I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 648 Christmas Ball (6)

In the past dinner parties at Hogwarts, all the food was placed on the table, like a buffet, for the students to choose and eat.

The advantage of course is that the dishes are clear at a glance, but the disadvantage is that there are few choices.

It might sound counter-intuitive, but it is.

Because most students only choose food near their seats, it is impossible to get up and run from the end of the table to the head of the table for a certain dish.

Now it has become a la carte mode, and the autonomy and range of choices have been expanded a lot.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the name of the dish is very deceptive.

Rove never imagined that "white geese falling on the beach" has nothing to do with wild geese, it's just a big plate of tofu dipped in salt;

He even couldn't understand why the dish of "Qinglong Woheihu" didn't have any dragon meat, not even minced meat, but a large plate of sliced ​​cucumbers.

It can only be said... the name of the dish is for reference only, please refer to the real thing!

Of course, the names of some dishes are clear at a glance:

Stewed watermelon with bananas, catfish poured in Motra rat juice, fried poisonous tentacles with pineapple, cold mandrake and biting kale salad... Looking at the names of the dishes, Rove didn't have much appetite.

These two are not bad, but what is really uncomfortable is the kind of food with an elegant name, but it is actually a dark dish, which is hard to guard against.

Gabriel also wanted to order a mermaid feast, because that summer on the Mayflower, she had seen Myrcella, a two-tailed mermaid, and thought that all mermaids in the world were so beautiful.

But Rove thought of the ugly mermaids in Black Lake who seemed to have grown up after drinking nuclear wastewater, and quickly stopped her innocence.

Sitting at the dining table, Harry didn't have much thought about eating. He kept looking towards the door of the auditorium, wondering inwardly:

Ron said he was looking for a dance partner, where did he go?

Even Professor McGonagall came, and she said seriously: "Potter, all the warriors need to lead the dance for a while, where is Ron Weasley?"

"Ron went to the women's bathroom on the west side of the second floor to wait for his partner," Harry said.

"Women's bathroom on the west side?" Professor McGonagall frowned and said, "Weasley's partner is Myrtle?"

This kid won't have such a heavy taste, on this important occasion tonight, can he be so big? !

It's better for him to find Potter as a dance partner than a ghost, right?

"It's not Myrtle." Harry hurriedly said, "It's Ilo Karst from Hufflepuff College."

"Nonsense." Professor McGonagall straightened his face, pointed to the dining table in the distance, and said, "Isn't Ilo Karst sitting there? Where is Weasley waiting for her?"

Harry looked over his shoulder and could actually see Ilo Karst, and beside her was a boy who was obviously her dance partner.

"What's going on here?" Harry asked confused.

At this moment, a horrified, creepy, desperate, and painful cry suddenly sounded upstairs, and everyone raised their heads in doubt.

The voice was so familiar, Harry recognized Ron's scream in an instant.

Harry was about to run out, but Professor McGonagall had already pressed his shoulders, and said seriously: "Potter, you stay here, I'll go and have a look!"

Professor McGonagall said to go and see, until the end of the dinner, did not come back, it seems that things are serious.

And as the dinner was over, Dumbledore stood up, and with a flick of his wand, all the tables flew up against the walls, leaving a wide open space in between.

He also conjured up a high stage, attached to the base of the right wall, on which stood a drum kit, some guitars, a lute, a cello, and several organs.

The famous wizarding band - the Weird Sisters - took to the stage to thunderous applause from the students.

Soon waltz sounded in the auditorium, smooth and delicate music, announcing the start of the Christmas ball.

The warriors need to lead the dance, which is the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament.

Rove bowed slightly, stretched out his hand to Shirley, and asked politely:

"May I ask you to dance, fair lady?"

Shirley looked at Luo Fu, a smile appeared on her face that could bring disaster to the country and the people, she was both shy and sweet, and said softly:

"It's my pleasure."

The girl put her hand in Rove's palm, he took her hand, and walked to the center of the auditorium under the eyes of everyone.

A group of female students looked at Shirley together, with strong envy and jealousy in their eyes.

Shirley was stared at, a little nervous, Rove rubbed the back of her hand with his fingers, and said softly, "Don't be afraid."

Shirley, whose palms were all sweaty, hummed lightly, raised her left hand, put her thumb and index finger on Rove's right shoulder, and Rove's right hand was placed on the girl's back.

The two of them danced lightly and gracefully to the beat of the music, swaying slowly on the smooth floor.

The two danced very slowly at first, but after their bodies got used to the dance music, they started to speed up a little bit.

At this time, Shirley's tension had disappeared, and she staggered forward and backward with Rove in accordance with the beat of the music, sometimes fitting together, sometimes separating; sometimes spinning, sometimes swaying.

The girl's dance steps are light and elegant, dancing like a beautiful butterfly, ethereal and agile.

Rove stared straight at Shirley, and the girl did the same. She looked at the boy affectionately, with a happy radiance on her face and a happy smile on her lips.

The two of them danced so beautifully that they attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. Even the other warriors who were leading the dance couldn't help but stop and look at Rove and Shirley.

The Weird Sisters also noticed the two dazzling presences in the middle of the dance partner, and the rhythm of their music suddenly accelerated, becoming more cheerful and light.

Rove and Shirley's moves became more and more complex and difficult. This is not the first time they have danced together, but it is definitely the most tacit cooperation, as if they have practiced together for many years.

When the music reached its climax, Shirley pressed Rove's palm with her fingers and began to spin round and round.

Her wine-red long hair fluttered lightly, like a flickering flame.

The girl's snow-white skirt spread out layer by layer, and the long skirt rolled with silver thread rose one after another in the wind, like a water lily spreading its complicated petals.

Shirley kept spinning, and she felt that everything around her was spinning too, the lights, the candles, the ceiling and the entire dance floor, like a disc spinning on an axis.

But she is not worried about her body being out of balance at all, she completely trusts Rove's arm and can support herself.

When the girl finished the last dance step, a pair of big hands had already wrapped her waist.

Rove hugged Shirley completely in his arms, as if holding a pool of precious moonlight, carefully and cherishing it.

Dumbledore took the lead in applauding, and soon everyone applauded, as if a flock of birds took off, resounding throughout the auditorium.



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