"Bite brother, can I take care of the immortals here?

"Oops, but I wanted to go to the gods, too."

"Well, there might be another chance to go when we're done. Anyway, nice to meet you. Take good care of the mercenaries. If you do something strange, I'll leave it to my part-time brother."

"All right, all right. Leave this to me, Ars."

"Thank goodness. The Atmos warriors are coming with me to the world of God. All right, Tanatos?

"Oh, okay."

Naja disappeared with the King of the Immortals.

Go to the Divine Realm to chase it.

Before that, I decided to explain the situation to my part-time brother and the Knights of the Holy Order and leave the rest to me.

Mercenaries from the Marshall Mercenary Regiment who fought across the country and vandalized the surroundings with Naja, but I'm glad the deputy commander still understands.

Apparently he wasn't the type to solve everything by force, and he wanted to get forgiveness at some point.

Perhaps she had an inner affection for her.

Well, I think the Marchelle Mercenaries have always thought that if the church remained, it would be unacceptable.

But it doesn't matter much to me.

As long as they fight to prevent the spread of immortals on this spot.

After all, even though the Marshall mercenaries fled the immortals, they were also capable of using the magic of various nobles.

Mercenaries [purified] by Archbishop Paul struggled to sacrifice the immortals like fish that got water.

"Okay, I'll go, Ars. Ready?

"Yes, thank you, Archbishop Paul."

After one pass of communication, I will finally go to the world of God.

The way to get there was Archbishop Paul using the magic of "Divine Transfer".

Originally, this [Divine Transfer] was a magic that could be used by the Pope above the Cardinal in the Church.

The only way to move to the gods is to deploy a magical formation and move those on top of it instantly.

In other words, although similar to the transfer stone, it seems that those who cannot use magic can also go to the divine world with them.

So I decided to take three Atmos warriors, Tanatos, Lyla, and Ian.

By the way, Archbishop Paul had long dreamed of going to the gods.

When Fontana, the northern country lord, became a priest in charge of a district where there was a village by the forest, he wanted to go to the divine realm by raising his ranks.

That's why he kept trying to help me and increase his magic.

Though I would never have dreamed that the wish would come true by destroying the Holy City.

Najah turned several cardinals and all church officials in the Holy City into salt with [the light of judgment] and [collected] its power.

As a result, Naja also gained as much magic as [Divine Transfer] could, and it was connected to me and Archbishop Paul around.

In other words, I can now use Sanctuary and Divine Transfer as well.

Somehow, that's it.

A sudden change is happening to me, like defeating a strong enemy, gaining a lot of experience, leveling up at once, and learning multiple spells.

However, I can understand that the divine world exists because I have also risen to a level where I can use the [Divine Realm Transfer].

I know, but is there really a God?

Don't get excited.

"Well, I'll do what I have to do, Ars."

"I see. The moment Archbishop Paul performs the [Divine Transfer] and arrives in the Divine Realm, shall I use the [Sanctuary]?

"Exactly. According to earlier testimonies, it is highly likely that the Immortal King has also entered the divine world. It is possible that dirt is spreading where it arrived."

"Roger that. Ready, Archbishop Paul."

"Then... I'll go. Divine Transfer"

Out of the temporary safe area of [Sanctuary], Archbishop Paul cast a spell of [Divine Transfer] a little further away.

And at that moment, a magical formation spreads to the ground.

It was larger and more complicated than the named magical formation.

And on top of that magic team are me, Archbishop Paul, Tanatos and five others.

The magical team glowed as their bodies were wrapped in enormous magic.

The next moment the light covered my vision, I felt lightly dizzy and unstable at my feet.

It's close to how I felt when I jumped with a transfer stone.

That's why I activate magic at the same time as when my transfer with the Forward Stone is over.


Whether or not there are feet on the ground.

I activated [Sanctuary] and the surroundings were surrounded by light at an extraordinary time when the Magic Faction was activated and the movement ended or not.

And check the surroundings from the light of the [sanctuary].

Was this in some kind of building?

I think it was probably here that the jumping place was determined by the [Divine Transfer].

It might have been a room with a strict atmosphere, like a room in a stone temple.

But the walls of the room were crumbling.

The walls are rolling with stones everywhere.

And the stone still had some black magic left.

I was in the process of purifying and disappearing with the light of [Sanctuary] that I activated.

"After all, the Immortal King must have come here. What is more proof of the magic of impurity?"

"... let's hurry. This should be the transfer room. If you get out of here and go outside, there must be a shrine of God."

"The shrine of God.... hey. Well, this is awesome. I see, is this the world of gods?"

"That's right. It is supposed to be a place where beautiful flowers bloom. Welcome to our land of hope, Ars."

We left the transfer room with Archbishop Paul's words.

It was the sea of clouds that came into my eyes.

The ground was cut off a short distance outside the transfer room.

And the clouds were floating without the ground.

Yes, we came instantly to a remote land, and to a land floating above the sky.

Also known as the paradise of the sky, the divine world is a mysterious place where only the meritorious Pope and those recognized by his Pope are allowed to enter.

It was a strange land floating in the sky.

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