
Chapter 618

Speaking of this, X paused again and raised his face: “The rabbit pushed the shopping cart to the On the side of the road, I passed by and was surprised to find, shout, there is a shopping cart.”

“So, I decided to look for the owner of the shopping cart, but I turned around and even shouted twice: This is Who’s shopping cart, take it back.”

“Unfortunately, no one came out to claim it. I was afraid that the shopping cart might cause a traffic accident on the side of the road, so I pushed the shopping cart and moved on. Of course, if I know who the owner of the shopping cart is, I will return it immediately.”

“In this case, is my behavior illegal?”

“.” Chen Shuxian was stunned for a long time, took a deep breath, and slowly spit out a sentence: “It shouldn’t be counted.”

“Well, I don’t think there is any violation!” X was seriously nodded, and said to himself : “I am a law-abiding person, and I will never do anything illegal.”

Seeing that X is so concerned about whether it is illegal or not, Chen Shuxian also has a vague idea in his heart.

The Gobi Desert Base or Mozi Technology must have put forward some basic requirements for X, stipulating that the first cyborg among mankind, what things can be done and what things cannot be done.

Obviously, things that violate the rules must not be done.

“So, I put the rabbit into the shopping cart and pushed it to move forward. This way, the traveling speed is much faster, about 80 kilometers per hour.” X continued to speak.

each hour 80 kilometers

“Can you run so fast?” Chen Shuxian asked suspiciously.

At the 2009 World Championships in Berlin, Usain Bolt set a world record with a score of 9.58 in the final of the 100-meter short cannon. He only took 1.61 seconds to run the 60m-80m section on the way. , the speed of 12.42m/s per second, the speed of 44.72km/h, which is also the maximum instantaneous speed that human beings can achieve in the history of running.

It’s incredible that X can run at 80km each hour all the time.

Rao already knew that her body was a liquid alloy, and Chen Shuxian was also a little bit shocked.

“Of course I can run so fast. 80 kilometers per hour is still the speed of traveling on rough roads. On a flat road, I can run 120 kilometers per hour each hour with my rabbit.” X confidently Nominate.

“I don’t feel tired and aching all over the body, the only downside is that sometimes the speed is too fast and the body will melt. So every time I find that the clothes start to drip, it will reduce the fusion battery in the body. The output current, slow down.”

The cyborg is convenient, so fast running speed, you don’t need to buy a car. Chen Shuxian slandered.

“In this way, I followed the path and set off towards the northwest. In order to arrive as soon as possible, I traveled day and night. Only when I was looking for food for the rabbits would I stop and waste a little time.” X continued. road.

“At night, it’s pitch black between Heaven and Earth because the moon has blown up, but my eyes have been modified to have night vision, so at night there’s almost no one in the wild, so my running speed is Faster. It took me half a month to cross two provinces and come to the Yellow River.”

“I stopped here, of course, not because there is no road, the riverside There is a magnificent bridge not far away. I just want to stop and enjoy the rolling water in the Yellow River. I once read an ancient poem, the Yellow River is full of sand in nine bends, and the waves and the wind travel from the end of the world. I have always been curious , how can there be thousands of miles of sand in the Yellow River?”

“When I saw the Yellow River, I immediately understood. The water in the Yellow River is like mud, tumbling and rolling.”

“After staying by the Yellow River for two full days, I pushed the cart across the Yellow River Bridge and continued to move towards the northwest. All the way north, although I avoided people, I faced people several times. They watched When I arrived, my face was full of surprise, and my eyes were full of undisguised disgust, so when I arrived at the last town outside the Gobi Desert in the northwest, I went to the pond to wash myself.”

“Just when I was about to push the cart and go to the Gobi Desert base with the rabbit, I suddenly realized a problem. I only know that the Gobi Desert base is located in the Gobi Desert, and I don’t know its specific location. It takes a lot of time to search in the Gobi Desert. As a weirdo, I don’t need to eat or drink. Naturally, there is no problem. But the rabbit is indeed a carbon-based animal. It needs food and water every day to survive, and the most scarce thing in the Gobi Desert is food. And water.”

“After hesitating, I decided to leave the rabbit in the town and find a good home for it. I spent three days observing the child in the town carefully, and for it A caring little girl was chosen as the owner. This little girl lives in a big house. The father runs a supermarket in the town. First-class, the rabbit will not suffer when she follows her.”

“So, I took advantage of the night and put the rabbit at the door of the little girl’s house. Maybe the rabbit was aware of my plan and barked at me desperately. , I can only tell it over and over again, just put it here temporarily, and when I find the Gobi Desert base, I will come to pick it up. Maybe the rabbit understands it and is not struggling, let me put it at the door. “

“I knocked on the door twice, then dodged and hid in the bushes beside me. The little girl opened the door and saw the rabbit. She was holding the happy rabbit in her arms, and the rabbit was very happy.” He snorted softly, and then looked at the place where I was hiding several times, and was finally brought into the house by the little girl.”

“I stayed in the bushes for a long time until the sky was darkened. Meng Liang then pushed the cart towards the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert is full of rough gravel and low shrubs. When a strong wind blows, the between Heaven and Earth will become gray, and the vision is very bad, so not very long, I found myself lost. ”

“Everywhere in the Gobi Desert looks the same, I just go around and around there, about ten days later, just when I thought I was going to spend my whole life here, by chance. A rut was found. This rut was very fresh. It should have just been rolled out, and it had not been covered by the yellow sand blown by the strong wind. So I ran desperately along the rut, desperately running, hoping to follow the rut to the Gobi Desert base. “

“As a result. The end of the rut is a road. Obviously, this is where the Earth Defense Bureau entered the Gobi Desert base. I ran in the wrong direction.” So, I turned around and ran along the rut towards the Gobi Desert base. “

“This time, the direction is correct, the end of the rut is the Gobi Desert base. When I got to the gate, there were already security guards waiting there, obviously they had already spotted me. In this way, I returned to the Gobi Desert base again. “

After X finished speaking, he took out a bottle of red wine from the small refrigerator next to him, poured “hua hua hua” into his stomach, and then burped his face with a face doesn’t change.

“That.X, red wine contains alcohol, after drinking it, the face will turn red, and people will enter a state of drunkenness. Chen Shuxian reminded.

X “Oh”, her originally fair little face “Shua” suddenly turned red, people began to sway from side to side, as if she was really drunk It’s like drinking wine.

This guy is too good at acting. Chen Shuxian suddenly thought of a question: “Then, after you settled down in the base, did you get the rabbit back? “

She has a very deep memory of this dog with a strange name.

One person and one dog wander more than half of China, and their relationship must be very deep.

Xsaid with a bitter smile: “After I was fully accustomed to life at the base, I specially applied to Professor Wu. Professor Wu is very nice, and immediately ordered him to go to the town with me. It happened to be a weekend, the girl didn’t have to go to school, she was playing in the garden with the rabbit. “

“I hid from a distance to watch, and I haven’t seen it half a month. The rabbit has grown a lot and is lively.” It used to be lazily lying in the shopping cart, but in the garden, it has learned to play frisbee with girls. The girl threw the frisbee out, and the rabbit ran like a real rabbit and threw the frisbee back. “

“The rabbit brought back the Frisbee for the girl, and the little tail kept wagging, standing on its hind legs, looking extremely excited. The girl was cheering excitedly too, she pulled a plump drumstick from her backpack, said with a smile: Potato, you are awesome. “

“Potato. This is the rabbit’s new name.” X’s eyes fell silent, and he said in a low voice: “The rabbit who got the reward is even more excited.” It kept rolling on the ground with its chicken legs, and there was a happy humming sound in its throat. Seeing her so happy, I suddenly changed my mind, maybe it would be better for her to have the rabbit follow the girl. “

“So, I left silently. ”

After X finished speaking, Chen Shuxian found that there were faint tears in her eyes, but she didn’t know how to comfort her.

“Miss X, here we are! The flight attendant came over and reminded.

X stood up, put the sword behind him, loudly shouted: “Let’s start swinging!” “

She was completely relieved from the sadness just now, her eyes were shining.

“.”Chen Shuxian.

Get off the plane.

Three black luxury cars were already waiting on the tarmac, and two staff members in Earth Defense Bureau uniforms greeted them.

“Miss X, Assistant Chen, I’m Arsalan Mori, Welcome to the city of Barcelona. ”

When the staff walked in, Chen Shuxian realized that they were all blond and blue-eyed bullfighters with high nose bridges.

This should be a non-staff employee of the Earth Defense Bureau.

Chen Shuxian looked down and saw a little golden star on the umbrella shield logo they wore on their chests.

The Earth Defense Bureau originally only recruited Chinese nationals. Later, due to the need to deal with the affairs of various countries, and considering that it is more convenient to communicate with local people, Professor Li Mo held a world-famous job fair on a global scale.

The target of the recruitment is 19 to 35 years old. Foreigners, they must be clean, have Academician degrees, be proficient in Mandarin Chinese, and firstly need to pass the character test of Mozi Technology. However, the salary of non-staff employees is only half of that of regular employees of Earth Defense Bureau, and they do not enjoy various benefits of regular employees , and the Earth Defense Bureau can terminate the contract with them at any time without any compensation.

The recruitment conditions are extremely harsh, and the salary and benefits are mediocre, but young people who meet the requirements from various countries are flocking to it. In order to train China well In other words, they spend a lot of money to hire Chinese language teachers. In order to pass the interview, most of them go to the etiquette training center to accept the Chinese culture baptism, from dressing to speech and behavior, they must be exactly like Chinese people, only in this way can they pass the interview.

According to statistics from relevant agencies, more than 1 million people from all over the world signed up, but in the end, less than 50,000 people successfully became non-staff employees of the Earth Defense Bureau.

For these new non-staff employees , salary and benefits are second, as long as they can wear the uniform of the Earth Defense Bureau, it is already the biggest pride, so they always like to wear them whether they are working or resting.

Al The same is true for Saran Mori. He comes from a famous family, and his family owns the largest vineyard in the bullfighting country. He is a mathematics Academician of the University of Barcelona in the bullfighting country. In the world crisis, only if the whole world is twisted into a rope and united, can there be hope of survival.

Therefore, with the support of his family, he will give up his family business and join the Earth Defense Bureau.

Yesterday, when Arsalan Mori learned that the Guardian sent by the Earth Defense Bureau was about to come to Barcelona to arrest the bank robber, he was so excited that he didn’t sleep well all night, so much that his little girlfriend thought he had New love.

Guardian is the honorific title given to a Chinese girl in the whole world. According to legend, she can fly over the eaves and walk through walls, impervious to sword and sp ear , has repeatedly solved major cases, and even captured Sanjay Meyer, the murderer who had been hiding in the African savannah for ten years.

In Arsalan Mori’s mind, the Guardian is a superhero.

So when he saw X in a loli skirt, his legs trembled a little. As for this fellow assistant Chen, according to the information from the Earth Defense Bureau, just like himself, he is a non-staff employee, and Arsalan Mori did not take it seriously.

“Is the car ready, let’s go to the scene!” Since X got off the plane, his expression became extremely cold and his face was cold.

“It’s ready, but the leaders of the city of Barcelona have organized a grand welcome ceremony for you at the most famous 5-Star level hotel in the city of Barcelona, do you want to go first? Banquet.” Arsalan Mori bent down, his attitude extremely modest.

He reminded: “I heard that the dinner also specially invited several football players from the Barcelona football team to participate.”

The Barcelona football team in Barcelona is famous all over the world. , has the most famous football players in the world, one of them even won 6 Ballon d’Or, 6 World Footballer, 6 European Golden Boots, 8 La Liga Golden Boots, all of which are the most records in history. He also became the first football player in history to win the Lawrence Best Men’s Player Award.

The footballer is usually busy with training and rarely participates in social activities. At this time, I agreed to attend the banquet after hearing that Ms. Guardian X would appear at the banquet.

“No, it’s a waste of time! Let’s go to investigate the scene first.” X said and walked towards the black limousine.

She is here for only one purpose, that is, to bring the criminals who rob the bank to justice as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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