What is the state of war, Lord Alphonse?

"The Orient Army has been defending in bases all these years." Since [Wall Construction] is reconstructing the walls of each base, the base area is gradually increasing. Well, for now, I wonder if I can focus on defending it. I don't have to worry about food because I keep the supplies from the river. "

I was talking to Banage on the magic comms.

In the battle against the Glugalia, our defenses will be ours after the reinforcement battle with the Iris army.

One army after another came from other small countries.

Small armies attack from bases on the banks of the River Gru.

In defense of less than 3,000 Orient troops, the small army gathered exceeds tens of thousands.

It was a siege battle by an attacking team with a three-fold difference.

However, it has not been broken through so far.

After all, it would be big to be able to build a wall.

By using magic communicators to instantly instruct everywhere on the battlefield to build a defensive wall, I was able to expand my position even though I was surrounded.

I had already spent a few months on such an offensive.

Normally, it wouldn't be that long, but the Orient Army is still able to secure river transport.

Supplies such as food and arrows for interception are always available, making it very easy to fight.

And more importantly, I'm using Heal in this defensive battle.

I stipulated that I would only use Recovery for people who satisfied certain conditions by setting a pension system, but now I am using Recovery for people who are seriously injured in battles in the field as an exception.

Therefore, there are not many dead people on the defense side.

If this happens, the attackers will be in trouble.

Normally, they wouldn't attack a siege.

It's a common tactic to surround yourself, cut off supplies, and finally attack when your opponent is out of strength due to food hardship.

However, the morale in the Orient Sector would not diminish as long as I waited.

Even if you make a loud noise every night to keep the opponent from sleeping, [meditation] will not put you under any mental burden.

It's a perfect defense, isn't it? In that case, it's not likely that the encircling small country army will run out of food first. "

"I think so." Surprisingly, Arondal was the master of the game. They're adjusting the food. ”

Adjusting food? What do you mean? Wasn't Lord Arondal of the Elysian Army supposed to be raiding the food of the Glugalian nation about Lord Alphonse? ”

"That's right, but we also need to make it look like we're doing a good job for our home country, Ellis." The Arondals, who had lost three of their swordsmen, told the rest of the Small Armies that they would support them backwards, and they were working to secure food. So, we're sending in enough food to keep our troops from keeping up so close to the small country forces that are surrounding our territory. while gradually reducing the amount to send. "

I see, so that you don't suspect me of working with the Orient Army in my own country and in small countries.

That's it.

The Arondals are gathering food from the Glugalia and surrounding countries.

For the time being, I was still in the position of the Glugalia camp.

I will collect it to send food to the small country army, so other armies will tell me to besiege it, but I will not send all the collected food.

To avoid suspicion, but little by little, the troops under siege are sending out food as they adjust to make things thin.

And in the meantime, food has disappeared from the surrounding land.

Because the Orient still buys and sells at a high price.

Food that the Arondal Squad leads their troops to collect in villages and towns.

They are basically taken away by force or taken away at a cheap price.

But I don't think it's accumulated from the residents.

It would be more practical to sell it to the Orient country where it will be bought as expensively as possible.

Therefore, the people of the village and town show a refusal to provide food for the Arondal team.

However, it would be a favorable act from the Glugalia side.

Therefore, the Arondal Squad will use force against those who refuse to provide food.

Burn the rice as long as you give it to your enemies.

As a general agreement on the part of Glugaria.

Thanks to this, food has disappeared from the surrounding land, and the reputation of the Glugalia side has fallen to the bottom of the earth.

So, the fact that Banage contacted me means that we are finally going to succeed?

That's right. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm sorry to hear from someone who went to Ellis' land, but it looks like we've finally finished cutting it down. Ellis, the country is going to be an ally of the Orient. "

"It really feels like it's finally happening." Diplomacy takes time, doesn't it? "

It's because of the other party's domestic situation. That's all I have to do. "

"Well, that's right. In any case, the Arondal Corps, which is responsible for securing food on the siege side, will end up in the Orient. The people outside will panic if they find out. And of course, Glugalia. When that happens, the battle will go on again.”

A poor resupply coordinated by Arondal.

It would have been frustrating not to fill the stomach of the small country army.

But I couldn't get out of here because I had someone to fight in front of me.

However, the Elysian army, which was working to secure food, would be the opponent.

What will happen if that happens?

Probably, the frustration that you have accumulated will explode.

It's hard not to have any food.

If we have to move ourselves to fill our bellies, the army may move away from here in search of food.

A hungry army wanders through and around Glugalia.

Let's just be careful that they don't come to the Orient.

While observing what was happening outside in the area, I was able to discuss the Banage and the rest.

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