"What is he?" You know each other, Alphonse? "

The battle between Elysian forces is over.

After defeating the three swordsmen in the main force, the other Iris soldiers stopped resisting.

Even so, the battle is still going on in part.

Due to the darkness of the night, there are sporadic battles right away.

But for the time being, Ian asked me if I could calm down.

Or rather, I called you.

If I hadn't said something, Ian would have started a fight with the Arondals.

Ian, who is also a mercenary in battle, doesn't judge Arondal's allies when he sees his enemies attacking him.

The enemy is not an ally, but a third force.

That's why I approached Ian to keep him from attacking Arondal.

"He's Arondal." You're one of the ten swordsmen of Elys who made a blood pact with me and decided to go to the Orient. "

Ten swordsmen? What is that?

Somehow, it seems that ten powerful swordsmen in the country of Elys are called to be special treatment.

"Hmm. But you trusted me a lot because I told you that guy would be on your side." Did you make all the blood contracts? "

"No, it's just Arondal." The others are just acting on Arondal. "

"... is that okay?" You can't call them allies. I think it's dangerous to act together. "

"It's okay." I'm not going to work with the Arondals anyway. "

Ian is right to say that the Arondals will not be trusted.

Explain the future to Ian.

It was about taking advantage of the Arondal Squad.

I don't have any complete faith in Arondal's team either.

However, I also thought that it might be possible to use it in a situation.

It's in the situation in the Orient country right now.

Originally started as retaliation for the Hale Medium and Glugalia nations that attacked from behind me when I fought Peria, this battle is now an enduring one.

The Orient Army is based on the banks of the River Gruh and the Gruh River, enclosed behind a wall surrounding the capital.

The Glugalia prepared reinforcements from other small countries as a means of counterattacking the Orient.

The numbers are coming from over a dozen countries.

What I was thinking of doing about it was cutting back on food from the Glugalia and surrounding countries.

It is progressing to some extent.

However, it was also expected that this would become difficult in the future.

If reinforcements arrive one after the other outside of the Iris Army, the Orient Army is likely to join the base in defensive battles.

You won't be able to go out and destroy food warehouses and bases.

So I'm going to let the Arondal squad do their job.

The Elysian troops who came to reinforce the Glugalia nation thought that they could contain the reinforcements coming from other small countries by actively acting against the Orient army and not for food.

"In other words, it's a separate squad. Or it could be used as a reinforcement force for the Orient army.”

“That's right. If we don't act together directly, the risk of betrayal isn't very high.”

"But is it going to be that easy?" The military will receive orders from the head of state, right? Isn't it said from the beginning that it's too different from a certain operation? "

"No, that's not true." The Elysian forces that invaded the Glugalia have fought the Orient forces and lost three commanding class Ten Swordsmen. But Arondal, one of the ten surviving swordsmen, took over the command of the army and set it in motion. However, you can report that you have lost food in this battle and are working hard to procure it locally. ”

“That's a pretty good explanation, but does that make sense?”

“Probably. The military chain of command is quite appropriate outside of the Orient.”

Ian is a warrior of Atmos.

Go to battle as a mercenary and earn battle rewards there.

Having lived such a life, I have a lot of experience working with the army, but the Orient Army is the first in terms of properly belonging to the army.

That's why the common sense of Ian's army belongs to the Orient Army today.

But the Orient Army is quite different from other small nations.

The Iris Army is quite different in nature from the Orient Army.

The Orient, where I became Secretary of Defense and carried out Vulcan-style military reform, is a well-organized army.

However, the Elysian Army had a special presence called the Ten Swordsmen, and it was created by gathering soldiers from Japan in their fame.

It could be said that the Ten Swordsmen were only using their subordinates and acting in bundles with the people they had gathered.

So most soldiers don't understand exactly what the military is doing.

All you have to do is follow your orders and execute the orders that you are given on the spot.

In this case, many soldiers only know that they are going to the Glugalia country while letting the poor build tracks.

Some of you don't know why you're fighting the Orient Army.

Therefore, after the three Decathlon swordsmen are gone, it will work to some extent even if Arondal takes over the command of this army.

Of course, there will be soldiers and poor people who will flee the scene.

However, if you can use the remaining Elysians to raze the Glugalia country, that's all.

And there is the question of whether we can control the Elysian army in such a way that we can judge and act in the field.

But I also talked to Arondal before I spoke to Ian, but for a while he was sure to be missed.

Well, unlike the Orient, there was no magic communicator.

Arondal used his message to tell us that he was under attack, but that would buy him time.

Then, after gaining time, conduct diplomacy.

In the Orient country, banage is good at diplomacy, but there are other people who do it besides banage.

Originally, the Orient country, which is known as a weak country among small countries, is a country that has lived in diplomacy.

There would have been no favorable diplomacy in the weaker Orient countries, such as the Elysian nation, which possesses the power of the Ten Swordsmen.

But not now.

Because three of the Ten Swordsmen were lost at the same time.

They are powerful masters, but they are also involved in factional battles within Ellis.

The Ten Swordsmen are certainly going to choose ten strong swordsmen from Japan, but the selection process is also influenced by domestic politics.

The political connotation changes depending on who fits within the boundaries of how many and dozens of famous families from generation to generation.

That's why Arondal said it was inevitable that a factional battle would break out with the loss of three people this time.

In other words, the country of Ellis will be politically disturbed for a while.

It is my idea that the Orient diplomats speak well and officially bring them to our side.

If we turn the country that sends reinforcements to the Glugalia nation over to our side, not only will one hostile country be reduced, but we will also be able to recover two difference in combat power.

It will be well worth a try.

As a result, Arundal was able to assemble most of the remaining Iris soldiers and resume operations in Glugalia apart from the Orient countries.

Then, from the Orient country, diplomats headed to Ellis country, and negotiations were held to get to each country.

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