If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

Platinum daughter, between happiness and dreams.

All this time, I've been lying to my feelings.

Happiness is why I've been turning away, realizing that. It's a 'lie' to be given up. I can't believe it's bearable, 'lying'.

If now is the 'culmination of happiness' - - then maybe the 'happiness' I finally got is just going to be lost.

If I lose it, I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to spend the time that I've been given?

- "She" shrugged and spilled a clear Shizuku into the "chair" in front of her.

Also blurry.

Dale looked worried, stroking Latina's hair with a dreamy look. Latina, who has been in a lot of mood lately, has often been in this state since she officially signed up for marriage.

Weird, anxiety strikes me.

Not only is she worried about her health, but her underlying 'something' sounds alarming.

That's why Dale calls her name over and over again.

Just tell her to come back to herself, 'call her back'.


"... Dale?

"Oh, I'm here..."

Maybe because Latina's face, smiling powerlessly, looked like her crying face, after she got lost.

The presence of an expensive bracelet nestled in Latina's wrist immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding area.

Latina, who feared scratching while she was at work, initially tried to punish her, but Dale refused to do so.

It's not just an accessory, it's a 'demon prop'. It does not scratch or chip easily.

"Latina needs to show me exactly what I am."

If I told her that, she dyed her cheeks bright red.

You must have understood that it meant something because it was an expensive bracelet (accessory). The "other person", who can give such an expensive gift, is willing to accept the favor of the other person by saying that it exists for him and wearing it.

It would also be a clear fact, in her case, who the 'other' is.

In the meantime, Rudolph's liquor volume increased that night.

Not only he, but also a bunch of young people - including sometimes good old bastards - got more liquor.

The old men, regular customers, gave their words of sexual harassment, but at times they increased and ate large liquors.

Overall, this evening's Dancing Tiger Cat Pavilion had a good price per customer and a great increase in sales.

Regular guests were accustomed to the extent that the celebrations from the regulars, which were added to the regular rates, were done to the extent that they could be entrusted to the shopkeepers and their wives, avoiding latinas that seemed serious and stigmatized such things.

Even if I did, Latina seemed happy. I could see happiness from the look on my face, from every trick, although I was shyly dyeing my cheeks and sometimes pointing my mouth at them, but I couldn't keep that from happiness.

Even though she was a 'beautiful' daughter, her inner sense of well-being was making her look more beautiful.

As a result, Dale devoured and crushed several old men with corrugated attacks. That, too, was a kind of lifespan, choosing not to use 'antidote magic', but to let oneself be spoiled and drunk.

Sometimes it was a hassle to find out that I had used magic poorly.

In the days since, Latina seemed happy.

Whether held by Dale or mouthed by him, pathetically, he even looked so cute that he was embarrassed that he was going to greatly stimulate Dale's prank.

He drowned on his younger fiancée, like the recoil of what he had put on hold.

A bit of ambience, irritated.

And when I put it into the word 'drowning', I was made to feel subtle that it was not much the same word as before.

"Latina is too cute and I don't want to go to work"

"I know she's cute."

For some reason, Dale reported Rita in the middle of paperwork with a loose look.

Rita, who does clerical work, works in a "fixed position". Maybe it's just the right thing to catch and talk to.

Nevertheless, as for Rita, who is heard like a day in a row, it is not a hoarding one.

"It's cute. Oh, really, Latina, it's cute."

"Your love, do I have to ask?

"Hey, Gyu, just do it, and suddenly you kiss him or something, and he's already turning bright red." Are you mad? 'When I ask,' I'm not mad, 'he answers in a super cute voice. "

"Vint! Vint isn't here!? You idiot, you don't have to do this to yourself!

"I have nothing to be afraid of right now."

Ha ha, Rita's Tolerance Bag makes a noise like that to Dale, who makes her laugh so high.

"Ahhh... but Latina's 'dislike' is scary... but Latina doesn't say that!

"Latina! Come on, you flower man, do something!

Latina looked terrified when Rita spoke up in the kitchen.

"Huh... Rita... now that I'm close to Dale, I..."

Latina, who answers with a fine voice, could not answer until the end.



In an instant, I got caught.

Dale's body technique, which makes him a leading adventurer and a warrior, is not something that Latina, the average person, can react to. They put me on my lap in no time, and I get a hug. They say they just seem to be hugging, but the resistance is' restrained 'so that they can't even move satisfactorily.

Dale let down his mouth over and over again to Latina, who dyed red to the earlobes in shame and looked around grated for help.

"Dale, Dale! I'm embarrassed, stop..."

"Shy latina is really cute too......"

No, this guy, he doesn't want to weigh himself!

Rita's eyes lost light. I also say that I have come to the extreme of giving up.

"... at least snuggle in the blind..."

"Ri, Rita!

"Well, don't do that"

Latina then raised her voice like a half cry in Dale's arms as she gently hugged Latina and headed to her room.

With such a back drop off, Rita felt somewhat subtle wondering if her body would be all right when the two 'relationships' went any further than they did now (...).

(Demon tribe... I guess that idiot (Dale) is better off because he's in a difficult shape to be a child...)

"The God of Orange (Cormosey)" is a God who presides over abundance and offspring prosperity. Dale possesses the high "blessing" of his God.

I imagine a bit, since it's getting vivid, Rita deliberately renounced thinking.

(... well, latina... you can use 'healing magic'...)

The only thing Rita could do as a senior in her life to "Sister Minutes" was to give Yale, whispering, in her heart.

In my arms, until just now, I said that I was a latina who was embarrassed, but now I'm already, blurry, lost in dreams and depression.

Whoa, keep your strength in your arms and bury your face in her shoulder mouth. I feel anxiety similar to horror at how she is not returning a response.

"... latina."

Only when I call my name will I get a faint response back. Move your smoking gray eyes slowly and do a trick to find out what Dale looks like, not anyone else.


"... latina"

Let the lid, cheeks, and mouth down.

Within repeated times, Latina, with her power back in her eyes, raises her voice.

"Dale, Dale......................................."

I feel so relieved that I want to cry at the voice of sweet protest. That's why I didn't feel like loosening my mouth or embrace for her.

I asked again and again.

Every time she answers, "I'm not sick". On the contrary, you don't even realize that you frequently cloud your consciousness.

If your memory is missing, you'll notice your anomaly because it's about her smart. But I don't even notice the 'anomaly'. That's why it's more horrible.

Something irrevocable is going to happen.

So it's horrible to get even just a few moments out of your hands.

"I'm here with you..."

…… ...... yeah "

Latina smiled and nodded happily, tilting her neck wonderfully at Dale's words.

So that we can be driven away first, so that we hurry.

It was his act of such anxiety that Dale, who should have slowly waited for her mind and body to grow, after time out of formal engagement, sought a deeper connection with her (...).

Whatever means were used, it was a late act that I hoped would be a little deeper and stop her from coming to me at all.

Lids alone, cheeks and lips weren't enough, and I lowered my mouth to every corner of her, and I wanted to carve myself in, and I wanted to--

If you don't want to let her go, you want to be with me, it was a late act of wishing.

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