"Listen! My name is Holy Knight Ars. I came here to sense the immortality and defeat it. Those who are not invaded by the magic of the immortal will be gathered here at once."

Mercenaries fighting the immortals while trying to escape from the holy city.

To reach them, I practiced my magic and cried out to the hearts of those who heard the voice of Cleon.

He told me that he had come here as a knight, not as a Fontana.

Hearing that voice, many mercenaries turned to us.

At that moment, Archbishop Paul activates [Sanctuary].

Unlike [Light of Judgment], a soft pillar of light appears that feels warm somewhere.

The Sanctuary has been used to seal off the Immortal King, but it can also create artificial safe areas when the Immortal is flooded with surroundings as it is now.

Well, that's how it was originally used, but it seems to have trapped the Immortal King forcefully in the safe area.

Those soft lights gave people peace of mind, and the mercenaries came running towards us like bugs swarming with light.

It's pretty scary that the rough bastards with the weapons in their hands came rushing towards us, but more dangerous than that were coming after the mercenaries.


As you can see, it is invaded by the magic of the immortal, and you are a former mercenary who has become immortal.

Armored and armed, immortals approached.

Observing the appearance from a distance, it seems that the state of the body varies depending on the Immortals.

Some are like zombies with rotten bodies, while others have rotten flesh from their bodies and only bones.

I thought perhaps there was a difference in appearance due to the amount of magic that the immortal had.

The more magic you have, the more prototypes you hold. If you have less magic, the more skeletons you have, right?

However, given that the dragon, which would have had overwhelming magic powers, had become an immortal bone dragon, perhaps everything would eventually become bone.

Accept the gathered mercenaries in the safe area, considering the untested hypothesis.

"Bite brother, get out."

"Say, leave it to me. Let's go, guys. Kill the immortals."

Apparently, immortals aren't fast feet.

Zombies are slower than escaping mercenaries, as are skeletons.

So I was able to retrieve the mercenaries for now and then move on to the attack.

A part-time brother on a Valkyrie approaches a zombie immortal with a sword.

Then, with the same momentum, I slit into pieces.

What my part-time brother has now is a newly created sword, Gran Barca, dedicated to the church of Fontana.

A sharp Japanese sword weapon that can attack the opponent without being adversely affected by the immortal's unclean magic, even without Purification .

The sharpness was incredible, cutting the body of the immortal into oblique spans.

Doesn't an undead immortal move by cutting his body?

I thought so, but apparently not.

The mutilated immortal fell to the ground, and after a while he could no longer cast his filthy black magic out of his body.

This eliminates any negative impact on the surroundings.

Apparently, defeating the Immortals is the end of it.

However, the trouble is that in the absence of Purification , the attacker will be invaded by impure magic.

If Purification can't be used, you may have to defeat the immortal with preparedness to fight, and then spray it on your neck to prevent secondary damage.

Following my part-time brother, others defeated the immortals.

Apparently, an ice sperm spear is helping.

Others besides the part-time brother were riding Valkyrie and attacking with magic on the ice spear, a magical weapon in their hand.

An Ice Spear is a magical weapon that plunges an ice spear from the tip of a spear.

Apparently, this ice part was also Purified , and was damaged to the Immortals without any particular problems.

All we have to do is defeat the immortals that have occurred so that they don't leak, while being careful not to cause damage to us.

"Ah, well, thank you. Thank you very much. Um, is that the Holy Knight?

"Oh, yeah. You're mercenaries of the Marshall Mercenaries, right? Nh... that's the face I've seen. Are you sure you're not the deputy commander of the Marshall Mercenaries? It was in the Arrangement."

"Yes, that's right...."

"Don't wake me up. We must defeat the immortals here now. You know that, right?

"Yes, of course. I don't want to resist."

I see. But shall I ask you to pay for your sins? You Marshall Mercenaries are responsible for this, right? Then you have a duty to fight the immortals. I think it is the brave who will be [purified] by Archbishop Paul there. And fight the immortals. Then at least I'll admit it. "

"Eh... does that mean you can forgive us for what we've done, Holy Knight?

"Not everything. But whoever fights together against the immortals here will forgive some of their sins. If I survive, I promise I won't do anything wrong afterwards."

"Ah, thank you. Let us fight together."

"Okay. Brave men. Fight with us and purge the land of your unclean magic."

"Okay, here we go, guys."

"" "" Oh "" "

That's good.

The mercenaries survived a lot and fled into the safe area they built in [Sanctuary].

In case they try to do something to me or Archbishop Paul, they'll be in trouble.

That's why I decided to use them as a force.

By the way, I don't have any authority to forgive their sins.

But let Archbishop Paul do the talking.

More than that, Lieutenant Commander, I need to ask you something.

"Yes, what is it, Holy Knight?"

"What happened to Naja, the captain who led the Marshall Mercenaries? I can't seem to see you. Where are you? And there was no Immortal King who was the source of immortality?

"Yes, yes. I don't really understand....."

"What do you mean, I don't know? Tell me what you saw."

"I see. Naja, the leader of the regiment, attacked the Holy City. With the powerful magic of [Light of Judgment]. Then the King of the Immortals will be there after his demise? He showed up."

"After all, the King of the Immortals has emerged, right? So?"

"Well, the Immortal King looked at us and approached us. And some of our gang members became immortals, and they got confused. But I saw the Commander fighting the Immortal King a little. But then I was attacked by a squad member who became immortal nearby."

"So you haven't seen what happened to Naja and the King of the Immortals?

"Yes, but the rest of the team said: The captain cast a spell and a magical formation appeared on the ground. The magic team glowed and the next moment, the captain was blind. And just like that, the Immortal King who was nearby disappeared with him."

"Excuse me? Is that true?

"Whoa, I'm surprised. Does Archbishop Paul have any thoughts about the magic team?

"Yes. Perhaps at that time Naja was casting the spell 'Transfer of the Divine Realm'?

"Eh, ah, yes. It seems so."

"This... is a big deal, Ars. Maybe Naja went to the gods with the King of the Immortals."

"... hah. The Divine Realm, Archbishop Paul? You think there's a world of gods?

"Exactly. The sacred capital, the main mountain of the church, is only on earth. But there is another place far away called the Divine Realm, where you can go by using the spell" Transfer Divine Realm ", which only the Pope can use. Maybe Naja, who destroyed the Holy City and increased her magic, used the spell to go to the gods."

"Oh, really. I can also use spells such as [Divine Transfer]. But is it really there, with that god world? I mean, why would Naja go there?

"I don't know, but it was probably used to get away quickly. It's also magic that you can move far away in an instant, just like the transfer stones you often use."

"Does that mean that Najah used the magic of [Divine Transfer] to escape the Immortal King, but did the magic catch the Immortal King and move with him?"

"As far as we're concerned, it's possible."

I don't know.

Is there really a world where God lives?

I can't believe I'm personally happier, but that's probably what happens more than I've been reincarnated in another world.

I realized after they told me, perhaps Naja destroyed the sacred city and increased its magic, so I was on a higher level.

In addition to Sanctuary , Divine Transfer spells were available.

It seems certain that the Divine Forwarding spell is a spell that can be moved somewhere.

Then, Naja and the King of the Immortals entered the magical faction that appeared when they cast the spell.

Naja, who has the vicious magic of Light of Judgment , and the most annoying being in the world, the King of the Immortals, who scatters his filth with mere existence, have gone to the gods.

"Als, we're on our way to the gods."

And apparently, I have to go there, too.

If there's a god, you can do something about it.

I could not say that to Archbishop Paul with a serious face, even though I was about to say so, and I decided to go to the divine world.

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