No, it's amazing. I'm afraid Taga's out of the army.

"Well, maybe the Glugalia country is over, this one. The damage done to the land in the country is too great. This may not be rebuilt after ten years."

An Orient army base on the River Gru.

Oliva and I at the base heard reports from the Shadows.

Recently, information that the Ellis nation had turned back to the Orient nation seemed to have reached each of the smaller armies outside.

And the supply from Arundal's Iris army, which had been delivering food until then, was completely interrupted.

As a result, the armies of the various nations that were gathered here to fight the Orient Army began to move in pieces.

We went to procure our own food for ourselves.

Troops head to towns and villages in Glugalia, where they try to secure food.

But there was already not enough rice in those lands to satisfy the belly of the army satisfactorily.

They were already sold to the Orient army, given to the Arundals, or burned.

So I can't get anything to eat.

It seems that people will run rampant.

Some factions have drained a small amount of food, taken out hidden warehouses, or slashed ten people with their weapons to distract them.

As a result, it seems that in Glugalia, it is as if all kinds of things were taken away by a large number of night robbers.

It was not just about food.

It seemed like they had golden objects, weapons, armor, women, children, anything else they could take with them.

Thanks to it, Glugalia was completely devastated.

Moreover, it was not just a matter of Glugaria.

Because in other countries, small, banditized armies went.

We will move the location to the country around Glugalia and do everything we can to loot.

Because of this, the armies of the surrounding countries that had encircled the Orient forces were forced to return to their home countries to defend themselves.

As a result, the countries that had previously held the Orient together as an enemy had become unstoppable.

Naturally, the Glugalian state, which has gathered reinforcements, must manage to bring countries together so that there is no such thing.

However, we can no longer afford to do that, and from now on, each army will not be able to act in unison.

That's why we decided not to attack the troops that were surrounded for a while.

Now, if the Orient Army shows any movement, it could be a pretext for bringing the nations together again.

I'm sorry for the people living around Glugalia, but we'll have to endure the damage of the rampaging army for a while.

However, Oliva says that the damage is so great, and it may not be possible to recover the national power after ten years.

At least the Glugalian state won't be able to.

Anyway, food production will surely have lost the soil where the talent specializing in bows will grow.

Well, let's get you where you need to get it instead.

Lumber mill, right?

"That's right. It's the only place worthwhile in the ruined Glugalia right now." By now, the lumber store will be dying without eating it. I'll invade. "

For the past few months or so, the Orient Army has only been defending itself.

We were able to defend our base and endure it for a long time.

However, in the meantime, there was something more than just defense.

It's on the river.

On the Glue River, the Orient Army's strength was far more maneuverable and defensive than the ships of other nations: Magic Iron Ships.

So, of course, the ships fought to keep the base from being attacked from the water, and all other ships were captured and sunk as soon as they found it, so that the Glugalia nation could not use the river to feed itself.

And it was the same in Nakaju, which is also one of the glue galleries.

A softwood lumber mill in Nakaju on the Glue River.

This was obvious, but it wasn't a place where we could feed ourselves, and we needed to bring it in from somewhere else.

The ships heading for the lumber yard have all been attacking since the Orient forces began defending the base.

Therefore, there are currently almost no glue-gallian ships that can reach Nakazu, which means that food in Nakazu is depleted.

Now I can capture Nakaju without any resistance.

And Glugalia has no way of stopping it.

Reinforcements we have called to our lands are ravaging the area, so we can't get them around.

If, while the troops were leaving the capital and heading for Nakazhou, a small army from somewhere poured into the city, it would be a disaster.

Therefore, we cannot even defend the lumber yard, which is the most important base.

You mean the army that gathered together has become a force?

"That's right. Fighting common enemies may be a small group of countries' strength, but if the facilitator doesn't work properly, it's going to be a big deal." But don't hesitate. We're not doing no damage, and we're running out of money in a protracted war. Let's make sure we can collect it properly. "

"Roger that. Now, let's move the troops to the lumber yard occupation"

While Glugalia was devastated, the Orient Army leisurely boarded a ship and landed in Nakazhou.

We've been here a few times, but it was the least resistant landing.

There was also a fortified [Atmos Wall] base facility, but it was barely a battle because I couldn't eat properly.

Thus, we succeeded in securing a unique resource called the Soft Demon Tree.

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