"I'm home. You grew up before I even saw you, Alphonse."

"Ah, welcome home, Charles."

"Already, you called me Charles sister, didn't you? Alphonse called me honestly, but Alphonse shouldn't."

I've been training every day.

It's getting pretty cold already.

But I didn't mind that, I was out in the garden.

Watch and practice Eye Swordsmanship, wave your sword yourself and flow magic.

While living like that, Charles returned to the Mansion.

Charles, the Second Prince of the Brilliant Magic Land, had accepted international students from Fontana and rented out his mansion.

But Charles himself wasn't in this mansion for a while.

He commanded one of the armies of the Brillian Magic Land and was out near the border for a while.

It seems that Charles has returned to King's Landing as the army has returned in place of the others.

"More than that, Alphonse. You haven't been to the House of Lords recently, have you? Is that true?

"Yeah, if you're studying, I'm here to teach you, so I'm doing it right."

"Hmm. Studying isn't the only purpose of going to the House of Lords. It's Alphonse's job to make friends. Do you have any friends?

"... there's someone to talk to when we meet."

"That's not good enough. It's also important for Alphonse, who came to this country as exchange students, to learn what they can learn in this country and bring their knowledge back to their country. But more than that, it's important to know the nobles and knights of this country and make helpers."

"... I know."

"Ha, well, I've heard that too. You had a kid who said weird things, right? My country is bigger than others, so I'm sure there are nobles looking down at people in other countries. Sometimes a kid like that bothers an international student. I'm sorry."

"No, it's not like Charles apologizes."

"Yeah, it's hard for me to make Alphonse sad and stop going to the House of Lords. I'll be careful, so I want you to go back to the House of Lords."

... the House of Lords.

Speaking of which, I didn't go at all.

Looks like he's worried about Charles.

Even so, it didn't mean I stopped going because of what Clemens told me or because I had a fight.

It was one of the triggers, but it was more interesting to simply get training from Eye.

Because reading books and learning swordsmanship are much more important than going to the House of Lords.

That's why I spent most of my time in this mansion.

Besides, I'm not the only international student.

Other international students than me came from the United Kingdom of Fontana to this brilliant magical country.

Because I came here to send the chosen talent from the city of Fontana.

Most of them go to the House of Lords unlike me. [M]

Well, it looks like some of them aren't there.

"Besides, Dear Charles, You led the army to the border, didn't you? I want to know what happened."

"Oh, you're interested, Alphonse?

"Of course, I want to join the army."

"Oh, let me tell you something. Even so, I was just out as part of the border guard this time, and it wasn't that big a move."

"Really? I heard there's something going on in the group of small states."

"I'm surprised. You know that, don't you? I didn't go to the House of Lords, but it seems true that I am studying. That's right. There's been an increase in factional strife in the group of small states lately. It was originally between the great powers, wasn't it? As far as we are concerned, it serves as a buffer zone between the Holy See and the Holy See, but the movement there may be a major problem. I've looked into that."

"Is there going to be a big fight?

"I don't think so for now. Small groups of countries are really small. Even though it's getting intense, I think there's been a lot of sporadic skirmishes."

I see. That's what this is all about. "

"Fufu. That's a shame. Still, you're getting a lot stronger, Alphonse? I'm bigger than I've ever seen before."

"Really? Do you eat well and sleep well every day?

"That's a good thing. If you want to be a soldier, you must have a healthier and stronger body. Because it's a tough job to have to be someone who doesn't get sick or get hurt."

I continued to talk to Charles afterwards.

Even though Charles is the royal family of this big country, he speaks to me peacefully.

Besides, in a private conversation, he said it would be nice to talk to me with ease.

So, in this mansion, we can talk like family.

After all, I don't think it's a good idea to worry about Charles like that.

I will go to the House of Lords somewhere in the near future.

While thinking about that, I kept talking to Charles about things for a while afterwards.

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