"Good luck, Mr. Alphonse!

The man who came out of the back of the cave.

Avoid seeing him throw a poke at the sword in one stroke.

It seems to be an unusual sword.

Looks like the sword is stretching.

I was really close to escaping the tip of my sword.

Christina saw the sight and screamed briefly.

And after making sure I avoided it and exhaled a big breath, he sent me a cheer.

Something like this.

When I was fighting the Magic Army in the Magic Labyrinth, there was no one to support me.

Eyes can't talk except basically what they need.

I'm going to show my beautiful sister something nice, but I'm a little overstretched.

"You avoided it. I don't think anyone can avoid this free sword for the first time. But apparently you have a dangerous opponent. I'm sorry, but let's get this over with, boy."

"You talk a lot, Uncle."

Is this really a bandit?

I have a slightly different impression from the bald men and other low-end bandits.

Maybe he's some kind of knighthood?

But I don't think it's the same as the people I met at the House of Lords in Brilliant Magic Country.

Somehow, I felt accustomed to rough things.

Everyone in the House of Lords was highly magical, but not a soldier.

I don't know how to say it, but it was elegant.

That's not for this guy.

You can feel such an atmosphere as if you're covering the dirty inner surface with just the outer surface.

I'm sure he's an outsider.

Oriental nobles and knights marry each other from generation to generation, leaving children with high magic.

However, if the magic is high, the child's magic is definitely not high.

I don't know what the reason is, but sometimes children with low magic levels are born.

I wondered what would happen to such a child.

That's why I've heard of Elizabeth and the others.

Then the answer was very simple.

Even if he was the eldest son, if the magic amount doesn't match his family's stature, he won't be able to inherit the house.

What happens then?

Often left in the house as a domestic servant, or used in a marriage relationship with the opposite sex of the lower house than the house, or banished.

Cecilie said that in the worst case scenario, it would disappear unnoticed.

After listening to the scary story, I remembered that I thought it was difficult in the east.

That's probably how he feels, too.

I was born into a decent house, and I'm a thief.

However, the weapon I had was a first-class item.

Free sword.

The moment of the attack, the sword stretched.

The tip of the sword, which was pointing at me, grew in a flash.

Of course, that is hard to avoid.

If you had seen that attack for the first time, you wouldn't be able to avoid it.

But I was training in the labyrinth.

This man must be as strong as a knight.

The Swiss Sword is amazing, but the Swordsmanship is better than the Magic Armor.

But I still couldn't be alarmed.

The fact that the sword is stretched makes it very difficult to fight.

In particular, it is difficult to observe the opponent's usual movements and avoid critical attacks.

In order to avoid the attack of the free sword in time, I couldn't fight back, so I concentrated on dodging.

"Avoid it a bit.... I can't help it. Then let me do my best."

"Didn't you just finish it?

"Cheeky. Die."

We must have been irritated to keep avoiding attacks.

The magic of a knight-breaking man increased.

Apparently, they're really attacking with all their might.

When you gather magic in both eyes and look at the opponent, blue magic floods all over your body.

As soon as the magical expansion reached its maximum, the opponent kicked the ground hard and approached us.


Then wave a sideburn attack.

But that was different from the sword we were talking about earlier.

Until then, it was a very ordinary sword.

Typically a sword of width.

The attack was characterized by the length of such a sword.

But that might have been the way to fool us.

A free sword is a sword that extends in length.

That's how I used it to remind our consciousness of distance.

In fact, the free sword was much more interesting.

Not just the length, but also the width.

The free sword, which was suddenly approached in front of me and swinging sideways, had grown considerably.

The length, the width, and the thickness grew.

A massive sword attack suddenly appeared in front of me.

It is an inevitable attack after only changing the length of the attack.

"Don't worry, it's over."

But do you know who he's fighting?

Perhaps this attack has never been avoided.

But that's probably because he was a big adult until now.

An attack by a giant sword that blows and crushes the opponent, but there is a gap underneath it.

A huge gap between the sword and the ground that is swinging sideways.

Normally, crouching is an inevitable width for an adult.

But that gap can be broken into by a six-year-old of mine.

Crawl on the ground to avoid Swivel Sword attacks.

And the moment that the sword of the side bow was swinging, my body was jumping off the ground.

I'm sure he lost us with a sword too big.

Or did you think he blew it up or jumped up and fled?

Either way, the other man had completely lost sight of us, leaving a big gap.

"Suck it, Norn."

You can't miss that decisive gap.

The Magic Sword Norn pierced deeply into the body of a man who was still in an unbroken position by swinging his big free sword.

And suck up that blood.

You may not believe what happened to you.

While he kept sending his stunned eyes to us, the Magic Sword Norn kept sucking on the man's blood.

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