Episode 133 – Mage vs Rogue

The thief Olag… no, Pellinore of the Black Round Table was about to stand up against the Archmage Werner Alton. Werner No, even though he knew what kind of person I was, he was fighting against me even though he was well aware of the reputation.

“Hmm, to use a dagger instead of a long sword or a blunt weapon for his size… Unsurprisingly.”

Then Pellinore smiled, straightened his grip on the dagger, and replied in a confident voice.

“Swordsmen wield long swords! And only warriors and knights wield blunt weapons! Even if they are bandits, their roots are thieves! A thief’s weapons are only daggers and martial arts! There is no need for anything other than that!”

“It’s a romance. I’ll admit it. It might be a little cool.”

“Memorize your own spell, Archmage! This side is overwhelming in numbers, so it would be reasonable to give up the first attack! Attack first!”

In the first place, in such an open space, at the point of revealing and fighting, it was no different than starting at a disadvantage. But to concede the first attack just because you’re outnumbered… How much do you like fairness? Besides, it was really stupid for a thief to argue about fairness… he was a guy I didn’t hate.

Giving up weapons that could save his physique just because he was a thief… He was so full of romance that it made me shudder.

“Okay. This Werner Alton, I’ll fight with all my might as the Archmage.”

This guy insisted on his attitude and pride as a thief and was trying to fight me. If that’s the case, the least I can do is to fight purely as a mage.

I took out the magic book Enoch that was in my bosom.

“Page 104, unfold the field of lightning.”

The book was opened, revealing a page with a lightning pattern and a dragon drawn on it.

“That lightning that shakes heaven and earth—————”

“Everyone ready for battle!”

Pellinore’s men grabbed their weapons and started glaring at me. If they were to throw their weapons now, they would have a slight chance of winning, but they didn’t use such a cowardly move.

“Swim through the land like a dragon.”

Then, the huge lightning split and changed into the shape of an oriental dragon and scattered it around. Pellinore and his men rushed at me as soon as I finished my order. However, all of them were swallowed up in the jaws of the thunder dragon. It was a powerful magic that was on a different level from the ‘thunderbolt snake’ magic I usually use. would have all died

Just as I was about to relax,

“At least… with an attack like this, the bandit… won’t fall.”

“This crazy… You’re still alive after being hit by that? No, are you standing on your own two feet?”

Pellinore stood still. I couldn’t understand that alone, but even the subordinates were standing still. And it’s just as if nothing had happened.

Only Pellinore was breathing hard, with soot on his body. It was conceptually impossible. The thunder dragon’s mouth swallowed everyone. By the way, only the strongest Pellinore was hurt here? What happened?

“You seem to have a unique constitution like the other Round Tables.”

“That’s right! Just like the body of the dead Gawain has the constitution of super-high temperature that breathes fire! This body also has the constitution to absorb the shock of the allies it has engraved!”

“hahahahaha! You’re such an idiot to explain it one by one!”

“Sounds obvious! If I wasn’t an idiot, I wouldn’t have robbed, I would have just robbed!”

It’s too foolish to explain his abilities one by one, but it’s not that his subordinates absorb his shock, he absorbs it himself… Really, Pellinore must have been the best fool in the world.

Pellinore and his men charged me again. It was quite menacing to see everyone holding daggers and running like this.

“I admit it, you guys are more tricky enemies than that bastard Gawain.”

Here, I had to defend as a mage, not counterattack with taijutsu as I used to do. Because that’s the minimum I have to keep while hanging out with these idiots.

“Wings of steel, protect me.”

I folded the large steel wings sprouting from my back and then spread them out again, blowing them away. Of course, those who had been slammed into the wall were fine, and Pellinore was the only one with blood in his mouth.

“It was already enough damage to kill everyone here… Can you withstand it?

“If someone who has no talent for daggers and is not fast enough to become the leader, he has to be strong, right?

“Yes, that’s correct.”

It was definitely annoying. Pellinore’s men did not die even though he evaded attacks and counterattacked with magic. Moreover, in the case of Pellinore, who had the constitution to absorb that damage, it was several times more troublesome. Despite the damage that would have killed a person hundreds of times, he did not become Jinto with Jeong Mong-ju and Baekgol.

“I will propose again! Change the Black Round Table from within with me and the others! The Black Round Table is not an organization that can be easily taken down from the outside!”

Pellinore was begging me to come into the Black Round Table as if pleading. But I was never willing to compromise. As Helmut said, you don’t negotiate with terrorists. The Black Round Table bastards were among the worst of the terrorists.

“Don’t let me say no too many times. No matter how small I am, I can’t condone the atrocities of the Black Round Table I saw today.”

“Why can’t you see what’s further away?! If you join forces, we can definitely prevent a bigger tragedy!”

“Are you ignoring the deaths of people close to you in order to prevent future tragedies? If so… I will start by saving those who have been abandoned by thieves who have cast off their righteousness.”

If I had to tolerate a small evil in order to prevent a bigger evil… I had no confidence to see those who would fall victim to that small evil. As Soyeolje said, you shouldn’t do evil just because it’s small.

Pellinore brandished a dagger at me with a resigned expression. It was difficult to avoid the chain scythes or memorizations thrown by those subordinates, but the daggers wielded by this tower of muscles were also fierce. I wanted to save this magic… but I have no choice but to use it because I don’t want to get lost.

“Tsk… page 101…”

Dodging Pellinore’s dagger was also difficult. It was difficult to avoid Pellinore’s blow while maintaining the limits of the evasion techniques that magicians could use. There were already clear marks left by the dagger on his body. All the robes he was wearing were torn, and the shirt he wore underneath had been dyed red for a long time. There were no deep stab wounds, but there were too many shallow stab wounds.

“Unfold the field of flame.”

“Give up!”

“O karma that judges the sinners in hell—————”

Pellinore was aiming for the very short gap in which he chanted magic. However, I was able to avoid that much because I expected it, but I was stabbed in the shoulder by an unexpected attack that was covered by the huge Pellinore’s body. The dagger that flew from afar pierced my shoulder, but I could bear it.

“Purify those who have been swallowed up by evil.”

Then, sparks rose from the floor and began to burn Pellinore’s men. It was a magic developed by Werner when he was young, that burns only people, not objects.

As Pellinore’s men burned, Pellinore vomited blood. There’s no way I’ll be fine since I’m taking dozens of times the damage from burning myself.

“How is it? Even the proud subordinates won’t be able to move anymore. Even if there’s no damage… there are times when people can’t move…”

Pellinore’s men were screaming as they burned. Even though Pellinore was absorbing all of that damage.

“… It seems that you have noticed the weak point of this constitution. As expected, the archmage is different from ignorant people like us.”

“I’m also from an orphan. Uncultured and ignorant are common to each other. And what I noticed was that you were arguing fair and square and excitedly bragging about your own constitution.”

Pellinore had already spit out the best of his abilities. Then there was only one way I could do it. Burning out a large number of bandits at once, if they attacked one or two unreasonably and then started to be wary of them, it was a joke. On top of that, if the building started burning, I and the other children could die.

So he had no choice but to use the ‘Fire of Hell’ magic developed by Werner. The best fire attribute magic that can burn and kill many enemies at once, and there is no need to worry about spreading fire even when used indoors. However, it is a pity that the magic recorded in Enoch’s spell book is disposable, so it is not possible to use it anymore.

“Guys, bear with it even if it hurts. Head Lee will save you personally, so you won’t die, so think of it as strength training and be patient with it a little longer.”

“I definitely have to admit it.”

I wanted to admit that I had to admit it apart from the enemy.

“You’re the coolest guy from the Black Round Table I’ve ever seen.”

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