Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

A giant wearing metal armor over five meters tall and wielding a giant sword.

The figure looked like a storm.

The surrounding trees were knocked down by a once heavy storm, and a scene was spread there reminiscent of a catastrophe that broke in the middle and lay on the ground.

The [Lighting] light used by the Iris army to intercept was shining all around, and Ian's battle was like a scene on stage.

It was the core of the Elysian army that was moving while building the tracks, and the tent that was used as the main force for all commanders was also down.

And the Elysian soldiers that have fallen nearby are probably the officers and messengers that were packed into our ranks.

I was distracted to deal with the Valkyrie thrill and the attack on the Separate Corps led by me, but I was attacked by the Orient Army led by Ian, and I have suffered a lot.

However, it seems that there are still three people in the Elysian kingdom who are called the Ten Swordsmen.

Ian was fighting three swordsmen.

A single-bladed sword with a sleigh similar to Arondal's.

I thought it was a weapon called a sword, but there was a difference.

Some fight with two swords, others with only one.

In addition, the other one had an unusually long sword.

I don't think they're unifying their weapons.

I'm sure that the Ten Swordsmen, who are called masters, must have made their own swords to make them their own.

Arondal with the red sword rushed in.

When I took Arundal as my ally, I was a little curious about the weapon.

When I fought Arundal, I slashed Arundal's body, but at that time I also cut the sword of my weapon.

His weapon wasn't something special like a magic sword, but it still seemed to be quite an object, and there was no substitute for it.

As a result, Arondal has no weapons at his disposal.

So I decided to offer you a replacement.

That said, even if I handed over the Magic Sword's Hard Fang Sword, I could probably use it on Arondal, but I might not be able to use it to its full potential.

So I decided to give him my sword.

In order to create the Fresh Blood Soldier Norn using red and black magic stones, we mimicked the broken Arondal's sword and made it into a weapon of blood.

In other words, it was like creating another one of my demon swords.

I let Arondal hold it and shake his sword several times to see how it feels to use it.

I have received a certification from the customer that the product can be used sufficiently, so I think it will be OK.

There was another reason to lend a magic sword to Arondal, who had just suddenly become an ally.

It's meant to be a betrayal prevention.

If Arundal tries to attack me or Ian with a weapon, he tells Norn to attack Arundal.

However, unaware of this, the soldiers of the Arondal Corps were motivated by the thought that their generals were trusted enough to give me weapons.

Well, there was no need to clear up any misunderstandings, so I left it as it was, but a morale-enhancing Arondal team broke into the main wing of the Iris Army.

"Arondal? You're safe now." I'm sorry, but help me defeat this giant. "

As Arondal's team ran into the main battlefield, the long-rolled man who had been fighting Ian shouted.

I used a sword that was longer than my height.

I think it might be difficult to handle it for such a long time, but I was fighting it with my body twist.

The Ten Swordsmen of the Two Swords were diving into Ian's footsteps in a super close-quarter battle, and the long-rolled man was distracting Ian from the front and fighting the attack.

But it must have been pretty painful.

There was a reassuring expression on his face when he saw Arondal's figure.

That would have been a great help to us.

There weren't enough strongmen to take on the Atmos Warrior.

That's why the Ten Swordsmen who fought Ian turned their backs on the Arondal team that appeared in Kasa, and remained focused on fighting Ian.

Arondal attacked the Ten Swordsmen.

A red sword slashed the back of a man with a long scroll.

Arondal's specialty was a flash of sharpness.

The blow that broke her spine was a fatal injury. She was twisting her body to swing through the long roll, and she was falling to the ground with a change of direction.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" You betrayed me, Arondal!! "

The long-wind user, who was cut off from his back and could not move his body properly, said so loudly.

When I heard that, the gaze of the man with the two swords and the man who had been slashing at Ian while shouting "Kieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

But it was too big a gap in front of Ian.

Ian's sword was attacked by two swordsmen who had just turned their attention slightly.

Thus, the battle that was taking place within the Iris Army HQ was quickly settled by Arondal's entry.

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