Holmes indifferently looked at Ritsuka Fujimaru with a face full of excitement, a pair of Ritsuka Fujimaru who might punch him in the face at any time, and even took out his pipe indifferently and took a sip.

It wasn't the first time he had encountered such a situation.

In his past life, the client rioted because he couldn't accept the truth, or because of his inconsiderate wording. Pulling him by the collar is still gentle, and being splashed in the face by red wine is also Just a piece of cake.

Because whatever their reaction, the truth and conclusion will not be changed.

If that was the price of telling the truth, he was happy to pay it.

"Miss Ritsuka Fujimaru, please don't get excited," Holmes calmly pointed to his crumpled collar, "I didn't drag you into the Atlas Institute to get beaten up."

Ritsuka Fujimaru corner of mouth twitching.

Although she had already heard about it, she didn't know until she actually experienced it that Sherlock Holmes was the most jerkiest group of people in this world from a certain point of view.

When they were looking for the traces of the Atlas Institute, they dragged them down with the trap without saying hello. Obviously there were a bunch of defensive traps. He had to wait until it was triggered. I thought they were broken long ago] the perfunctory expression.

It is clear that the human body burn is just around the corner, and this era may be smashed by Lion King at any time, but he is in the mood to use the pseudo-spiritual calculator three-pointed Hermes to search in this world Not yet Solved cases to satisfy their curiosity.

Even Mash, who admires Holmes, can't accept it. After all, the quirks and inconsistencies written in the book look interesting, but such people really appear in front of you, and they don't plan to hide it at all. When I show my quirks and out of tune, I really can't accept it.

"Because you've come to a conclusion that makes me so angry," Ritsuka Fujimaru said fiercely, dropping his fist.

"Accurately speaking, it's not my conclusion, but the tri-tip Hermes sorted out the doubts, and I sorted it out," Holmes frowned.

"I don't accept it," Ritsuka Fujimaru said with her arms crossed, her attitude extremely determined.

【What secret is Roman hiding?】

【What truth is Roman hiding all this time】

【Roman has a problem】

She do not accept this conclusion.

"No matter how resolute your attitude is, Roman's doubts will not disappear," Holmes put down his pipe, "he's hiding something from you, you should be vaguely aware of it. Under the premise of being burned, this is very questionable."

"Aren't you also using three-pointed Hermes to satisfy your curiosity under the premise of being burned?" Ritsuka Fujimaru complained road.

"Yeah, the human body is burned out, and those unknowns have become non-existent. It's a pity that it's gone," Holmes said with a laugh haha, "I just wanted to at least let me take a look. Accidentally, of course Roman's hidden truth is one of the truths I'm curious about."

"Then I'll tell you his hidden secret," Ritsuka Fujimaru clenched his fists.

"senior?" Mash was a little puzzled.

“Hey~ please tell me,” Holmes frowned.

Ritsuka Fujimaru took a deep breath, yelling as if to announce something.

"He's been stealing the refreshing medicine from us all the time!"

"Every time I can find out the safe dive medicine I sneaked in!"

"In order to prevent himself from getting tired, he even went to check the men who used to force his medicine!"

"He kept saying that he was fishing, but in fact he was always busy from morning to night. ."

"Obviously he is the most reliable person in this world, obviously we are able to get here because of him, but he always has the expression of "I'm sorry, it's all hard for you"! "

"It's been a long time since he's been sitting in that room stealing strawberry cake!"

Ritsuka Fujimaru gasped heavily, forcibly raising her voice, and now she Her throat was burning with pain, but she was very satisfied, because this was the truth in their eyes.

Holmes frowned, subconsciously trying to take a pipe.

If it were in the past, he probably wouldn't take Ritsuka Fujimaru seriously as a statement that was all personal and even childish.

Because he doesn't accept the truth, he doesn't believe that the person in his eyes has another face, and refutes his well-founded conclusions.

The most important thing in his detective career is such an irrational client. Of course, every time he is [None of my business, you don't call the police, right? Then I'm here, Watson calls the police! ].

But now Ritsuka Fujimaru in front of him is not exactly his client, but he is an important witness to come to the truth.

"Then master Ritsuka Fujimaru, who saved Renli, now I ask you," Holmes took a deep breath, "Even with the future of Renli, even if you know those doubts, you still have to insist on your testimony , isn't Roman the enemy?"

"He is the worst, but the most reassuring and handsome man in this world."

Ritsuka Fujimaru watched without fear Holmes seems to be able to pierce through the eyes of the wisdom of all things in the world.

Holmes started circling the three-pointed Hermes with his pipe in his mouth.

He rarely listens to personal testimony, because it has no credibility, but probably no one can deny what someone with such eyes says.

This time, Sherlock Holmes compromised.

"fine, I withdraw my conclusions," Holmes put the pipe back in his pocket, "not meeting my criteria to make a judgment based on some data alone, Ritsuka Fujimaru, yes. Your persistence won, but I hope you can hide this matter, Roman's suspicions have not been cleared."

"che," Ritsuka Fujimaru is a little upset, she has said it to this point, Why the detective still refuses to believe Roman.

"By the way, I'm a little interested in the drug Roman uses to boost the spirit," Holmes smiled and raised his right hand index finger, "Can you give me a copy later, this is reasoning necessary material."

It's obviously a lie.

"This is common sense, my friend!!!"

PS always felt that in Chapter 6, Mash and Ritsuka doubted anyone, but Roman should not be doubted

Chapter 34 It's great to have you on this journey

"You cut off the connection between Ritsuka and the others and Chaldea, right."

Walking in the desert Cyd said suddenly.

King Hassan walking beside Cyd was silent for a while and then nodded.

Cyd sighed, scratching his hair helplessly.

King Hassan is very strong, powerful enough to cut off something, the people who are beheaded can't notice, even more how is the person who is not beheaded, but he can see, King Hassan is mentioning Slashed something on Ritsuka Fujimaru before reaching the Atlas Institute.

Mash would have reacted to the Atlas Institute, but Roman didn't react at all, not even showing up, which is strange.

Even if you don't have to speculate deliberately, you can know what the Assassin, who can basically cut off anything, has cut off.

"You don't trust him."

"You trust him."

"If you can't even trust him, the human principle will be gone. Cyd raised his hand and put his hand on King Hassan's shoulder. "Ritsuka and the others probably feel the same way. Your judgment has never been wrong, but that doesn't mean it can't be wrong. Is your judgment about Roman really the truth?" ? Or is it just an intuition that I can conclude that Roman is our comrade just because I met face to face."

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