"Guys, hey. Special broadcasts will begin today. Well... what a surprise. The broadcast is a live transmission of the battle between the Vulcans and the Rhine Zats. Amazing, isn't it? I didn't think you were going to relay the battle on the Vulcan Cultural Broadcasting Station away from Vulcania. Well, then, let me explain about that. Barghas Van Barez, Knight of Barca, may I ask your pardon?

"Oh, wow. It's Vargas. Nice to meet you."

"You don't have to be so nervous. It's okay if you talk normally."

"Really? Now, if you'll excuse me.... fu. Uh, what is it? You mean, how do we relay the battle of the remote lands?

"That's right. The Radial Plains at the foot of Mount Radial, where the battle is expected to take place, must be quite far away, right? I think it's strange to hear how we're going to broadcast the battle between the Balkans and the Rhine Zats."

"I guess. Well, I'm surprised, too. As usual, the general will do a terrible thing. I didn't think I'd let you live on the radio about your fight."

"Mr. Vargas is referring to Ars, right? Ars Barca, the founding father of the kingdom of Fontana and the young hideout of the Barca family, who can meet God's shield."

"That's right. Kiri-chan seems to know the general well. The general created a mechanism called this fact sheet. Well, what is it? Observe the battle from the sky with the eyes of God. It means that the witch of God will live it here."

"Witch of God! You mean Eye, right? Well, I'll explain it to everybody. There is another one here besides Master Vargas. I'm a very pretty person, but I'm not really a person. Ai, who lives in the age of God in the divine world and takes care of God, is coming to the Balkan Cultural Broadcasting Station for this broadcast. Now, can I have a word with you, Mr. Eye?

"I'm Eye. I am now in charge of the factual explanation of the battle in the Radial Plains. Thank you very much."

Wow, what is this?

I never dreamed the general would tell me such a job.

I can't believe I'm starring on the radio.

There is a popular Miss Kili and Eye across the street from me.

Normally, I'm nervous to face such a beautiful place because I'm just in the men's army.

The other day, the general arrived suddenly.

And he said to me, "Vargas, why don't you show up on the radio and explain the fight? I was told.

At first, I didn't know what the general was saying.

What do you mean, we're going to live the fight on the radio?

I overheard that.

But as I listened, I understood what the general wanted to say.

Apparently, the general recently created an autonomous magic doll called Eye with Kyle? He's using something he's not sure about to relay to Vulcan radio stations about the battle in a distant place.

I've never thought of anything like this before.

I've known the General for a long time now, but I still don't think I know what to say next.

However, the plan was unexpected, but it was not impossible.

Rather, it was possible enough.

There are a lot of Eyes, but the information about another individual is always available to other individuals, so the battle far away from Vulcania can be fully realized.

However, the general was worried that the fact sheet alone would tell the radio listener the story.

That's why he ordered me to be his commentary.

While Ai is demonstrating his movements on the battlefield, he looks at the map he has with him and explains it to Miss Kili, who is an amateur in battle.

In doing so, it seems that the aim is to broadcast as easily as possible to those listening to the radio.

The general told me to take it easy, but I've never experienced anything like this before.

I'm getting really nervous.

In this case, it would have been better if I had applied to the general and been in battle without much tension.

Damn it, I've been pushed into a hell of a role.

"Well, what is it? In short, the witch eye of God tells the story of the battle in a remote place in detail. Listen to that and ask Miss Kili if you have any questions. I'll explain it as easily as I can."

"Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Vargas. Well, that's the first question. What's the situation now? The battle hasn't started yet, has it?

"Eye will answer that question. The formation of the Vulcans and the Rhinzats is now complete on the Radial Plains. The weather on the Radial Plain today is clear. The weather won't collapse in the next few days. The two armies will probably open the battlefield by the end of the day."

"Oh, wow. Can you predict the weather a few days from now, Mr. Eye? That's really useful information for astrology."

"Als Barca requires Eye to improve weather forecasting accuracy. Current weather forecasting accuracy is about 90% in three days."

"90%? Wow, that's amazing, Mr. Eye."

"Calm down, Miss Kili. We'll talk about the weather later. More importantly, Eye. It would be easier to know a little more about both forces before the battle begins. Can you tell me the size of each army?

"I understand, Mr. Vargas Van Barez. The Rheinzatz army is formed in the west on the Radial Plains with a force of about 100,000. In contrast, the Vulcan army is about 10,000, and there are roughly 10 times as many soldiers."

Miss Kili and I will talk together.

Am I speaking properly?

No, I can't help being nervous any more.

Trying to stay the same, I poured Carlos, the famous sake I had at hand, all the way into my throat to calm down.

I think Eye is talking properly.

Apparently, the general had prepared Eye beforehand.

He was practicing in a playground in Vulcania using an eye-catching technique, using an on-the-spot broadcast.

Not only that, but the Admiral himself confirmed the battle using the military exercises conducted in the Fontana army.

So Eye was used to broadcasting on the radio without any particular problems.

Incidentally, it seems that Eye is to be honored as the witch of God.

Well, even if they say an autonomous magic doll, I don't even know what it looks like.

I still don't know what kind of reasoning it is to see magic dolls and magic costume weapons moving, and if you've never seen them before, you won't be able to see them at all.

So they say she is a witch who serves God in the divine world.

Even though Ai, the witch of God, was telling the story of events in a distant place, the general thought that the people listening to the radio would be willing to convince themselves, "Can a witch of God do that?"

And that's probably what happens.

Somehow, I don't know, but I think I can do that with the power of God or something.

Because we are convinced that if I were told that, I would be.

This is how I became the narrator of the fight in my first radio appearance.

I'll have the general buy me a drink later.

No, you'll need to have a drink with me, this one.

I thought about the aftermath and distracted myself, relieving the tension, but kept on explaining.

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