
I can't believe the sight in front of me.

I was overwhelmed by the little boy's indifferent actions.

Alphonse Barca.

A flying castle official who appeared at the foot of that spiritual peak some time ago.

I don't know why, but it seems that Alphonse, the child, is still leading the mercenaries into a mercenary regiment.

The Mercenaries themselves are not unheard of.

It seems that nobles and knights have been nominal commanders since childhood in order to gain experience with their children.

Historical children are much stronger than ordinary people by birth.

That's why the mercenaries admit it, but I think it's actually like a decoration.

But this Vulcan mercenary regiment was different.

It operates properly with children who are supposed to be less than 10 years old at the top.

The auxiliary has the castle lord of Variant Castle and a very beautiful female attendant, but Alphonse still had all the power to decide.

Is this kid really a child?

As a merchant, I've traveled all over the land, but I've never seen a boy so unusual.

I have a strong mindset, and I don't feel very young when I talk to adults.

And every time I talk to my face, my chest starts to pound.

I wonder what that is.

He was a strange, endless boy.

But that wasn't all.

Not only is Alphonse changing, he also seems to be familiar with the battle.

Quickly locates and defeats the bandits we and Mr. Baden were unable to find.

Especially the first muscular man to come out was a quick kill.

At least I didn't even know what Alphonse did. [M]

Soon there was a red sword in his hand, and it was stuck in the man's throat.

I wonder where that sword came from.

However, the person didn't matter, didn't change his complexion, and really didn't hesitate to defeat the opponent.

"No, I'm in trouble. I was waiting for you to set a trap in the cave, but I didn't expect you to be thrown away like this."

The mercenaries ravage the bandits.

Swords, spears, axes and other weapons kill bandits one after the other.

Looking at it, a man appeared in the back of the cave with a disgusting expression.

It's him.

I think the man with a distinct appearance from other bandits is the head of this bandit.

He hit my caravan, too.

This man did it, even though he had a pretty good escort.

"Be careful, Mr. Alphonse. He needs to be careful."

"Oh, isn't this Christina? You mustn't. Did you bring them back for what you took away from them? Should I have caught myself then?"

After all, I don't think he's like any other bandit.

You know me.

Perhaps this man is a spinner from some country?

The clothes you're wearing are obviously fine, and you're not forcibly wearing leather armor like the man you just wore.

I feel like I'm wearing it properly.

Sometimes you put a noble child on top of a mercenary regiment, but apart from that, it seems that a noble person can be involved in the head of a bandit.

It's called sabotage.

A noble man attacked a merchant dressed as a bandit in order to physically disrupt a deal that could benefit other factions.

Maybe that's what happened this time.

Some kind of stake was involved, and some house might be moving to stop the caravan passing through here from functioning.

Are you all right?

If I'm right about that idea, he's not a normal person.

Aristocrats or knights born stronger than ordinary people.

Isn't that what you're dealing with, Alphonse? [M]

Blink and send a line of sight around.

Nothing makes sense for this man and Alphonse to have to fight.

For example, why won't Atmos warriors fight for you in this mercenary regiment?

But Ian didn't try to move.

Not only that, Elvis and Eye don't move.

I'm just watching Alphonse come in front of a tough guy. [M]

That means he'll fight.

I also looked back from my surroundings and grabbed my hand in front of my chest.

A small mercenary who has acted together for a few days.

I decided to watch the battle while praying for his safety.

"What is it, you? Kids go home and sleep."

"Hey, Uncle. You have an interesting sword."

"Uncle? I'm not that old yet, boy."

"Oh, really? Besides, can I have that sword? If you give it to me honestly, I'll save your life."

"That's an interesting joke. I will only praise you for realizing the value of my free sword. But the word is worthy of death."

That's what the man said and pulled out the sword.

Something is embedded in the sparkling pattern of the sword.

What is that?

It could be a gem or a magic stone.

A man holds and sticks out a sword that seems to be a free sword.

"Eh, has it stretched?

The length of the sword protruding towards Alphonse increased. [M]

I'm not mistaken.

The sword itself was stretched to bridge the gap between the two.

Looks like that's not a regular sword.

Maybe it was the sword that was found in the labyrinth.

I have heard that weapons acquired in the Labyrinth can have a different effect.

Though an end merchant like me has never handled such an expensive substitute, it must be.

Thus, before my eyes, the battle between Alphonse and the user of the Swiss Sword began.

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