If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

Young man, sign up for Platinum's daughter.

It was a spring day with a mild climate that Dale invited Latina to head to the square in central Kreutz.

"A walk? Ask Theo out, too?

"No... let's go together once in a while"


"So you're leaving a message, too"


Vint, when Dale stabbed the nail at the opponent, Latina looked ridiculous and laughed couscous.

Walk slowly hand in hand and side by side. I once hold my young girlfriend in my arms and follow the road towards the East Side all the way.

"Remember the first time you took Latina to the East Side?

"I remember being very surprised. Because I've never seen so many of them."

"I was surprised when I came out of the country, too."

"You know, Dale took me to the shoe store. I also buy Theo and Emma's shoes there. I'm good at shoes for kids."

"Latina, now, are you buying it somewhere different?

"I'm going to the store Chloe recommended. I also taught Rita. It's a new store, but they're all well designed."


What we talk about is everyday stuff that we don't love. Occasionally Latina touches her left arm from the top of her clothes to calm her down. I casually touched it. There, remembering the stiff feel, Dale conceived for a while.

"Oh, 'bracelet'?

"Yeah. I've been punishing you for a long time, but it's time to put it on, and I tried to get it out"

It was the only 'hometown thing' she had, engraved with her father's name. Because it was an adult bracelet, Dale also saw her in the room as she was too big for her childhood to lose it.

"I'm not used to it, I'm restless..."

"Is it the habit of the 'Demon Nation'..."

"Because I, the adults I saw when I was little, all wore them. I thought I'd try it on when I was growing up."

"Isn't that good? It's your father's amulet."


From above the loose jacket, I can't see how her arms are. Still, I think of the bracelet I've seen before.

On the young thin hands and feet, the bracelet that was a rash grew to the point that it could be fitted at some point.

The central square of Kreutz still has a large number of people in the city today, each having their own time to relax.

As she had done in the past, Latina followed with her eyes the appearance of children running around cheering, gently loosening her expression.

"Latina loves kids."

"Really? Maybe it is."

I've never hated taking care of Theo or Emma, and every time I see a child like this, I've seen her with a tender look on her face, too, Dale.

"Me too, one day..."


"... yeah, it's nothing"

Detecting the words Latina was about to whine about, Dale gently put his strength into her hands connecting with her.

caressed cheeks in a breezy breeze, Latina narrows her eyes. The downpouring sun is warm enough to make you sweat lightly. I chose the shade of the tree and lowered my hips on the lawn.



When Dale called her name, Latina looked back at her voice, as beautiful as she could see.

The finer, tighter, more textured skin that is loosely knitted with long hair and without the need for makeup is all but glowing.

Both the long lashes decorating the gray eyes and the cherry lips seemed to remain the same from an early age, and now, out of its infancy, it was one of the parts that made the 'beauty' pieces. Still, she insisted that the expression that made her feel unbearable was a being with rich emotions, not just 'beautiful'.

Honestly, I think, "You're beautiful."

I'm filled with happiness that she's smiling at me.

I was convinced that my 'chosen' choice was not wrong.

It's a beautiful day.


"What's the sudden matter? Anything wrong?

"... after all, is that weird?

"That's right. I've been watching Dale."

Latina looks up to herself next door, says so, laughs ridiculously. I knew there was no way she could not have noticed how I was doing today that was somewhere out of place, but I slip away from my gaze a little to the embarrassment of surpassing it.

"Latina, take this."


Latina looks strange in the little box I gave her.

"It's still early for my birthday month, isn't it?

"Right. But" today "is a" special "day, isn't it?

"... yeah"

To Dale's words, Latina softly holds her chest down. Nine years ago, "Today," she met Dale in that woods. It's only been nine years since the day it all started.

"It's a special day for us."


Latina replied, opening the tiny box with an unseemly appearance. Surprised by the brilliant brilliance that popped into my eyes. Exquisitely crafted gemstone decorations are so beautiful that they can only be described as stunning.

"Shh, it looks so... expensive, it's an accessory?

"I wonder why you say that..."

Dale smiled bitterly at Latina's comment about her too solid character, which she said most of the time.

Encourage them to take it out of the box.

I took Latina's hand and slipped it into her thin wrist.


"It's a 'demon prop'. That said, the meaning as an outfit is stronger."

The glowing gem on the bracelet was visible in the petals and carved into full blossoms. From every angle, it is filled with beautiful flowers and lustrous fruits, with plant designs.

"... let's get married"


"Instead of" Father "and" Adopted Child "... let's be" Family ""


Latina looked stunned as she raised her face from her bracelet to Dale's words. Dale let his gaze swim awkwardly to Latina with a surprised and even unreadable expression.

He is a first-rate adventurer, known for his hundred warfare abrasions, but he is attacked by a tension he has never felt during any harsh battle.


"La, latina......? P, proposing and being returned silently is pretty tight, but there is...?

"... because all of a sudden..."

The plundering voice was trembling.

"You don't like that?

"I'm not... I'm not... eh. But I never thought about 'marriage'..."

"You said you liked me, but you never thought about" marriage "..."

"Because I'm a 'demon tribe'... eh. Baby, maybe you can, 'cause I don't know."

"I know. If you're a Latina kid, I know you're cute, but I don't want to get married 'cause I want kids.'"

Dale also knows that the birth rate of the long-lived species, the 'Demons', is low. I had also guessed that Latina was worried that she might not be able to give her children because she liked them.

"Even if you tell me Dale is good,... Dale's family..."

"This (...) would be the answer"

I just touch the bracelet I put through her wrist. The design where flowers and fruits coexist, in his hometown, is a print of traditional special significance.

"My father and my aunt told me," Finally, "and my wife..." If I miss Latina, I'll never find you for the rest of my life. "


Latina groans small and turns her moist eyes towards him.

"Is it good?... really, am I good?

"... I think Latina (...) is good"

As soon as it was uncontrollable, the tears of a large grain overflowed.

"How could... Dale, all of it, make my wish come true? My 'What I Want' Guys, Guys, will you make it happen......?

I wiped the zero tears with my fingertips, but I didn't make it, and the tears became more and more overflowing later.

"I... wanted to be. I've always wanted to be Dale's 'special girl'..."

"... oh"

"I like Dale, I want to be with Dale... I can't give anything back to Dale, but let me stay by Dale..."

"I can't believe Latina 'can't give anything back' because... she just stays by my side... because she's been there for me the whole time... so..."

Lighting and shame would be much better than regretting something you didn't say later.

"I want you to stay by my side."

That is why he answered Dale, who said clearly with a peek into his grey eyes, letting his tear-wet face break to bloom in full bloom.

"... Yes"

Keeping her face close, Latina lay down her eyes without hesitation.

Dale also dyed his cheeks red, just to be caught by Latina dyed bright red to the earlobes, even though it was just overlapping and a playful mouthpiece.

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