Chapter 132 – Green Forest

I started following the kid. The child was laughing innocently and chewing on a piece of bread. Besides, seeing that he even recommends bread to me, he seems to be living a pretty good life. Compared to the corpses of children who died painfully in the laboratory, they had flesh attached to them and their complexion was bright.

Does anyone really take care of these children? So, how the hell did they get into the Black Round Table’s hideout? I know that Werner’s colleagues took quite a while to find this place…

The child and I were standing in front of a huge door before we knew it. Even if you look at it, the size of the door is over 5m, and I was curious about how to open this iron gate like a castle wall. The child took a deep breath and cried out loudly.

“Uncle Captain, I’m here!!!!”

Then, a heavy, booming sound came from inside.

“Amy! You said you were coming for a while, but now you’re here!!!”

My body shrank for a moment at the voice like a piece of equipment from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It was not only the large neck brush, but also felt threatened by the huge presence felt from the inside.

Then the huge iron door opened with a creaking sound. What appeared was a giant with a height of over 2m50cm. It wasn’t just tall, it was like a castle made of muscle.

“you are…”

“I’m Werner Alton, the royal mage. I stopped by for an investigation and fell here in a trap.”

“That’s right. Nice to meet you! I’m Olagra, the leader of the bandit’s green forest!”

If it’s a green forest… It was a gang of bandits founded and left by Dark Wing, Squa’s teacher. They were merchants who made their fortunes behind the scenes, or bandits who robbed criminal organizations that made money from drug or human trafficking and handed out money to victims. He was even responsible for freeing the slaves.

“It’s a green forest… I’ve heard of its reputation. It’s nice to see the head here like this.”

If it’s a green forest, there’s nothing strange about infiltrating the Black Round Table. Among the bandits, they are the ones with the best skills.

“I didn’t expect to meet one of those heroes, Werner. Hmm… I’m standing here talking, so come inside.”

I followed Olag inside. The inside felt a bit like the inside of a pyramid, but it was surprisingly clean. And inside it were full of children who seemed to have been captured as test subjects just like the child from before. And there were quite a few guys who looked like Olag’s subordinates.

“Oh guys! The imperial family finally sent someone here!!! It seems that the imperial family of a big country wasn’t a pig who only ate taxes!!!”

It’s a very loud voice. He’s a real soldier. The subordinates under him were also not normal. Each one seemed stronger than the prince’s escort knights. Of course, those subordinates were looking at me with hostile eyes. Well, even if they’re bandits, they’re basically criminals, so it’s only natural that they don’t like public servants.

Olag sent a girl named Amy and started rummaging through a sack in the corner. I wondered if I was going to pull out my weapon in an instant, so my body automatically took a vigilant posture. But he took out a piece of bread, not a weapon, and handed it to me.

“You must have been hungry from coming all the way here, so please eat.”

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No, I wasn’t that hungry because I ate the lunch box Lorsha had packed for me on the way home. The taste… honestly was the worst. The meat dishes are all burnt, the sandwiches are salty, the croquettes are undercooked, and even the Heavenly Demon old man loses consciousness after taking a bite of a sandwich for about 30 seconds. What’s even more frightening is that it looks ordinary and delicious.

But you can’t refuse a favor. I took the bread and tried to sniff it slightly. Because it might contain poison. Then Olag must have noticed what I was doing, so he tore off half the bread and took a bite first.

“Don’t worry about poison. Poisoning bread made from the grain of the blood and sweat of the people is not in the temper of a bandit.”

I believed his words and took a bite of the bread. It was hard and slightly burnt, but it was edible in its own way. The bread was still warm, so I wondered if it was kneaded by Taeyang’s hands.

“What did the imperial family send you for?”

“As you know, I’ve been ordered to kill the Black Round Table bastards who conduct their crappy experiments here.”

“Ohhh… but this is a hard place to get to unless you fall into a trap…”

“… I’m ashamed to say, but I ran into that trap on my way.”

“Ha ha ha ha! Even the hero makes mistakes!”

Olag started laughing heartily. Personally, I didn’t like this person. It’s rare to find someone so generous and kind.

“So I ask… Why are you settling down in a place like this?”

Even though these people came to rob the Black Round Table, it was somehow strange that they were still taking care of the children without attacking them. Even if they saw the power of the Black Round Table and judged it unreasonable, they were people with the ability to escape right away.

“hahahahaha! Just like you! I made a ridiculous mistake!!!”


“Well, I came here to steal the money and goods piled up by bandits, but I never thought it would be a facility like this… Even if I wanted to escape, I couldn’t get out because I was afraid of the people outside!”

“Then these children…?”

“I purposely set up a trap to save the children who ran away. I’ve already been saving children for half a year… but there are still many children I couldn’t save, and I’m sorry for the children who died.”

“Half a year…”

I roughly understood the situation.

“We’re going to stop telling obvious lies like this. It looks like you’re sick of lies too.”

I don’t know where you’re lying.

“hahahaha! I’m sorry. I haven’t learned how to lie properly because it’s a body I haven’t learned!”

Olag was still laughing heartily. He smiled kindly at the children and said.

“Hey guys, the uncles have something to say to the new guy, so would you mind leaving?”

Then the children cried.

“But I’m bored waiting for my uncle to go out…”

“hahahahaha! It’s okay, the story will be over soon! When the story is over, this uncle will have fun!”

“Then I’ll give you a ride on the wooden horse!”

“I’m a swordfighter!”

“Yes, I will do everything, so it only takes a little while.”

Olag said, then let the children go and closed the thick iron door.

I’d been here for half a year, and I couldn’t even go out, and there was no way the sack full of food was like this. On top of that, six-month-old bread has no mold, not even Shani bread.

“It’s okay to talk comfortably now. And thank you for letting the children go.”

“Because children are innocent. I’m not a cold-blooded person who gets even innocent children caught up in it. And just in case… are you the Black Round Table?”

Olag responded with a bitter smile instead of a hearty laugh.

“That’s right. I’m in charge of the security guard of the Black Round Table’s research facility.”

“I could tell just now from the looks on those children’s faces that you’re not a bad guy. If you surrender now… Persuade my crown prince directly so that you can work under me…”

“Looking at it now, it seems that even the heroic person has softened quite a bit.”

Olag was looking at me with a hostile look different from the one he had just seen before. Also, I’m not an average performer.

“You’re soft…?”

“I will never betray the Black Round Table.”

“What’s up?”

“If a man bets on something and loses a fight, isn’t it natural for him to accept the outcome?”

It seems that this guy was defeated by someone at the Black Round Table and entered the Black Round Table.

“Then, this time I’ll make a proposal from my side, Sir Werner.”


“Come to the Black Round Table.”

At those words, Boa rose in an instant. Using children as experimental materials, mixing in the garbage that killed innocent people like that… Even if you look at me wrong, Hanchan seems to have misunderstood me.

“What the fuck are you talking about sucking a dick…!”

“The Black Round Table is strong.”

“I know that!”

“It can’t be destroyed from the outside. That’s why I want to change this huge power from the inside and use it for a righteous cause.”

“What bullshit…”

“Even within the Black Circle, there are moderates. Sir Werner, please come to the Black Round Table and give strength to the moderates. We can definitely change the Black Round Table!”

Olag was earnestly appealing. It was definitely a convincing sound. It might be easier to change them from the inside than to attack them from the outside.

But… there was a catch.

“Then let’s ask. Why… don’t you save all the children who are used as test subjects, but only take care of the children who run away like this?”

“… It’s difficult to stand out. That’s why I have no choice but to help in this inconspicuous line.”

Then my answer was fixed.

“If I’m going to destroy you from the inside, if I have to condone the kind of evil I’ve seen today… My answer is fixed.”

I showed off a beautiful fist potato.

“Eat shit or something.”

Then Olag sighed.

“Then I can’t help it. I’m sorry. We expected to understand each other…”

Olag ripped off his top and shouted loudly.

“Then I will kill you and make a feat to increase my status and fulfill my plan! I’m sorry, but I have to kill you here, Lord Werner!”

“Okay… Let’s fight somewhere.”

Olag and his men prepared for battle.

“Pellinore, a member of the Black Round Table! I will risk your life to prevent many future tragedies!”

If it comes out like that, it would be polite for me to answer the same.

“Werner Alton, a wizard of the imperial family and a part of the hero. I will kill you guys because I can’t condone the evil that took place here.”

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