We were waiting for our turn in the holding room.

The first game of Game 2 of the final tournament has already begun. Your turn will come in less than an hour.

There was a lot going on yesterday, but Fran seemed to be doing well. Rather, his determination to have to break through to the third round makes him regarded as motivated all over his body.

Fran himself was unconsciously tingled these days because he had so many opportunities to meet the Blue Cat Clan... The offensive atmosphere was soothing as they were crushed by the Beast King and the hoarding dropped. I guess being involved with the Blue Cat Clan was stressful, even if it bothered them. Well, some would say that competing in a militant tournament had made my nerves daunted and belligerent.

Instead of prep exercise, Fran shakes me gently and occasionally makes me jump on a wolf, he trains to flaunt it.

'Hey, it's before the game, so don't get too serious, okay?



And so on, Frans' chase gradually grew in intensity. It has already reached a speed that is invisible to the average person. Well, still, I know it's only light exercise for Fran, so I'm not stopping it.

After a while, the door was knocked from the outside.

"Dear Fran, Game 2 of the tournament is now over. Get ready."

That was a long time ago. We're in the holding room, we're only about half an hour away.

When I spoke to the guide, Gododarfa still finished the game with an instant kill. I knew it wouldn't be easy to beat him.

"Now proceed to the playing field"

Fran, don't tell me it's nice to meet you, okay? I've seen him before. "


"Ready? It's been a while since I've seen you again, pretending to be the wind."


Mm-hmm. You're worried. Today's opponent is that cruz. Fran has forgotten, but should have been a Rank C Adventurer swordsman.

Previously, the impression was that combat power was not that high, the man in the leader position.

Upon ascending the stage, a man with a fierce atmosphere was quietly staring at Fran.

I didn't expect to meet you on this stage.


"Are you sure it's Cruz? Something's strangely wild."

Name: Cruz Rüsel Age: 28

Race: Human

Occupation: Mad Swordsman

Status: Normal

Status Level: 37

HP: 256 MP: 175 Arm Strength: 183 Health: 102 Agility: 219 Intelligence: 83 Magic: 98 Dexterity: 125


Malicious Sense: Lv3, Hidden: Lv4, Evasion: Lv6, Courtroom Practice: Lv3, Madness: Lv4, Sign Sense: Lv6, Sword Technique: Lv6, Sword Technique: Lv8, Protective Technique: Lv4, Command: Lv2, Instant: Lv8, Cold Resistance: Lv4, Toxic Resistance: Lv7, Trap Sense: Lv2, Pain Degradation, Atmospheric Manipulation, Automatic Life Recovery, Backwater


Giant killer, righteous man, overcoming the dead.


Big Tooth Tiger Long Sword, Mithrill Alloy Full Body Armor, Hundred Leg Spider Coat, Ransom Bracelet, Avoidance Ring

The profession is also changing from an instant swordsman to a mad warrior. In addition, his health and dexterity had declined more than before, and his arm strength and agility had increased significantly instead.

It's completely attack-oriented. Fran, too, seems to have remembered him when he saw Cruz's face. It's just that the atmosphere changes too much, you're confused.

"What's going on?

"Heh heh. What's wrong with you? That's terrible."

"Different atmosphere"

"There was something about seeing you and Amanda fight that I thought was different. I changed the way I fought a little. And trained a little unscrupulous to poke at that way of fighting, that's all."

With that said, you were shocked to see Fran and Amanda in a mock fight. So, questioning my strength, I guess I made a trial and error. Though I think it has changed a bit too much.

"As far as I saw the battle then, I don't think I caught up... You're the best person to know how strong you've become."

Cruz pulls out his sword. It is a long sword sharpened from Tyrant Sabertiger's teeth with vibrating fang skills. You have to be careful with that.

"And now the same rank. This can't be a different game."

"Here too, there's a reason you can't lose"

That said, Fran pulled me out. Whether that was a signal or the reality declares the start of the match.

"I'm coming! Madness!"

Is it suddenly madness? Drop your defense. But you're going to make a blow first. Before Fran's attacking power, there's no point in defending him.

"Down Break!"

Surely Cruz must have gotten stronger. He grew his status and acquired a new way of fighting at the end of his training.

But that's the same for Fran - no, Fran is growing many times better.

The difference in force that Cruz would have felt at Aretha is even wider open.




A sword move that cruz rolled out of his head to slap and slap his opponent, Fran, who played Down Break, targeted Cruz's arm with a knife to return. I guess you're going to cut off your arms and take away your power.

Cruz, however, was forced to interrupt his left hand between his sword and himself and managed to shelter his arm. Though I sacrificed my left arm instead.


"Heh, not yet. Your left arm will still move, even if you lose it."


"Come on!"

Now it's Fran's turn to strike once or twice, but he's losing his arm and losing his balance. Cruz had his flank deeply mutilated, inevitably avoiding Fran's unleashed third shot.

Fran doesn't stop with that. To stab a stop, now it's time he shook me down for his dominant arm.


The moment he shouted, Cruz's body glowed slightly. I could also feel the magic flow. Appraisal of Cruz shows a slight increase in vitality, while the stats increase. Plus, you've added the ability to disable pain. Can only be used when dying, stat boost skill!



Instead of dodging, Cruz came at me from himself. Naturally, Fran's attack hits, but he doesn't mean to, and he sticks his sword out as he growls.

I see, a substitute bracelet prevents an opponent from attacking. Combine painful nullity with this and any opponent will be able to target the counter.

Is this Cruz's method of warfare? Let them cut the meat and break the bones. If you don't die, this tournament will get you recovered, it's not a bad method of warfare. It is also one of the methods of warfare in which the understatement could defeat the superior.


"I knew it was too late"

It just didn't work for Fran. When Fran attaches the back of his hand to the belly of Cruz's sword, he recieves the thrust. This is a craftsman who can't do it unless he's perfectly cut off his sword.

It was impossible to kick Fran in the face for Cruz, who had been flushed through his full throat and was perfectly out of balance.

By kicking, it's an attack from above a wound that was slashed deep earlier.

Cruz blew away with a non-voiceless scream and rolled off the stage. I'm not getting up as it is. He lost consciousness.

"The game is over! The Devil's Sword Girl Fran won! Following World War 1, even World War 2 will overturn the Lower Horse Review and win the game!"

Did Cruz think better? Well, we don't have a choice, it's a lot longer over there as a Rank C.

"It was the same cruz as World War 1, aimed at regenerating the dead in the attack of abandonment, but it didn't take a step!"

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