The post-processing against the Peria nation is over.

The rest depends on the Karens left behind.

Formally, the Perian nation was not annexed by the Orient nation, so it remains an independent and self-reliant country.

Well, if you ever try to attack me or the church again, you'll find out soon enough.

While hoping that they would do well, preparations for an attack on the Glugalia nation were steadily progressing behind them.

We've been gathering evidence before Karen and the others arrived in Peria.

The Peria Nation lured me out to see the movement of attacking the church, and when I came to the rescue, I used the main unit from behind.

Whether or not this operation involved Hale Medium of Glugalia.

Examine seizures in occupied buildings and interview relevant persons to corroborate.

Hale's movements were preceded by the evidence that he was working with the Peria Nation.

With that evidence, he pushed for a declaration of war against the Glugalian nation.

Hale's cowardly attempt to conspire with other countries to carry out an attack could be a sufficient cause for war.

For now, I'll show you how to avoid a fight.

Give me the right to harvest softwood trees in Nakaju on the Glue River, along with compensation.

Actually, after the collapse of the magic equipment market, I was buying land in various places.

Among them was a portion of the land of Nakaju on the Gulu River.

Therefore, I have land in Nakaju, but in fact, I did not get the right to cut trees on my own.

So, we're going to get that right this time.

But of course, the Glugalian state no longer admits it.

I'm sure they know that, too.

You can never do that.

In the first place, the Soft Demon Tree was not just a tree.

It is not only a powerful bow material that can only be made by Glugaria, it is also a spiritual pillar and a symbol.

It is only natural that we should not give those who stand at the top of our neighbors' armies the right to do so freely.

Moreover, there may be times when it is impossible to preserve.

The Glue River is a fairly large river, and Nakaju is also quite large.

However, there is a limit to how far we can spread.

If you don't think carefully about the soft magic trees that can be harvested there, you may lose them in less than ten years if you do what you like.

Because it's Glue Gallia who has managed Nakaju until now, Soft Demon Tree remains in this world.

We cannot give it the right to cut down and destroy it.

So the Glugalia have decided to fight for our declaration of war.

But that would never be a good choice.

They didn't understand my gentleness to forgive you the price of losing your life with only the right to cut down trees.

Anyway, if I wanted a soft magic tree, I might go down the river and take it away in the future. I think it would be cheaper if I had the right to cut some of those trees.

Well, you know what?

It was up to them to make any choice.

"Now I'm coming, Alphonse."

"Ian. Okay. Elvis and I were in Peria, so we were supposed to keep him away, but now Ian's coming with us. Well, Elvis is on holiday."

Oh no. You're saying that Elvis can't go on a deserter expedition for Lord Alphonse?

"It can't be helped, because Ai also told me to stay here for the time being." If there's no power left to fight when someone strong comes from the other side, it's bad. "

"I get it." I can't help but obey Lord Ai. Now, please be careful, Master Alphonse. Ian, please protect Master Alphonse. "

"Okay, leave it to me."

I returned to the Orient once from Peria, where I joined forces with the Grugalia offensive.

I went to Peria as a mercenary group, but this time I declared war as a country, so I went as an Orient Army.

Ian was to accompany him there.

Before the overwhelming difference in the number of people, a small number of people cannot compete with each other.

However, even if there was only one super-powerful person such as the principal, the minority could be an overwhelming threat.

I'm sure of it, because I beat the Peria Army HQ in a small number.

So we need to be prepared for that.

So, one of us was told to stay in the Orient, so Elvis was next.

"Lord Alphonse, I will go with you this time." The army is already ready. ”

"Hmm? Oliva? I see." Can you move the Magic Iron Ship? "

"Of course, I already have it, and the magic stone is perfectly secured." We will be able to reach the Glugalia country from the water at once. ”

Alright, let's settle this with the Archers.

Oliva used to be a banage assistant, and eventually he was thinking about becoming a senator, but now he's completely military.

Originally, my head was good, but recently, my back has grown because I am particularly strong, and I think my physique has improved both once and twice.

Oliva took command of the Orient Army and boarded the Magic Iron Ship one after another.

An iron ship that can travel on water even against the flow of water.

Without defying the flow of the river and without risk of overturning, he made his way to Glugalia at maximum speed.

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