
Chapter 631

“You think, people who are sick will always feel uncomfortable. Wang Ming’s body Are you uncomfortable?” Wu Story looked all around, an unfathomable look.

This seems to make sense, and it doesn’t seem to make sense, and everyone turns their attention to two real medical professors.

Professor Wang Daming was also a little confused, scratched the sparse hair on the top of his head and said, “Illness is an extremely complicated process. In many cases, from health to disease is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Disease is an abnormal life activity process that occurs due to disturbance of homeostatic regulation under the action of a certain etiology, and triggers a series of metabolic, functional and structural changes, manifested as abnormal symptoms, signs and behaviors. Under certain conditions, after the body is damaged by the cause, the abnormal life activity process occurs due to the disorder of homeostasis.”

After the long discussion, he originally planned to explain the cause of illness from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. Seeing everyone’s impatient expressions, he hurriedly said with a smile:

“Professor Wu’s words are valid in the popular sense. If a person is sick, he must first show discomfort. A sign.”

Is this old man still a peerless expert?

Captain Deng Jidong frowned: “Professor Wu, you continue.”

“Wang Ming, you can use words to make others uncomfortable, but you are very comfortable.” The old and cloudy eyes of Wu Story gleamed.

“Then, have you ever thought about whether he has mutated for some reason, and after the mutation, he has extraordinary abilities. This extraordinary ability is “language curse”.”

Extraordinary abilities! !

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Conference Hall looked surprised.

Even the professor of medicine, who has been closing his eyes and resting, was dumbfounded.

“Old Wu, don’t talk nonsense. Under the modern scientific system, everything must follow the laws of the universe, so how can there be extraordinary abilities!” The first objection was Wang Daming, who held back his face. He stood up in severe pain:

“Although I am not a physicist, I have received professional scientific education, and I know that the law of conservation of energy is one of the universal basic laws of nature. Nor does it disappear out of thin air, it just transforms from one form to another, or transfers from one object to another, while the total amount of energy remains the same.”

“While Wang Ming Where does the energy to launch the “curse of language” come from?”

“In this world, there are too many perpetual motion machines, and the water-to-oil deceit has become a scam. Old Wu, you are more than half of your age, so don’t step on it. On the wrong road.”

Hearing that Professor Wang Daming had brought out the law of conservation of energy, everyone had to nod in agreement.

The law of conservation of energy was discovered in the 1840s, and it has become one of the cornerstones of modern science and one of the few cosmic truths.

Truth is called truth because it is absolutely true and cannot be questioned.

“Ah, words must be the truth, aren’t you the creator?” Wu Story looked at Wang Daming with a sneer, and then looked around at everyone with contempt:

“Energy The law of conservation is indeed true, but it cannot be said that it is the truth. Just like before the emergence of general relativity, the law of universal gravitation was also considered to be the truth of the universe. As a result, Einstein found that the law of universal gravitation can only be realized under certain conditions. The general theory of relativity In essence, it is a perfect supplementary version of the law of universal gravitation.”

“Similarly, the appearance of extraordinary ability does not necessarily mean that the law of conservation of energy is violated. Perhaps it is hidden in a field that humans have not yet discovered. “

A “similarity” in Wu’s story made everyone feel like they were back in the classroom.

Originally, this thing with extraordinary ability sounds very anti-scientific, but after Wu’s story explained, everyone thinks it makes some sense.

The process of human research and discovery of the mysteries of the universe is a step by step process.

There are many scientific theories that were thought to be completely correct when they first appeared, but after several years of development, human beings are likely to find a counter-example, and this scientific theory needs to be revised and supplemented.

Perhaps, supernatural abilities are really hidden in areas that humans have not yet studied?

However, Captain Deng Jidong didn’t care about this.

The sky is falling, and the tall man is on it.

The emergence of extraordinary abilities, let Director Li Mo worry about it.

The most critical question now is how to treat Wang Ming.

There is also whether this extraordinary ability will be “contagious”.

When you get on the spaceship, everyone is a normal human being, and when you get off the spaceship, everyone becomes a person with extraordinary abilities, which will be troublesome.

Captain Deng Jidong was about to ask Wu Story’s opinion.

I heard Chen Shuxian’s voice on the intercom: “Just keep Wang Ming in the ward and observe closely 24 hours a day. At the same time, all crew members should be vigilant. Report to Captain Deng Jidong immediately.”

“Yes!” Captain Deng Jidong stood up with a serious expression.

He knew it was Chen Shuxian issuing the order.

Chen Shuxian paused for a moment, and then said, “Throw Wu Story into the ward and stay with Wang Ming.”

This time the proud Wu Story quits , jumped up, loudly shouted: “Little Chen, you can’t do this. I’m almost half-buried as an Old Guy. If something goes wrong, I’ll see how you explain to Li Mo.”

Deng Jidong Seeing his excited expression, the captain was really afraid that he was going to find Chen Shuxian desperately in the next moment, and hurriedly asked two crewmen to come forward to stop him.

“Two drumsticks, I will ask the kitchen to supply you with two drumsticks every day.” Chen Shuxian’s faint voice came through the intercom.


The angry face just now, Wu Story, who was about to die, immediately burst into laughter.

Captain Deng Jidong: “.”

In the ward of the Navigator, Wang Ming, who was thinking hard about what happened to him, saw Captain Deng Jidong let someone open the door of the ward.

He stood up quickly: “Captain, is it clear? I can go out now, but you don’t know, I’ve been here for the past two days, and there’s no one to chat with, so hold me back. Crazy.”

Captain Deng Jidong opened a gap in the ward door, stuffed a thin old man in, and then closed the ward door heavily.

This time Wang Ming was anxious: “Captain, what’s the matter, what happened to me?”

But Captain Deng Jidong did not respond to him, but instead Leading the crew quickly disappeared into the corridor.

“Hey, wait a minute!”

“Ah, don’t leave me here alone!”

Wang Ming was lying on the door of the ward up, weeping uncontrollably.

Although he didn’t understand what happened, from Captain Deng Jidong’s reaction, he understood that something bad must have happened to him.

Seeing this airtight ward again, he was shocked: “Did I have an infectious disease!!”

Locking people in the airtight ward and isolating them from the outside world, he As seen in the Earth Defense Agency’s emergency handbook, it is the standard procedure for dealing with infectious diseases.

Wang Ming immediately called the head: “No, if I really have an infectious disease, why did Captain Deng Jidong send an old man in!”

“Yes, old man What?”

Wang Ming only remembered the story of Wu who had just been pushed in through the crack of the door.

He turned around and saw Wu Story was holding a chicken leg gorge oneself.

And that chicken leg was Wang Ming’s lunch.

“You” Wang Ming couldn’t help shouting.

When Wu Story saw that it was discovered, he shoved chicken legs into his mouth three and five times, his cheeks bulging: “Youngster, eating such greasy food is not good for your health. The old man will do it for you. .”

His righteous appearance made Wang Ming angry.

Although the Navigator has been refitted several times, it can carry a lot of food and water, but considering the long journey to Moxing.

At the time of departure, Captain Deng Jidong had strictly restricted the crew’s daily meals.

The usual food of the crew is the unpalatable space high-energy food. Although this semi-solid food can meet the nutritional needs of the human body and is rich in vitamin and trace elements, the taste is too bad, like Same as wood-flavored toothpaste.

In this way, one chicken thigh per week becomes a delicacy.

“I said, Old Mister, aren’t you afraid I’ll let you get into some trouble?” Wang Ming was afraid that he would say the word “fall”, an old man who looked like he could lose half of his life with one somersault. fall.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I know that you are a good person, and you will never have the heart to let me, an old man half-buried in loess, fall over.” Wu Story said, chewing in his mouth. , After he finished speaking, he had already swallowed all the chicken in his stomach, and burped with satisfaction.

This time it was Wang Ming’s turn to be speechless.

Although this old man grabbed his chicken legs as soon as he came in, it was really abominable, but if he told him to teach the old man a lesson, he still couldn’t do it.

“Youngster, I don’t have any vision. Didn’t you see the old fogey. Am I thirsty? Pour me a glass of water.” Wu Shixun found the sofa and sat down comfortably.


The clay figurine still has three points of fire, Wang Ming was so angry, he couldn’t bear it anymore, angrily roared: “Old Mister, you throw me”

He is about to launch the “language curse” to let this arrogant old man know why the flowers are so red.

Wu’s story made him swallow the “language curse” back in his stomach.

“Young man, you don’t want to know, what happened to you?”

“Of course I do!!” Wang Ming nodded heavily.

Wu’s story is unfathomable: “Then you pour me a glass of water, and remember to add some tea.”

In order to understand the strange things that happened to him, Wang Ming only Neng Yiyan poured a cup of tea and brought it to Wu Story.

“Old Mister, what the hell happened to me?”

In fact, when Wang Ming first used the “language curse” to knock down Professor Wang Daming, he fell to the ground more than ruthlessly. Professor Wang Daming is still suffering.

He is a good human being, how could he become a second-generation group of people!

Everyone knows that the ancestors of the second generation have superpowers that are different from Earth humans. They may be strong as an ox, or they may be as strong as iron.

Sounds pompous.

But none of the Earth people want to be the second-generation ancestors, because the second-generation ancestors are the enemies of mankind and are aliens.

Those who are not of our race must have different hearts.

Wang Ming believes that once he shows this “language curse” ability on Earth, he can only be besieged by humans, and the final outcome is likely to be explodes into waste.

Director Li Mo has always adhered to the principle of complete elimination of alien races, and no one can make exceptions.

Therefore, Wang Ming now needs to figure out what happened to him as soon as possible, and then find a solution.

He looked expectantly at the old man who stole his chicken legs.

The old man took a sip of tea and showed a look of disgust: “The soup is weak and has no fragrance. The tea leaves on the Navigator are worse than the big bowl of tea.”

I My uncle, stop drinking tea, hurry up and say it!

Wang Ming can only smile: “Old Mister, when you return to Earth, I will definitely let you taste the new tea from my tea garden. I come from Lingnan, where good tea is produced.”


“Well, filial piety is commendable!” Although Wu Story disliked the tea, he still drank the tea one by one.

“Old Mister, can you tell me what happened to me now?” Wang Ming asked quickly.

“This. I don’t know either!” Wu Story smiled as if he was deserving a beating.

“You! You!” Wang Ming almost exploded on the spot, he pointed at Wu Story: “You bully intolerably, I will let you taste the pain now!”

” Ai, youngster, why are you in such a hurry. I said that I don’t know what happened to you for the time being, but I didn’t say that I couldn’t find out.” Wu Story shook his head and said, “Think about it, why did the captain put me Isn’t it just to investigate clearly?”

It makes sense!

Wang Ming swallowed the “language curse” again and said with a smile: “Then let’s start the investigation? Old Mister.”

“Oh, you weren’t just now Do you want me to taste the pain?” Wu Story still looked angry.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.”

Wu story said resolutely: “Well, in order to make up for your disrespect to the old man, next week’s chicken legs will be handed over to the old man Let’s go.”

It was the original idea of playing chicken thighs.

Although Wang Ming was reluctant, in order to return to a normal human as soon as possible, he could only focus his head.

“Old Mister, if you can make me a normal person, I would like to have more chicken legs.”

“You are young, but you have a lot of thoughts, old man I just promised to help you find out the reason for your body mutation, as for becoming a normal human, I never said that.” Story Wu was keenly aware of the trap.

“Yes yes.”

After half an hour.

Wang Ming told the truth about his life trajectory, although he did not know what happened to the mutation 20 years ago when he wet his pants.

But at the request of Wu’s story, it can only be described in detail.

“So, your family grows tea, but you went to Yanjing to study high-energy physics, and then became a chef after graduation?” Wu Story looked at Wang Ming suspiciously:

“Your life is quite jumpy!”

Wang Mingsan said with a smile:

“This. I am a person who always likes new things, At that time, my family asked me to study agriculture, so I could go home and inherit the tea garden in the future. I felt bored. At that time, Professor Li Mo won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and becoming a physicist has become the dream of every Chinese youth.”

“After I graduated from college, I found that I couldn’t make a name for myself in high-energy physics with my innate talent. It happened that my girlfriend’s family owned a big hotel, and once I saw the chef of the back chef is very powerful The lesson of the lesson.”

“I thought, maybe it would be good to be a chef, and that’s how I became a chef with a master’s degree in high energy physics.”

PS : Recommend the new book “Top Luck, I’ve Been Invincible After Staying Home for Thousands of Years”.

(End of this chapter)

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