I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 211 The Poisoned Lockhart

During the dinner, as Rove suggested, a rabbit appeared on the table.

They are also teaching tools in Transfiguration class during the day, and after being scared to death by the dwarves, they become Chinese food at night...spicy rabbit stewed mushrooms.

The little wizards ate very happily, and seemed to want to vent their grievances from being tortured in the transformation class on the rabbit... Let you be disobedient and deformed, now you will be eaten!

At the guest table, there was also a plate of spicy rabbit stewed with mushrooms, but no one ate it.

Even Hagrid, after a quick glance, gave up immediately and started drinking tons and tons of butterbeer.

Lockhart noticed this scene, and he hurriedly asked, "Hagrid, why don't you eat?"

"I don't like rabbit meat." Hagrid swallowed and said, "I think it's oily, thick, and smells delicious, and it's easy to eat...cough cough, I mean, Professor Lockhart, you eat it. Bar."

"Professor Sprout, would you like to try it too?" Lockhart asked again.

"I won't eat, I won't eat!" Professor Sprout quickly waved his hand and said, "I just ate in the kitchen. You know, the Hufflepuff lounge is very close to the kitchen."

"It seems that you often secretly cook for yourself." Lockhart continued to ask with a smile on his face, "Professor Flitwick, don't you eat?"

"Professor Lockhart, you'd better eat it." Professor Flitwick glanced at the mushroom, and humbly said:

"You have been working hard all day today, and you are busy enlivening the atmosphere at Hogwarts. You need to make up for it."

"Professor Dumbledore..."

"I think I have clogged teeth. I am old and have bad teeth. I can only eat some liquid food." Dumbledore refused with a smile.

"If you don't eat it, then I won't be polite!" Lockhart dragged a whole plate of rabbit meat in front of him.

This is his favorite dish, and he didn't expect it to appear at today's dinner party.

Of course, out of caution, Professor Lockhart still let Sacia taste it first, and he didn't start eating until he saw that the house-elf had finished eating without any problems.

It smells so good!

All the teachers looked at Lockhart with weird eyes, watching him stuff the mushrooms into his mouth.

Even Hagrid can recognize it, it's a laughing mushroom, and after eating it, it will cause hallucinations and do strange things... But Lockhart can't recognize it? !

It's against the sky!

But when you think about it, Lockhart is a liar in the first place, so it's strange to recognize him.

No one reminded Lockhart, just watched him eat the laughing mushroom.

Few professors can offend all teachers at the same time, even if it is as annoying as Snape, there is still a good relationship with Filch, and the support of Slytherin students...

However, Lockhart has achieved the real disgust of ghosts. Everyone hopes that he has food poisoning and will lie down for another half term!

Lockhart was halfway through eating when he suddenly raised his head, his eyes widened, and his breathing was a little short.

Professor Snape, who sat quietly by the side, had a sarcastic smile on his face, and he asked slowly:

"Professor Lockhart, how are you, do you still recognize who I am?"

Lockhart didn't answer, his brain was completely confused, and he felt like he was surrounded by distorting mirrors.

There are hallucinations in front of my eyes, sometimes I feel green mist all around, making me dizzy; sometimes I feel trapped in a sea of ​​fire, and the fire is shining...

Finally, Lockhart gradually got used to the environment, and the sound of gurgling spring water rang in his ears. He tried to look forward, and suddenly saw a vaguely graceful figure, with the most gentle tone,

ask him:

"Professor Lockhart, how are you, do you still recognize who I am?"

Lockhart was a little dazed. He was thinking about the owner of the natural voice, and the figure of Mrs. Sabini gradually appeared in his mind...

In this way, the vague shadow gradually turned into Mrs. Sabine, who was bathing in the spring naked and looking at him with winking eyes...

Lockhart's breathing suddenly became rapid, he swallowed, and said in a voice full of wild desire: "Don't worry, I'll be right here, Mrs. Chabini!"

Snape frowned and looked at Lockhart. Unexpectedly, Lockhart suddenly rushed towards him with a greasy face and a wretched smile!

Snape stood up in astonishment, and dodged backwards, but Lockhart followed him reluctantly, and even reached out, wanting to touch his ass.

Snape took another two steps back, avoiding Lockhart's blatant profiteering!

What the hell?

Snape directly kicked Lockhart's crotch viciously, and Lockhart flew upside down. After he fell to the ground, he stood up immediately without fear of pain.

It wasn't that Lockhart had mastered the iron crotch skill, but that after eating the laughing mushroom, he completely fell into hallucinations, and his body's endurance suddenly increased.

After waking up, there will be times when he is in pain!

But at this moment, Lockhart was still in hallucinations, he grinned and said, "Boa, don't run away! Let me touch it..."

The students stared in shock at the scene at the guest table, Lockhart called Professor Snape... Boa?

Many female students are even more excited. They have knocked on many pairs of cp, but they have never knocked on this pair!

What a shame! !

Snape raised his wand, and he was able to knock Lockhart unconscious in one fell swoop, but after knocking out, the effect of the laughing mushroom would be gone... This is too easy for Lockhart!

That's right, it was Snape who added the laughing mushroom to the rabbit meat, why the laughing mushroom... because the hallucinogenic effect of this kind of mushroom is only for wizards, not for their magical creatures.

Even if Lockhart asked the house-elf to help test the poison, there would be no problem.

As for the fact that Lockhart likes to eat rabbit meat, it is written in his book, and he often talks about it in class... Just do a little research and find out!

Snape thought for a while, put away his wand, and strode out of the auditorium.

Lockhart pursued closely, as if he had to take advantage of this Valentine's Day tonight to execute Snape.

The students all looked at each other, stood up one after another, and ran out of the auditorium to watch the excitement!

It's just that they were stopped by Dumbledore before they left the castle, and everyone returned to the auditorium, eagerly discussing the scene just now.

I didn't expect that Professor Lockhart turned out to be a hidden male ketone... But it's normal to be here.

Slytherin table,

Goyle and Crabbe are eating dessert when they both hold their bellies and run to the bathroom.

Malfoy didn't pay too much attention, picked up a plate of walnut mascarpone cheese sandwiches in front of him, and began to chew slowly.

But only five minutes later, he also covered his gurgling stomach, left the auditorium, and hurried along the empty corridor to the men's room.

When he was approaching the toilet, two figures suddenly emerged from the shadows, blocking his way.

"Malfoy, I have something to ask of you!" Harry said.

Malfoy clutched his stomach, trembling all over... Can't you change the time?

He has diarrhea, very urgent!



(The second chapter is later, the time is uncertain.)

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