
Chapter 630

Chen Shuxian was both relieved and worried that the final inspection results did not give Chen Shuxian an answer.

Fortunately, according to more than 100 examinations, no trace of malignant virus was found in Wang Ming’s body.

The worry is that this might be something more terrifying than a virus.

The atmosphere in the Navigator suddenly became tense, and the crew members all put on thick and all-round protective clothing. ,

Captain Deng Jidong, according to the emergency protection manual, sealed off the area that Wang Ming had been in contact with 24 hours before the onset of illness, which of course also included Chen Shuxian’s guest room.

Chen Shuxian could only understand what was going on inside the Navigator through the intercom.

“Captain Deng Jidong, did you just say that some crew members advised the pilot to return?”

In the captain’s room, Captain Deng Jidong stood in front of the podium with a heavy heart: “Report. Ms. Chen, there are indeed two crew members who are under a lot of psychological pressure, and I have asked them to report to a psychologist.”

“Most of the crew members on the Navigator at this time are youngsters, and they have never been on the battlefield. There will be panic, you have to pay more attention.” Chen Shuxian suggested.

Captain Deng Jidong: “Of course, this trip to Mo Xing is a task assigned by Director Li Mo, and the relationship is very important. There is no reason to give up halfway. Even more how, Wang Ming’s situation is complicated and has not yet been found. Because of the cause, we havetily returned to Earth, which is likely to cause harm to the entire human civilization.”

“As the captain of the Navigator, I can still grasp it well.”

“That’s good, I’m relieved to have you on the Navigator.” Chen Shuxian was a little tired, hung up the intercom, Both eyes are spiritless looking towards the dark universe outside the window.

How many secrets are hidden in this universe?

On this side, although Captain Deng Jidong appeared relaxed in the conversation just now, he was actually extremely nervous.

The greatest fear in the world is the unknown.

Deng Jidong once participated in the annihilation of the mountain, and he was never afraid of the second-generation ancestors who had sharp claws and fangs.

Because he knows that the beam weapon in his hand can kill this monster, even if he is accidentally killed by the monster, his teammates will avenge him.

The enemy is terrifying, but restrained.

This time is the exact opposite.

Wang Ming just became a “talker” and couldn’t control his mouth. He didn’t turn into a horror monster, but Captain Deng Jidong felt a little scared witless.

He didn’t know whether Wang Ming’s symptoms would be contagious.

This is the fear of the unknown.

Driven by fear, human beings will always look for something beautiful to refill themselves with hope.

It seems that it has become the habit of all people who step into space to carry photos with them. Although there is no clear statistics, Captain Deng Jidong believes that at least 80% of the crew on the Navigator carry photos.

On the one hand, in the dark space, people feel extremely small and easy to get lost. According to statistics, if the time spent in space exceeds 2 years each time, the incidence of mental illness in the crew is higher than that of people on the ground. twice as high.

At this time, an “anchor” is needed to stabilize the spirit of the crew. This “anchor” is the memory of the past, and the specific presentation method is a photo.

On the other hand, photos are thin and easy to carry. In the cosmic spaceship of extremely expensive land, any inch of space, a little weight is of great significance.

Captain Deng Jidong is no exception.

He took a picture out of his arms.

In the photo, a young woman with a delicious and pretty face is standing under a gardenia, smiling deep purples and brilliant reds.

The photo looks old-fashioned, like the style of photography in the 1980s, but it shows the girl’s innocence vividly.

The woman’s name is Hong Yuqian, the fiancee of Captain Deng Jidong.

Although the two have already broken their evidence, according to Deng Jidong’s rules of the Elder’s family, it is not a marriage without a wedding banquet.

Because both of them were very busy with their work, the wedding banquet was delayed.

After the two agreed to fly at this time, they would return to their hometown to get married.

Captain Deng Jidong is a top student trained by Huaguo Flight Academy. At the undergraduate level, he even skipped Level 3 and obtained a master’s degree in aeronautics and an academician in cosmic psychology.

After graduating, he was favored by the Earth Defense Bureau. After passing the character test, he successfully joined the supplementary training team. Along with the original captain and crew of the Navigator, he was entrusted with important tasks. Captain Deng Jidong passed the rigorous examination and finally became the captain of the Navigator.

This is a Supreme honor for a Chinese youth.

So, after receiving the mission order, Captain Deng Jidong, without the slightest hesitation’s farewell fiancee, set foot on the road to Moxing.

Captain Deng Jidong stroked the delicious and pretty face in the photo, feeling a little guilty.

fiancee Hong Yuqian is a native of Yanjing and has a good family. The two fell in love at first sight since they met in college.

Hong Yuqian did not know that Deng Jidong’s family conditions were average like other girls. Instead of letting Deng Jidong buy gifts all day, she also used her pocket money to subsidize Deng Jidong.

Of course, she didn’t play a small role with Deng Jidong because of this, but was more considerate.

In the eyes of the surrounding students, Deng Jidong seems to be eating hard.

After graduation, although the salary of the Earth Defense Bureau is much higher than that of ordinary enterprises, but with the influx of rich people from various countries into China, the housing prices in China are also rapid progress, and the housing prices in Yanjing are even more unattainable. .

Some good people have calculated that by selling all the houses in the Fifth Ring Road of Yanjing, you can buy the whole of North America and Europe.

Faced with such arrogant house prices, Deng Jidong, who just graduated, is also helpless at this time.

At this moment, Hong Yuqian’s family proposed that as long as the two get married, they can provide them with a new house in the third ring road.

Deng Jidong originally had the idea of marrying Hong Yuqian, but now facing the reality, he can only eat the soft rice to the end.

In this way, he didn’t even pay for the renovation of the new house, so he moved directly into the third ring road of Yanjing.

In the eyes of the people around, Deng Jidong is a standard Phoenix man.

However, only Deng Jidong himself knows that if there is a woman who loves you, why not be a Phoenix man.

This is reality.

At this time, Captain Deng Jidong, who was caught in the memory, was awakened by a clear report: “Report Captain, Wang Ming seems to have woken up.”

The person who came was Yang Kexiang, a crew member. , responsible for monitoring Wang Ming’s condition 24 hours a day.

He looked terrified at the moment, as if seeing something strange.

Captain Deng Jidong heard this frowned: “Wake up if you wake up, if you don’t wake up, you won’t wake up. It seems to wake up, what do you mean?”

“This. That you go and see. I understand.” Crew Yang Kexiang tried to explain, but found that the explanation was unclear, so he had to let the captain see it himself.

Captain Deng Jidong followed crew member Yang Kexiang to the ward.

In the intensive care room, Wang Ming was already awake, he was sitting on the bed, and he did not continue chattering.

Professor Chen Daming, who was wearing a protective suit, looked at him with a look of horror and hid in the corner far away.

The conversation between the two came out from the intercom.

Professor Chen Daming: “Wang Ming, how did you do it just now?”

Wang Ming: “Professor, I don’t know, I just had a sudden feeling in my heart just now. Strange thought, just say something and you’re going to fall. And that’s it.”

Before he finished speaking, Professor Chen Daming’s terrified voice came from the intercom: “Don’t, don’t say it. Don’t say it!”

Unfortunately, it was too late, huddled in the corner, Professor Wang Daming’s legs bounced up at an incredible angle, and then he fell heavily on the on the ground. During the whole process, it seemed that an invisible man was throwing a hug at Professor Wang Daming.

Wang Ming was also surprised by this situation, he covered his mouth tightly with his hands and shouted, “It’s not my fault, I just said casually, didn’t expect you to fall down. It’s over!”

“Shut up!!” Professor Wang Daming just got up from the ground, hearing this immediately shouted to stop it.

It can be too late again.

Professor Wang Daming, who had just got up, “pu tong” and fell heavily to the ground again. This time, there was even a little blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Captain Deng Jidong gradually understood.

The awakened Wang Ming gained a magical ability, he said that whoever will fall, that person will fall.

Even if the person is already lying flat on the ground, it cannot be avoided.

So is this ability just for humans or for everything?

Is this ability not only can make people fall, but also may lead to more serious consequences.

Thinking of this, Captain Deng Jidong’s expression changed drastically. If this kid Wang Ming accidentally said something like the pilot number would explode, it would be bad!

He quickly picked up the intercom and ordered, “Wang Ming, from now on, you shut up and don’t make a sound, otherwise military law will deal with it!”

Wang Ming originally planned to Retorting, after hearing the military’s disposal, he immediately looked serious, nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood.

In this case, Captain Deng Jidong is still worried.

If Wang Ming can’t control his mouth, things will be bad.

He immediately asked Professor Wang Daming to seal Wang Ming’s mouth with medical tape.

Professor Wang Daming, who got up from the ground, looked very active. He took out a large roll of tape from the cabinet and sealed Wang Ming’s mouth without any gap.

On seeing this, Captain Deng Jidong was relieved.

He immediately called a meeting of the entire crew of the Navigator, and Chen Shuxian also listened in through the interlocutor.

In the Conference Hall.

All the crew members were frowning. They had just passed Captain Deng Jidong’s instructions and learned about the strange events that happened in the ward.

A crew member whispered: “Isn’t Wang Ming a time bomb now?”

Another crew member pouted: “He is more powerful than a time bomb, at least we know about it. When will it explode. This guy, one sentence can make people fall, how to prevent it?”

Another crew member said: “Captain, how does this sound, Wang Ming suddenly turned into a crow’s mouth. Now, whoever is unlucky.”

Captain Deng Jidong saw that the crew couldn’t discuss the reason, looked towards the three medical professors sitting at the bottom right.

Professor Wang Daming was in a plaster cast and the corners of his mouth were red and swollen.

The two professors closed their eyes.

But this kind of thing still needs to listen to the opinions of medical experts.

“Professor Wang, what do you think?” Captain Deng Jidong asked.

Professor Wang Daming cleared his throat and said vaguely: “Captain Deng, what happened to Wang Ming has gone beyond the scope of modern medicine. You can think of it, he can explain it in one sentence. I stumbled, this can no longer be explained by cells, blood, or even viruses.”

This means nothing.

Captain Deng Jidong looked towards the second professor of medicine again.

The professor who was closing his eyes seemed to realize that he was being named, and immediately opened his eyes and said with a smile: “I am studying human structure. There are those who can’t touch the water for life, those who sleep for a thousand miles after falling asleep in the middle of the night, and even those who can breathe fire, but they have one thing in common, that is, the disease only occurs in themselves and cannot affect others.”

“Wang Ming’s illness can make people fall, which is really incredible.”

It’s incredible. Okay

Captain Deng Jidong can only ask for help His eyes turned to the last professor of medicine.

The professor of medicine is a hair grey-white old man with quirky eyes and a strange name, Wu Story.

In the crew details, Wu Story graduated from Pogezhuang University, a university with an unheard of name. His research is human mysticism. Academic achievements: none.

Wu Story has no specific task on the Navigator. His daily work is to wander around and occasionally go to the kitchen to steal chicken legs.

After several warnings to no avail, Captain Deng Jidong applied to the Earth Defense Bureau to transfer Wu Story from the Navigator, but was rejected by the Earth Defense Bureau.

The reason for the rejection is also very strange: Wu Story is too old to find a new job, and it is immoral to fire him.

This reason seems to Captain Deng Jidong to be completely perfunctory. With so many positions in the Earth Defense Bureau, it is fine to find a random errand to arrange him. Why must he stay on the Navigator? .

Although he was dissatisfied, Captain Deng Jidong had to accept the existence of Wu’s story.

Nowadays, the two famous medical experts are helpless, Captain Deng Jidong can only hold the idea of “there is no jujube to fight two sticks”, and he turns his attention to Wu Story for help.

Wu Story opened his cloudy eyes and pointed at himself: “Captain, are you asking me?”

Knowing that he was playing stupid, Captain Deng Jidong had no choice but to Nodding said with a smile: “Professor Wu, what do you think about Wang Ming’s illness?”

“Wang Ming is a kid who can make people fall with just a few words?” Wu’s story continued Play stupid.

“It’s him.” Captain Deng Jidong nodded helplessly.

This old man has no other ability, and it is first-class to pretend to be stupid. Once in the kitchen, he obviously stole a chicken leg, but said that the big rooster’s leg was degraded because of the long-term cultivation of the golden rooster.

God TM’s degeneration, your leg is useless all the year round, why hasn’t it degenerated!

Wu Story seemed very satisfied with Captain Deng Jidong’s attitude, stood up and said with a smile: “In my opinion, this kid named Wang Ming is not sick at all!”

I’m not sick.

As soon as these words came out, the crew members were stunned for a while, and then they all started talking: “Wang Ming has been in a coma once, how can he not be sick?”

“That’s right, that’s right, I think it’s just messing around on the Navigator.”

Captain Deng Jidong stood up. He wanted to drive Wu Story out of the Conference Hall immediately, but only heard the voice on the intercom. A voice came: “Wu’s story, you continue to tell.”

Everyone instantly quieted down, and Captain Deng Jidong also sat back in his seat.

Because this voice belongs to Chen Shuxian.

(End of this chapter)

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