Two days after the Cruz battle. We quickly celebrated the day of Game 3.

Opponents are Corbelt as originally planned. I was expecting it, but I'm nervous when we're going to have to fight.

But Fran was in a calm state, putting together the zazen I taught him, and doing spiritual reunification. No, I'm not familiar with Zazen methods, either, or knowing how to do them. What kind of atmosphere is that? When I taught him Zazen-like things as a way to meditate on his eyes and focus quietly, Fran seemed to like it besides his thoughts.

He meditates his eyes in the form of Zazen for more than 10 minutes. I slept with a lot of people so that Ursi beside me could stay out of the way.

Five minutes later. I hear Gododarfa took a little time this time, too. If it was an instant kill, they would have called you right after you walked into the room.

"Lady Fran, please come to the playing field"

Listening to the voice the conductor had come to call, Fran opened his eyes, which were softly closed. And I laugh nicely.

"Let's go"

All right, you don't seem nervous at all. Not too much to put in. It's in perfect condition.

(Master, I'm serious today)

"You want me to go from the beginning?

(Mm-hmm. I'm gonna fly with the intention of deciding from the opening)

It's rare for a franc. He doesn't have a look, and he's going to do it for real.

I just agree. The same goes for regular francs, but fight-loving people tend to see how it goes at first. I guess you're observing the other person's powers and identifying them as worthy of showing them. That is also the gap.

You're going to poke at that weakness more than you can ever lose to talk to the Beast King.

Well, now that my anxiety about the Beast King has been removed, I really don't mind taking it seriously. The fear of hostility has become limitless with the eyes of the Beast King.

Pass the aisle you already couldn't walk through and exit to the game field.

More than two rounds of cheer and enthusiasm greeted Fran.

"Come on, it's Supernova, the Black Cat Fran, who has overwhelmed World War 1, World War 2 and Lower Horse Reviews and won with overwhelming power -! How far does that fast forward go!

Looks like Corbelt hasn't shown up yet. Fran is introduced first, and a cheer named Gowu wraps around the arena.

If you ask me this way, you have all sorts of cheers: anger from those who lost money because of games one or two and betting on their opponents. Yellow cheer for supporting Fran, who seems cute. Plus, the voice of the adventurers who support Fran.

I was a little surprised, but I was convinced to see what it looked like. It was Elsa's brothers. Maybe Elsa's ordered me to support Fran. Whatever it is, it's a little unusual for a bunch of adventurers to support Fran, the girl, with a whisper. The customers around here are pulling a little too.

However, Fran looked at them and hung up gently. He's not even full.

More cheer flew from the audience who saw such a lovely Fran. Yeah, yeah, my Fran's a popular guy.

Shortly afterwards, the same loud cheer rises from the guest seat as when Fran appeared.

"Come on! What showed up late was no less popular than the Devil's Sword Girl! Rank B Adventurer who has knocked down his famous masterpiece with his fist! Iron Claw Colbert!

I'll try to test Colbert's abilities, but they're still the same as before. However, this status should be partially disguised. I don't trust you.

"Hey lady, you're still winning"

"Mm-hmm. And Corbelt."

"Ha ha. I'm still a Rank B Adventurer. You can't beat me."

"To me, too?

"I don't think I'm downstairs with my lady... Because there's a world."

"There's a reason I can't lose, too"

"Me, too."

The bees and each other's gaze bump into each other. Sparks are the ones that don't scatter, but the two struggle bump into each other, wrapping a strong sense of oppression around the martial arts.

Only at all times was the audience's voice quiet, sipping solidly and staring at Fran and Corbert.

"So - Game 3 of the Final Tournament, Game 2 begins!

"Well, let's go -"

As expected, Corberto stood lightly to see how things were going. I guess I'm not out of hand, I'm confident I can handle enough later on.

But we're Gearmax from the start.



"Wind Wall"

I activate three sorceries at the same time. Created by stones, fires and wind walls are tunnel-like passages that connect Fran to Corbert.

Corbelt reacts fast, crushing the ceiling and trying to escape, but we're faster.

"Inferno Burst"

"Inferno Burst"

Simultaneous activation of flame magic. A flame with no escape filled the tunnel and struck Corbelt. The stone wall dissolves in the drool with its tremendous heat, but thanks to the flame and wind walls that were creating on the inside blocking the heat for a few seconds, it prevents the tunnel from collapsing with heat.

It's a one-stone two-bird operation that blocks Colbert's escape route as well as focuses the flames and increases his power.

But we're not alarmed. Because I trust its strength in a way that there is no way that Rank B Adventurer Corbelt can be held to this extent.

That's why I took the chase.

"Wind Brit!"

"Stone Barrett"

I don't see him in flames and smoke, but I do still have signs of Corberto. There, unleash magic toward it. This is a restraint to stop the movement.

My destiny is next.


"Let's go!

It was the first mindfulness catapult attack in a long time. The distance is too close on a narrow stage to reach the highest speed, but still fast enough. It should be so hard to say that Corbelt is intact.

That's what I was thinking.



Right before I hit Colbert's torso, I had my stomach punched by a magical fist. If it stays like this, it will be derailed and will fly away in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

I released a mindfulness catapult with the intention of stopping it, but I didn't expect it to be handled lightly. The clothes are somewhat burnt, but with all that sorcery beaten up, the damage doesn't seem to be much. Corbelt is still dangerous. Before you really get serious, decide here.

When I brake suddenly with wind magic and mindfulness, I deform my body into a halibut-like figure with morphological deformation. Activate the attribute sword at the same time. It's thunder that wraps it up.


I guess I never thought the sword would suddenly stop on the spot and change its shape. Corberto is raising his voice of surprise.

Needles that are supposed to pierce about what kind of defense you're playing will be inhibited by Corbelt's skin. However, due to the effects of attribute swords and thunderbolts, a thunderbolt had struck its entire body.


All right, thunder's working.

"Stan Bolt!"

Fran, who saw it, set up a chase with thunderbolt magic. Colbert's entire body sparks with further electric shock.

"Stop! Gail Hazard!

The last thing Fran released was wind magic. I guess you're going to win at a distance without getting close. I felt it in the Cruz, but I'm afraid of a one-shot reversal.

Colbert is blown over 20 meters by wind magic and falls towards the audience.

Fran doesn't break his guard and stares at his whereabouts. So that when I hold it back in some way, I can use magic to chase it.

That's how I was on guard......


"What's that... metastasis feather?

Suddenly Corberto disappeared. I understand you metastasized, but where have you been?

I look around the stage in a hurry, but I don't see Colbert.



As soon as Fran realized where Corbelt was going, it was far above the stage. Well, if you don't even care about falling, you can prevent your opponent from pursuing you, and you can keep your distance. A good choice would be the use of disposable transfer items.

That said, there are some disadvantages to saying that they can be targeted until they get down to the ground. And Fran has plenty of means for ranged attacks.


Fran targeted again in an attempt to unleash sorcery toward the falling Corbelt. Against Corbelt falling from the sky, he unleashes sorcery. Wind magic that prioritizes flight distance and speed over power.

At the same time, I shot flaming magic. As well as being blind to wind sorcery, if you hit it well, that determines the game.

But that just seemed too good a bug.

Our magic was cloud-dusted by his swinging fist just before it hit Corbelt.

And Corberto suddenly accelerates in the air, approaching Fran. Momentum released seems to have allowed orbits close to air leaps.

"Ha! Rah!"

Shortly after, a tremendous amount of magic was released from Corberto. Corberto waves his fist a few degrees from a distance, staying in momentum. Then countless air bullets are released from that fist and attacked by Fran.

Not as powerful as one shot at a time, but many. Fran responded at once with a wide range of moves.

It was lightly prevented, but it seems the aim was to stop Fran from attacking and create a gap to get off the stage.

When Corberto returned safely to the stage, he glanced at Fran with a gap free structure. Fran also stares at Corberto with me standing up.

"Phew. I didn't know you were coming to a decision all of a sudden."

"There was a gap, so I just aimed."

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