Oh, is there such a way as to use it?

There is an army approaching the Glugalia country.

When I heard that, I decided to use the Shadow Man for recon to check on the situation.

Then, when I heard what the person who was heading for the reconnaissance had reported back, I heard a voice of admiration.

Reinforcements came this time from a small country called Ellis.

The Glugalia country is related to the location where it travels by land, and the Glugalia River is not used as a means of transportation.

That's why it's common practice to lead a soldier on foot.

However, because I got information about the current shortage of rice in the vicinity of the Glugalia country, I was moving differently.

That was because I was using a spell called [Railroad Laying].

In the small group of countries where magic was spread, [Road Laying] was used in various places to create easy-to-move roads made of hardened bricks.

Until now, it has been a natural road that people have tampered with, but the road has made it much easier to move.

But I'm sure Ellis decided to use the tracks instead of the roads to transfer food instead of just moving people.

When the troops move, they use [Track Laying] to install a hardened brick track.

Then, food is delivered using a carriage with wheels attached to match the track width.

This seems to make it easier to carry your luggage than usual.

"But after all, it's a hassle." If you had prepared the tracks in advance, it would be hard to make a new one. "

"The tracks are convenient, but you have to make them straight." It's harder to make that than I thought, so I wouldn't normally do that... Maybe you think that this will make the country of Ellis a protracted war. "

“Maybe we should take the time to build the tracks and keep feeding Glugalia.”

Oliva and I talked about it, but the tracks were easy to create with spells, but it was actually a magic that was difficult to lay properly.

Because I could use a single spell on a straight track, but it would be pointless if I misplaced it a bit.

After all, the tracks were only a few meters away with one spell.

Straight tracks can prevent the wheels from running well, even with a slight failure of connections.

Besides, we also need surveying technology, because we have to calculate and make it from the beginning towards the destination.

In fact, the construction of the tracks in the Ellis country that I received the report on didn't seem to be going very well just by listening.

In particular, it seemed impossible to lay tracks in a straight line from the Ellis country to the Glugalia country, and the tracks were interrupted many times along the way.

Well, maybe that's the calculation.

They may have cut off the track at an easy-to-create distance and switched to the next track as a carriage resting place.

Still, it may be that you are daring to do such a task, but you are wary of long-term warfare.

"Whatever you do, it's not a very good way to do it." Building tracks means passing through certain places and stopping luggage at certain places. "

"That's right." So, are we going to aim for it? "

"Of course. Let's show the Elysian army how dangerous it is to build tracks in a place that could be a battlefield." I'm spawning now. "

"... eh? From now on, is that it?" It's already sundown, isn't it? "

“No problem, I'll send out a unit for you, Chan. Follow me."

It was not until the afternoon that I received a report from the shadow worker.

Therefore, Oliva didn't expect to move from now on.

That's true.

A army with a lot of people can't move as quickly as I said.

By the time you're ready to leave, you'll have little time until nightfall.

That's why Oliva may have thought it would be good to make preparations by today and leave early tomorrow morning.

But I dared to get out of this time.

It was inspired by Ai's [Hall of Sleeplessness].

In the [Sleepless Hall], people continued to work even in their normal sleeping situations, which led to the creation of new jobs by affecting their surroundings.

In other words, it's only because no one has ever done anything that the effect has improved.

Then let's make it an army.

Basically, the army doesn't move at night.

Some might call it a night assault, but it's usually just before the sun rises.

There is no army that moves at midnight.

But the Orient Army can do it.

I think that I can perform a complete night assault because there is a magic called [Chan-chan].

It's the same beastly magic as [Rabbit Ear Pyonpyon], and it works to improve physical abilities.

Particularly, there will be an improvement in the sense of equilibrium, which is different from that of koji.

No matter what kind of scaffolding you have, you can run without breaking down your body.

But other than that, [Na-chan] had other major features.

It means that the night vision will become dominant.

Normally, at night when there were no lights, I couldn't even see my feet, but if I activated [Chan-chan], I could move around at night without lights.

I don't think there's any way we can stop using this.

Besides, there's a Valkyrie here.

The Valkyrie does not suffer at night.

The cat-ear squad on such a Valkyrie approached late at night with no light from the reinforcements that were coming towards us while building the tracks.

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