If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

The day before yesterday in Tan. (9), at the Orange God's Festival of Abundance. (Previous)

That might have been some kind of hunch.

Grow up quickly-healthy, beloved daughters. As always, the two appearances looked just like each other except for the color of the golden and ashy eyes. However, Smaragdi, who sees the two every day, was able to distinguish clearly between the two personalities day by day.

This life of secluded living in a narrow world like a boxyard, with a sweetheart Mov no less than her daughters, was certainly a lot of disabling. I also wish to show my daughters, who only know the back of the temple, the wider world.

Still, it was a happy day, to the extent that I wished to remain calm this way for the rest of my life.

"… is it the time of the Toyota Festival of" The Orange God (Cormosey) "? It's already that season..."

Unlike his daughters and Mov, Smaragdi was in a situation where he could leave the city from time to time.

For the first time in a long time, the streets had been prepared for a festival celebrating thanks to the "God of Orange (Cormosey)" and the harvest obtained.

Vasuilio, in harsh environments, also has limited yields. Folk grass, while holding faith in the Purple God (Banafsegi), did not neglect the feast of the Orange God (Kolmozei), who presided over the earth and abundance.

I saw the sights all over the city like that, and, uh, I thought.

(To Frisos and Platinum too... I'd like to show you)

At the same time, I dream that it's natural to have Mov next door at that time.

A mother and child who don't even know how the city usually is, but must equally give a look to the sight of an international festival that is busily gorgeous.

Smaragdi also understands that the circumstances they have are not allowed to stretch their feathers like such a natural mother and child.

So when Smaragdi heard such a wish he really casually spilled, Mov looked decent.

"You just have to let it flow as a chat. I just wanted you to hear it somehow."

Looking closely at Smaragdi smiling, Mov tilted his neck at an angle similar to his daughters' habits.

"There's no way Smaragudi would have told me it was an idea for no reason."

Speaking up, Smaragdi laughs too. But Mov looked serious.

"Is something wrong?

"Mov's going to find out."

Come to think of it, the time spent with Mov is becoming something that, even during his long raw years, can never be said to be short. It wasn't just a simple length of time, it was a time of density and happiness.

I guess that's why I thought about this.

"I'm going to leave those girls one day.... I don't know when that was... but by then, I want to keep memories for those daughters. It was never just a hard and painful memory, as you can imagine."

I will use this life for my daughters one day.

That was something I've been ready for a long time.

And as my adorable daughters became irreplaceable to me, there was no room for doubt about it. Even without Mov's prophecy, as a father, I am determined to protect these daughters.

But if the time comes, even if my daughters are heartbroken and hurt by their own death - I want to remember going beyond it. I do want to leave something to say that I was happy. I hoped for that.

Such sentiment is nothing but self-satisfaction.

If you think about the safety and value of Mov with your daughters, you can't make it happen.

Smaragdi also knew about it.

Still, I told Mov that I wanted someone to hear what was in my mind.

If Smaragdi had lost his mind, all he meant was that Mov was a natural man with a strong ability to act in strange places.

First, she got a jacket for two kids, from nowhere. The hooded part is swollen like a cat's ear so that it doesn't get in the way when the corner part is worn.

And I dyed my long purple hair with dye.

Smaragdi was silent for now on the appearance of Mov, who had burnt brown hair. If anyone in the clergy sees such a figure of the "Princess Witch," who ruined the precious color of "Purple God (Banafsegi)", he could fall apart.

"It's still there, but I'll wear a cover from above, and if it's dark, I won't be noticed"

Somehow the person in question was confident and chest-tight that Smaragudi's heartache was not something he had learned either.

"Er... Mov?

"If Smaragdi says no, I'll take those two outside."

"What kind of threat is that?

"With my protection, it's possible to do things without even noticing Smaragdi."

Quickly put the veil on his head, Mov saw Smaragdi. In this hot, dry land, women often wear veils for sunshine. As with the golden eyes, the shining horns will also be the shadow of a dark coloured veil, and at first glance alone you will not know that she is a 'princess witch' with a precious colour.

I'm sure you think deeply about your daughters. But her expression saw a high emotion that wasn't all that, and Smaragudi shut his mouth about to say a novel.

My daughters are not the only ones hidden behind the temple who don't know the outside world.

No wonder she's interested in the outside world herself.

"I wonder if there's any danger to you and Lisso or Latina"

"... there is a 'possibility' of increasing danger. That's why we make the choice to lower that 'possibility'. My hair color is one of them."

Mov answers that and lets see if he can put up a coat for children.

"Same goes for choosing the shape to hide, not the shape hood that gives out the corners"

It was not the round ear (Kumami), but the triangular ear (Nekomi), which was also the result of the elimination of a great deal of options.

It's not because she's cute.



But it is also true that the two men, Platinum and Frisos, dressed in unfamiliar coats and hooded, were more adorable than Smaragudi had expected.

Mov walks ahead feeling confident. Smaragdi pulled his daughters' hands with both arms and followed. In everyday life, it knocks at the door that separates the back of the temple, which is never allowed to leave. The satiated daughters looked at each other and tied their lips together.

Mov stops at times, sometimes goes far, walks through the wide temple. In the meantime, there is no difference between a priest and anyone who should have a large number of them.

It was at these times that Smaragudi, who was poised to dislike the way the temple was doing things as if he were giving up thinking for himself by entrusting everything to the temple, was nevertheless in awe of God's prediction (the Word).

In Mov's golden eyes, there is one that sees everything. There's nothing I can do to make you aware of it.

Smaragudi with his daughters follows behind Mov as he leaves the vast temple grounds.

The gatekeeper guarding the exterior of the temple never notices the princess witch (Mov) hiding her precious color as the person. The fact that even the twins are known only to some of the upper layers is still a thing. He leaves for the city, distracted by a large group of people attending the temple.

Out there, the city was spreading brilliantly colored.

The sky at sunset depicts a gradient moving from a cedar to a pale purple.

Even though it was a natural view, the daughters, who only knew the sky surrounded by the walls behind the temple, stopped moving with their mouths equally open and looked up. That alone made me think it was worth taking him out.

Mov curled, looking back at Smaragdi with a pranky trick, and smiled.

Even without words, her expression was good at what would have been a good move to execution, and Smaragdi smiled at her accomplices, even though she included a slightly troubled one.

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