A mountain called Mount Radial lies between King's Land and Rheinzatz territory.

Although it is low compared to the sky-high mountains of Mount Taisei, Radial Mountain, which still has sufficient altitude, is known here as a famous mountain.

In winter, snow accumulates, and in spring, snow decreases from the summit of the mountain, even from King's Landing.

Therefore, it is said that those who live in King's City have long seen the snow melt of Mount Radial and felt the arrival of spring.

And from beyond that Mount Radial, the Linzats came with an army.

Our Balkan army stands by and intercepts it on the plains at the foot of Mount Radial.

There's plenty of room here to form an army and fight.

We have already sent a messenger to the Rhinesatz family, and the Rhinesats and the Vulcans are willing to compete here.

"May I ask you a question, Als Barca?"

"What's the matter, Eye? Something bothering you?

"Why fight in the form of battles? I think there are other ways to win against the Linzats."

"For example?"

"One example is the use of a magic airship. You can travel in the sky with a magic airship and ambush the territorial capital of Rhinesatz to see the results."

"Sure, I think that's a good idea. But that's no good, Eye. I don't think so this time.


"If we win that way, the Linzats will probably retreat. But I can't cut out Rheinzatz territory. Aristocrats and knights subordinate to the Rheinzats and the Rheinzats will not accept the victory of the Balkans or the reign of the Reids. If that happens, even with territory, rebellions will continue to occur everywhere, and the Reed family will be depleted by their response."

"But I'm sure we can win."

"Well, that's true. But the assumption is different. The magic airship is mine, and I only use it for myself. There are magical airships, horned Valkyries, or transfer magic teams, but even if you win on the assumption that I'm the only one who can handle them, you won't win without me this time, right? So, to put it simply, it's a good idea to use a way to win without me."

"Is it a way to win without Ars Barca?"

"That's right. Ideally, it would be a better strategy to use in the lead army. In this way, the Reed can also win against the Reinzats and other aristocratic opponents. And on top of that, I want the Linzats and the other nobles to think that Barca and Reed are enemies."

"You mean you can't just win. However, this operation seems to contain many elements that the leader cannot emulate."

Eye talks as he deploys his Balkan army at the foot of Mount Radial.

Apparently, I wish I had a better way to fight.

I think that is a natural question.

Because the information Eye has contains data from the battlefields I've fought before.

Especially when Eye thought it was a magic airship attack on the territorial capital of Rhinesatz.

The magic airship was a flying vehicle that would take me to the Territorial Capital and drop my magic weapon from the sky, so I could grab the victory.

That would certainly be true.

That way, we will win while minimizing our damage.

And I have the plan inside me.

If we want to, we also want to strike the Rhinesatz family with that tactic and force them to retreat.

However, the method was not a very good maneuver to grasp the territory and the hearts of the people.

The Reinzatz family's territorial capital is naturally within a large territory.

It is the only area that has been damaged and the rest of the land remains intact even if it is occupied.

Those with backbones who do not obey Barca or Reed will resist thoroughly.

And if we are to use the Magic Airship Must Fight again to contain the rebellion, we must destroy all the cities.

Of course, if you do that, your impression of Barca will collapse.

So this time, we decided to temporarily seal off the must-win tactics and fight together.

Battle-style battles were originally conducted normally, which makes it easier for both parties to accept the outcome of the battle.

And if possible, it would be preferable for the lead family to be able to fight at that time.

After all, cutting off the land around here is only a lead house, and it is a lead house that needs to be maintained.

"So, Ars Barca wanted me to do a live show for Eye, right? What does that mean?

"It's easy. I want Eye to see the battle between the Rheinzats and the Vulcans here from above. I want you to get on a magic airship and watch the battle between the two factions from the sky and live the battle. I want all of you to report the end of the battle on the radio. Can you do it?"

Yes, it is possible.

The true aim of this battle is to "grasp the heart".

Fighting and winning fairly grasps people's hearts and minds.

Or you might want to break your heart.

But it wasn't just for those who lived in Rhinesatz.

Show off the Balkan battle against the entire territory, not just Rhinesatz territory.

Know that you will lose 10 times as many fights against Barca.

That's why I decided to hit one hand.

That's the Eye Radio Live.

Put Eye on a magic airship to watch the battle between the two factions.

And we're going to use another device, Eye, on the Vulcan Cultural Broadcasting Station to get the situation live on the radio.

We'll show you how to fight and which one wins on the radio.

To that end, Eye had already been prepared to learn the actual situation in the venue at the Veterinary Service Race Course in Vulcania.

Thus, the battle between Vulca and Rhinesatz was broadcast as the first ever battle with a live radio commentary.

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