"Reinforcements? To the Glugalia?"

“Yes, the Orient issued a declaration of war against the Glugalia, and the Glugalia asked the neighboring countries for help. As a result, other small countries are sending reinforcements to the Glugalia country.”

"The reason for the war was that I was assaulted from behind, so there's a justification here, right?" I don't think it would be very good for that country to have a cowardly side in a battle to punish someone who has done cowardly things. Reputation is going down. "

"That may be the case." Still, I think we want to help the Glugalian nation and prevent the Orient nation from expanding. ”

I was on a magic iron ship on my way to Glugalia.

Oliva, who is on board, has given me some information.

Apparently, there's a chance that the Glugalia might be in the way of a battle.

Glugalia was once the first to be attacked by an attack from five countries.

So we managed to defeat the Glugalia army, but then we were attacked by other countries.

So there was no doubt that the army was destroyed, but there was not much damage to the other country.

Since a little time has passed since then, I believe that the Glugalia army will have recovered to the same level of troops in this battle.

In other words, the estimated number of opponents in this battle is about 5,000 to 10,000.

But Glugalia probably thought it wasn't enough.

They're paying for the battle, but they're asking for reinforcements and trying to fight us.

And it seems that other countries are moving in response to that demand.

After all, isn't it that exaggerated?

“No, that doesn't seem to be the case. Actually, I was contacted by Senator Banage. Many small countries are preparing to send reinforcements.”

"Huh? How many countries are there?"

"Perhaps more than ten." We're checking it out right now. ”

"What? Ten? What, that's too much?" Why do so many countries come to their heads in retaliatory battles of self-defense? "

I listened to the report with ease, but my voice was rough because I participated in more battles than I expected.

That's a lot of shit.

If we mobilize about 5,000 people from one country, will we exceed 50,000?

That was a tough number of opponents.

“This is my guess, but isn't the defensive instinct as a group of small nations working?”

Defensive capabilities? What do you mean, Oliva?

"A group of small countries is a place called the Kowloon Plain. Various countries are in disarray. Those countries are always fighting each other, but they tend to unite to protect themselves from the outside world.”

"Oh, I'm listening." If a country that is said to be a big country tries to attack a group of small countries, the small countries will work together to resist, right? "

“That's right, and in this case it might be working for the Orient countries. It is likely that the declaration of war by the Orient against the Glugalian state led to a move to unite and defend it.”

"... why? The Orient is traditionally a weak country?"

"It must be all because of Lord Alphonse." Coming from a country beyond the mausoleum, the Orient has brought magic and many other unknown things to the country that have never been seen before in a small group of countries. Furthermore, in the past few years, the country that was called weak has been transformed into an unbeatable country, and even the top nobility of the great British magic nation has entered into a marital relationship. In other words, for other small countries, the current Orient country is considered synonymous with a large country that does not belong to a small country. This led to a large number of countries receiving requests for reinforcements from the Glugalian state. ”

I see.

Well, I guess that's what they say.

I guess the Orient country is clearly different from other small countries.

Nevertheless, so far, there has been no rejection.

That's why, because the Orient country didn't go out there.

It was confined to its own country, prioritizing technological development, and focusing on internal affairs.

That's why even if it became a strange country, it would have been left alone.

But the situation has changed since I came here.

What became the Barca Church began to preach to other countries, and this led to the defeat of one country and its transformation into a puppet state of the Orient nation, albeit ostensibly self-reliant.

What if the Glugalian state loses here?

Unlike the old Orient country, the Glugalia country, which is highly regarded as an archer and makes its own powerful bows, may be captured by the Orient country.

However, unlike the Peria country, the Orient country has officially declared war as a country, so the Glugalia country will be transformed into a puppet country.

If that happens, the Orient may be able to help.

As a result of that thinking by some countries, small groups of countries were triggered with defensive instincts, and there was a stream of attempts to exclude heterogeneous countries as a group.

Maybe Hale Medium spent too much time searching for evidence of her collusion with the Peria Nation.

After searching for evidence, I declared war and gave Karen and the others the time they needed to take over the Perrier Empire, leaving room for others to move.

But we can't pull the army off now.

After all, we're already on the Glue River.

Let's crush the Glugalia country at an overwhelming rate before reinforcements arrive.

That's the only way.

Therefore, listening to Oliva's story, our magic iron ship was on its way to Glugalia faster than it could.

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