands together.

By now, there would be a lot of fuss in the temple. Still, I wish this time would last a little longer.

- - Mov showed full protection (from there) and returned to the back of the temple lightly. It was her ability to make noise about Mov and the twins, who were nowhere in the neighborhood, while still ignoring the servants she was searching for.

Found sleeping the tired twins, Mov didn't try to deal with the floating reprimand or pursuit properly - -

Such restrictive but happy days came to a sudden end at one point.

It was at the beginning of the end that Epilogy, an earlier great cleric who gave up his responsibilities as the highest priest to Mov, but still had great influence, gave the proclamation.

"It is the light of the sun that illuminates our future"

Like fragments of poetry, the Word of God still spelled out the future people wanted to know.

"The light of the moon will lead the king to ruin"

Included in the letters meaning gold is the Sun.

And included in the letter meaning platinum was - - the moon.

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