I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 649 Christmas Ball (7)

After the end of the song, all the students took their partners to the dance floor to enjoy tonight's Yule Ball with the warriors.

The youthful boys and girls kept spinning in the auditorium with the weeping "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 6", and hundreds of pairs of golden and silver dancing shoes made a rhythmic clicking sound.

Their excited faces, like rose petals blown to the ground by musical instruments, floated here and there in the hall.

And in the center of the ballroom, a large area was reserved for Rove and Shirley—no one wanted to form a stark contrast with the radiant two and become their foil.

In fact, most of the students dance really badly.

Standing on the dance floor, Hannah was frowning and dodging frequently, and Neville could follow the beat of the music and step on her feet precisely every time... Was it intentional? !

Justin even left seven or eight footprints on Susan's new dress. The white dress has turned gray.

McMillan is quite experienced. His shoes are specially made. As long as he steps on them, a row of sharp thorns will immediately rise on the upper.

So, only three minutes into the dance, McMillan lost his partner permanently.

Fred and Angelina moved so much, more like Quidditch than dancing, that people around them backed away to avoid getting hurt.

Not only the students, but also the waltz of the professors is outrageous.

Madam Pomfrey seemed to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, holding a ruler, measuring the distance from her shoulders to one-third of her waist.

This is the best arm position taught in the book, and she requires her partner to do it.

For others, it's not difficult, but for Professor Flitwick, it's really fatal... He tried to stand on tiptoe, and barely hooked there.

As frequent guests of the ball, both Dumbledore and Madame Maxime are proficient in waltz.

Therefore, when they dance together, both dance steps are extremely graceful.

The only thing that didn't fit was that Dumbledore was like a dwarf compared to Madame Maxime.

So, everyone saw Maxim raising his arm high, while Dumbledore held her hand and kept spinning... This kind of weird scene.

Mad-Eye Moody was also dancing awkwardly with Mr. Sinista, the professor of astronomy.

Professor Sinistra accidentally stepped on his wooden prosthetic leg, which had buttons on it, and a large glass spinning top fell down.

Moody explained gruffly, "It's the looking glass, and if there's anyone untrustworthy around, it lights up and spins to alert me."

When Moody bent down to pick up the looking glass, he accidentally dropped something that looked like a golden antenna in his coat pocket.

"This is a magic detector, it vibrates when it detects a lie," Professor Moody said again.

"We are attending a dance now, and there will be no danger." Professor Sinista said speechlessly, "Why are you bringing these?"

"Not necessarily," Moody said gravely. "I was at a dance once, and a wizard was stabbed to death by his partner...We need to be on our guard at all times, and never let up."


Sinistra already regretted accepting Moody's invitation.

At this moment, Malfoy put his arms around Pansy and spun past the detector.

Pansy still remembered the conflict before the dance, and she asked with a straight face:

"Draco, am I really as ugly as Potter said, like a poodle?"

Malfoy shook his head, and he said affectionately: "Don't listen to Potter's nonsense, Pansy, I think you are very beautiful..."

The secret detector suddenly vibrated, and the four of them met each other's eyes. For a moment, the scene was very embarrassing.

"You see, lying will ring," Moody said to Sinistra. "For Defense Against the Dark Arts class this semester, I have to advise all the female students to buy one, and don't be fooled by the boys' rhetoric."

"I'm not lying!" Malfoy exclaimed guiltily.

"Pansy, this thing must be broken. No matter what you say, it will buzz and vibrate. If you don't believe me, let's test it... I like Harry Potter very much!"

The probe stopped vibrating immediately.


"I hate Potter!"

The secret probe vibrated again, and the frequency was very fast.


Pansy let go of Malfoy's hand, covered her face, and ran away heartbroken.

And Harry in the distance didn't know that he had just ruined a pair of dance partners, and he was absent-mindedly dancing with Parvati at this time.

It's dancing, it's more like swaying in place. Anyway, Harry doesn't want to move much, but just shuffles back and forth.

His eyes were more focused on Cho Chang, who was dancing with Cedric, and there seemed to be a kiss in the middle.

The lights were too dim for Harry to see clearly, but it was enough to annoy him.

Parvati glared at Harry angrily, not to mention letting you be as skillful as Rove, full of posture, so that your female partner can enjoy the fun, at least you should move, don't be like a cold piece of wood!

Well, you look at Qiu Zhang, and the old lady looks at Rove... hurting each other.

Not only Padma, many female students were dancing, staring at Rove, and fantasizing that their dance partner was him.

Rove, who was standing in the middle of the dance floor, also felt a lot of inexplicable eyes, but he didn't care, he just danced with Shirley intently.

The two of them danced three dances in succession. Seeing that Shirley was a little tired, Rove took her away from the dance floor and sat down at a table in the corner.

Rove quickly came over with two glasses of ice-cold butterbeer. Shirley took the beer. She took a big gulp and said out of breath:

"I'm so tired, I need to rest for a while."

"Are your legs sore?" Rove smiled and said, "May I rub your legs for you? My massage skills are professional."

Shirley remembered the last time she sprained her ankle, and the boy also said to rub it for herself, rubbing her hands before touching her leg restlessly.

Thinking of this, the girl blushed, she gave Rove a charming look, and said:

"No, there are too many people here, let's talk about it after the dance."

"Then let's go back now!" Rove said impatiently.

Gabriel, who was resting after dancing with Fleur, was eating kirsch ice cream with a shell-shaped gold-plated silver cup in her left hand.

When she heard that Rove was going back, she didn't care about the ice cream. She immediately jumped up, sat on Rove's lap, and shouted:

"Don't go back, you two are done, it's my turn!"

Seeing Rove's face, Gabriel suddenly became very painful. She moved her buttocks to a more comfortable position, and asked with concern, "Rove, what's wrong with you?"

"Gabri." Rove gritted his teeth: "You are not a nine-year-old loli now, but a fourteen-year-old body, much heavier than before... Can you stop sitting on my lap?!

You almost broke my three...two legs! "




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