"So, what do we do next? He said he was going to keep moving slowly."

"Yes, let me explain. That being said, I've applied what I've done before. What we're going to do for Alphonse is magic flow."

"Magic Flow? You mean to move the magic? Then I can already do it....."

"What Alphonse has done so far is to move and distribute magic. Gather magic and strengthen parts of your body. My eyes and brain are like that. But it's not. Fluid is about keeping moving without staying in one place."

"... keep moving"

"That's right. From now on, when Alphonse uses his sword to move his body, he will also use the magic in his body."

Eye to move on to the next training.

The eye said again about the treatment of magic.

But it's a little different than before.

Instead of dispersing magic, it keeps moving.

Having heard that alone, it didn't seem so difficult.

"You can move your magic according to your body's movement, right? Um, is it okay, for example, to collect magic in your arms when you raise your arms, and in your feet when you use your feet?

"That's basically it. Try it."

Eye told me to try it right away.

I tried to get down and down, the most familiar movement.

As always, slowly lift your arms and cut them down from there.

At that time, I also moved the magic inside my body.

"... that's hard."

"Yes, it's important to move your body as you imagine and use magic to help you move accordingly. For example, when raising your arm, you should not use only the muscles of your arm. Strength is also applied to the legs that support the body, as well as to the spine and abdominals that support the trunk. Move as much magic as you need for each of these muscles."

"... but your body keeps moving. You can't just distribute it to your eyes and brain like you did in practice, but you need to keep moving your magic all the time, right?

"Exactly. That's why we call it liquidity. Imagine that magic keeps moving in your body all the time. The liquid that fills the container keeps moving its magic with a smoothness that keeps it moving inside as it moves."

Don't say anything really hard, Eye.

I didn't think this was an easy technique to say.

In the first place, you have to understand which muscles you use to move your body.

... I see.

That's why I might have been practicing as slowly as possible the way I learned to use my body in watching practice.

Moving your body slowly is harder to fool around with this magical flow.

Moreover, since I've been carefully listening to my body's voice and training to manipulate my body as I imagined, I can train you in this magical flow.

This training cannot be achieved by moving properly.

After that, I slowly moved my body and kept swinging my sword.

Continue to move magic into your body as you think about where it's powered when it moves.

And move it smoothly.

I couldn't do it at first.

Eyes pointed out that they were sending magic to the wrong place, or there was no magic where they needed it.

Moreover, magic was sent everywhere, and the movement of the body and magic were shaky because they kept moving.

I'm going to fix it little by little while having Eye look at it.

As you slowly move your body, you can flow your magic smoothly over and over again.

By this time, I think the magic impression has somehow changed in me.

Until then, the liquid that might burn if concentrated and ignited was the magic in me. [M]

But lately, I'm starting to get the impression of fine sand.

Crush the soil finely, make it finer, make it smaller.

And finally, something as small as a grain of sand appeared inside me.

I think I've heard from Mr. Ars that fine sand may look like liquid.

A lot of the magic of small grains gathers up and keeps moving around like a liquid.

The magic is constantly moving to match the movement of the sword swinging body.

In doing so, I think my body is moving more easily than ever before.

Besides, I only pretended, but when I somehow held the sword, the weight of my arm became lighter than before.

Could it be that we're getting stronger?

Despite this expectation, I continued to train in motion confirmation and magic flow for several more months.

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