
Innumerable self-shared dreams, the only thing they have in common with different personalities.

These are words that they don't even dare to expect.

"She, it's okay with them," Mordred tugged at Cyd's clothes.

"Probably," Cyd's mouth twitched as he looked at the pile of Hassan of the Hundred Faces that looked like they were performing gymnastics.

The more lively Hassan of the Hundred Faces after "resurrection" began to jump up and down because they couldn't control their emotions, while the more restrained Hundred Faces wanted to put the lively Hundred Faces out of shame. they catch.

So began the gymnastics chase performance.

King Hassan, who was supposed to reprimand Hundred Faces for stopping this humiliating act, is back with a statue.

"cough, what a shame just now." After some tossing, Hundred Faces, who seemed to belong to the leader's character, was pushed out.

"It's a shame," Mordred said bluntly.

You won't be much better either.

Cyd rolled the eyes.

"Tsk, Knight of Treachery Mordred, if it wasn't for the sake of your lord, I'd be-"

"Die for me?" Mordred posed indifferently He waved his hand, "A dead blockbuster is still quite exciting, hurry up and show a Mordred-sama."

Cyd sighed, raised his hand and pressed it on Mordred's shoulder.

Mordred's arrogant expression became extremely rigid, and his hands subconsciously pressed against his buttocks.

"Don't worry, I won't make you look bad in front of outsiders, no matter what," Cyd squeezed Mordred's shoulder gently.

Mordred's expression is a bit unnatural. Maybe others will feel that Cyd's gentle appearance is very reassuring, but she will only feel that her scalp is numb. After all, Cyd is not gentle to her in the physical sense.

If she wasn't a servant, she would probably still be crying on the bed.

"But Hundred Faces is already my own," Cyd mentioned Mordred with a smile, "Don't keep messing around~ I'll be very troubled."

For the sake of No shame, Mordred coldly snorted his arms around his chest, showing his softness.

"Are you really going to help this guy, my lord?" Hundred Faces looked towards King Hassan in confusion, "Do you really want to entrust everything to her?"

" This era may end at any time, and the only ones who can break the deadlock and open up a new future are the fearless forward idiots."

Although King Hassan called it idiots, Mordred was not angry, but instead Arrogantly moved towards Hundred Faces gestured.

Hundred Faces had a tic tac toe on her head, but because of King Hassan, she could only bear it.

But considering Mordred and her poor strength, she really can't do anything other than die to Mordred.

"Only the one on the other side of the desert is left. Although he sent the Divine Beast Legion, I would like to confirm his attitude if possible."

Cyd Squeeze the neck.

Unlike the past, this era may end at any time as King Hassan said. Artoria is only collecting ideal souls, but not necessarily collecting all the ideal souls of the entire era.

The king or rational god who has no plans to move forward may give up all souls at any time in order to avoid the disappearance of the only ideal souls.

But even if you sensed the crisis, you wouldn't end Sanba early. Sure enough, you still-

"Ah! I've already taken care of that over there," Ritsuka Fujimaru He raised his hand as if asking for credit, "He is very happy to give us most of the Divine Beast Legion. If there is a real war, he will definitely be on our side."

"Well, Well done," Cyd stroked Ritsuka Fujimaru's head gently.

Ritsuka Fujimaru rubbed the back of his head with a smile.

"Not good senior, Miss Mordred is looking at you super dangerous," Mash said cautiously, pulling the hem of Ritsuka Fujimaru's dress.

Ritsuka Fujimaru looked towards Mordred a little stiffly.

Just as Mash said, the Knight of Treachery was staring at her with super dangerous eyes, about the level of a backstab without the slightest hesitation.

"Although that kid will use his power because of his own interests, he is also a king, and he will not bet on his own people," King Hassan said in a tranquil voice, "the one who saves people's principles. Master, you must go to the Atlas Institute, where there are doubts that you have until now, and only after you have been there, will you have the capital to make that kid face it."

Ritsuka Fujimaru hesitated.

In front of her stood King Hassan and Cyd in seconds, to be honest, enough to calm down Ozymandias the nostril king, even more how Arash also over there.

But King Hassan has a tone of "you have to go there for me", and I don't know why Roman has been silent since just now, obviously Mash was shocked when he heard the Atlas Institute. expression.

"Fine," Ritsuka Fujimaru scratched his hair, "First of all, the king of the desert is very willful, and he may be provoked casually."

The flames in King Hassan's eyes danced.

"Rest assured I'll take care of Mordred," Cyd said earnestly.

"Huh? Are you looking down on Mordred-sama?!" Mordred waved his fist in dissatisfaction, "I also know the occasion and proportion!"

For the famous The rebellion of all the kings, the confidence of Mordred, who is unhappy with all the kings, Cyd expresses deep concern.

This guy is sure to anger the king of the desert.

"Hundred Faces, Cursed Arm, you took the villagers of West Village to take refuge," King Hassan looked towards Cursed Arm and Hundred Faces, "When we came back from the desert, it was a bet The beginning of the war in the future of the past."

Ozymandias, who was sitting on the throne, felt an inexplicable chill behind his back, and the wound on his neck stinged.

Chapter 33 The Doctor We Always Trust

The doctor is the most unreliable person in this world. He shows a smiling face that will not refute anyone's bullying all day long. Very capable, but willing to be pointed, always showing a guilty expression to Mash, obviously he is the one in Chaldea who really cares about Mash, and shows a lonely smile from time to time, obviously doing everyone's work at night Go to weird websites.

But just because he is such a person!

"We will trust him and give him our backs!"

Ritsuka Fujimaru said fiercely, pulling on Holmes' collar.

"Don't be suspicious if you don't know anything!"

Mash lowered his head and grabbed the hem of Ritsuka Fujimaru's clothes without saying a word.

This is not the first time that Ritsuka Fujimaru has lost control of her emotions, because of someone's self-denial, because of someone's arrogance in disregarding life, the most ordinary of all master candidates, she will always do [irrational] behavior.

She is Ritsuka Fujimaru's junior and her servant.

She'll always stop Ritsuka Fujimaru when he's over the top, at least not letting Ritsuka Fujimaru do the disrespectful behavior of dragging the collars of heroes etched in history, but this time She chose to do nothing.

Because she is gentle and can't do that.

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