So, let's collect rice from outside of Glugaria.

"What? Besides the Glugalia country? But isn't that going to lead to an overstretched front? As expected, even though there are cavalry, I think it would be tough for the Orient army to raze all parts of the country.”

Thanks to Oliva's [Flame Thunder Arrow], I was able to burn down the grain warehouse in a dreary place in the Glugalia country.

Still, reinforcements from other countries have not arrived yet.

Therefore, I thought about taking the rice from the surrounding area in the spare time.

But Oliva gives me an opinion on what I think.

Certainly, the question is whether it is necessary to do so, or whether it can afford to do so.

This time, I am declaring war on the grounds that I was targeted for my life in the country of Glugalia.

To do so, they are burning the food of towns and villages to defeat the Glugalia army that chose the castle.

If it were to reach out to other countries for food, it could be resented by countries that are not trying to send reinforcements to the Glugalia country.

"No, I don't intend to attack any other country at the moment." Here's what I think. I think I'll buy rice at a high price from another country. "

"Are you going to buy the rice? Do I have to pay to do that?”

"I think I have enough. As far as I'm concerned, we're running low on food in Glugalia. Then, more than ten countries will send troops to such a country without food to send in reinforcements. Naturally, it becomes difficult to secure food everywhere. But if we don't eat, we won't be able to maintain our army. In that case, what would you do normally?"

You would normally buy food from a merchant who would accompany you in the army.

"Yes, but traders are basically loyal to the profit and loss account." If you have someone who sells more than the armies of other countries buy, I'll sell it to you. So if you know that the Orient nation buys at a high price from the start, you'll be spending less food on nature and reinforcements. Hopefully, we'll be able to retreat faster. ”

An army is a large belt.

Every day, we need huge amounts of food to feed our soldiers there.

But basically I can't carry that kind of food with me.

Most of the food that covers the duration of the battle is mainly procured locally.

That's where the merchants actually move.

The merchants are drawn to the army.

Those merchants collect food and sell it to the army.

Conversely, when the army takes over a location and loots it, the merchant buys those items.

The same is true of the small armies that are coming to reinforce the Glugalia.

It is difficult to replenish food by land transport from my own country.

I wish I could use the river, but now that the Orient army's Magic Iron Ship is holding down the Glue River, I don't want to resupply it on the waterways.

That's why the reinforcements that come here buy the food that the merchants collect.

However, there is no longer enough food available to merchants in Glugaria.

Then we'll have to gather them from outside the Glugalia country.

Aim for it.

Decide to buy food from a number of countries at a higher price.

I used the Glue River and the Magic Iron Ship again.

Use the river, buy rice everywhere, and carry it on a magic iron boat with propulsive power.

Of course, buying it at a high price could cost us money.

If there is to be a protracted war, it is necessary to buy it so that there is no financial collapse.

Is that all right with you?

“It's okay. The Barca Church has a wide information network.”

"Barca Church's information network? What's that supposed to mean?"

"There are differences in the price of rice depending on the region. In fact, the price of the same rice varies considerably from place to place. It's a failure, and under many conditions. Nowadays, the town of Biden in the north sells at a high price. Food prices have risen during the winter and are still high.”

"... that is, buying rice in a country near Glugalia and selling it at a place where rice from further away is likely to sell at a high price? That way, we can make money and shortage of food for the reinforcements that are coming our way. I see, Lord Alphonse was thinking of such a gift.”

"When I built the magic ship, I talked about Christina like that." Shit, Ai also said that just being able to do that would give other countries a considerable advantage. Well, that's because there are more Barca churches all over the place. Thanks to the Vulcan church, we can quickly understand the price of rice everywhere. ”

“Very well, as far as I can tell, it doesn't seem to hurt, so why don't you give it a try?”

"Alright. Let's get in touch with Ai and make arrangements." We'll buy all the rice we can get. ”

Thus, the Orient countries decided to use the Glue River to buy rice from as many countries as possible.

From the town of Biden in the north to the area below the river, they take the bought rice to a place where even a little rice can be sold in various places to boost their profits.

As a result, not only the Glugalia countries, but also the neighboring countries began to lack rice.

It was then that the reinforcements from other countries finally began to arrive by land.

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