
Chapter 617

“The days go by like this, although I know they are afraid of me, but in order to enjoy the family’s Warm, I can only pretend that I don’t know what to do.” X continued to recall.

“At that time, I thought I could spend my whole life like this in plain happiness, but unfortunately an accident broke this fantasy.”

“It was a weekend, the night before the magic capital. It rained all night, and the sky was rarely blue, and it was my birthday in two days, so our family of three went to the playground to play together.”

“We can have a good time at the playground. All day is my wish before suffering from a strange disease. Unfortunately, father is an engineer and mother is a lawyer. They are always busy with work, and they usually hire nanny to do housework. How could they accompany me to go crazy. “

“So, when I got my first birthday after being reborn, my parents asked me what I wanted, and I offered to play at the playground without the slightest hesitation. Although they seemed reluctant, they agreed. After taking a look, they all turned down their jobs and agreed to me.”

“The playground is located in the suburbs of Modu City, and it is very large in scale. There are roller coasters, jumping machines, merry-go-rounds, pirate ships, Ferris wheels, etc. Since it was a weekend, when we came to the playground, there was already a long queue outside. The father was reluctant on the spot, his face was very ugly, and he said that it would take at least an hour for us to line up. In an hour, he could conceive a value 500,000 design drawings. Mother is also very unhappy, she kept mumbling, in order to accompany me to the playground today, she even turned down an important case, and she had to stand in the sun and wait!”

“I could only express my apology, ran to the small supermarket next to me to buy iced drinks, and handed them to them with a smile, so they relaxed a little. Fortunately, although the queue was long, the speed of progress was But it was not slow, and we were lined up in less than half an hour.”

“Entering the playground, I was the first to arrive in front of the roller coaster.”

X paused after speaking here. , asked: “Have you ever been on a roller coaster?”

“I did, but it was too exciting, and I didn’t like it very much.” Subconsciously replied by Chen Shuxian, who was listening to the story attentively.

X raised a small face and said with a smile: “What I like is this kind of excitement, on a roller coaster, you can’t control yourself, you can only rotate along the circling track and turn fast. Maybe next Moment, the roller coaster derailed, and then “pa ta”, you fell to the ground and became a mess.”

“It’s exciting to think about it!” X’s little fair face appeared There was a hint of ruddy, his hands were clenched, the whole person was tense, and he looked very excited.

How can normal people get excited about falling into a puddle of mud?

This girl has a psychological problem. It should be suggested that the bureau send a psychological counselor to help her. Chen Shuxian slandered.

“Although my parents were reluctant, I pulled them all on the roller coaster. When the staff pressed the start button and the roller coaster began to rotate slowly, I was very excited when I saw the scene that started to rotate. I’m no longer in control of myself at this moment!”

“My parents are complexion ashen, grabbing the handrail with both hands, I persuade them to relax a little bit, but I only get two pairs of eyes. When the roller coaster passes the top of the track, the side next to The tourists all screamed in fear, only me gē gē gē laughing. Although I heard my mother whispering that I was a monster, I was not angry, but even more excited.”

“Through childhood, my wish finally came true. At this moment, I felt that I was the happiest girl in the world, even happier than the magic Pandora. So I started screaming at the top of my voice. frowned covered his ears, father raised his hand, and made a gesture to teach me a lesson, but I kept screaming because I saw fear in his eyes.”

“The tone is getting louder and louder. The higher the height, the more harsh the sound, and finally the pitch reached the peak. I also reached the happy Peak, and my mood gradually calmed down. At this time, I found that the nearby tourists, including my parents, all had white eyeballs. I passed out. At this time, the roller coaster was still moving at high speed on the track, and the oncoming wind wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes.”

“In this way, I was riding with a group of comatose tourists. Roller coaster, turn, turn, my mood is very calm, as if I am the only one in this world. Soon, the playground security staff on the ground noticed something abnormal and screamed to stop the roller coaster. Ambulances flashed with warning lights Driving into the playground, a comatose tourist was taken to the hospital, including my parents, of course.”

“And I was blamed by the playground security staff. They were detained. According to what they said, at least 200 people were comatose at the scene, and some of them had physical disorders and could not control the excretory system voluntarily. In their eyes, I was the initiator of all this, so they sent more than a dozen muscles The male guards me.”

“But when the relevant unit called up the surveillance video, the playground had to let me go, because I didn’t do anything wrong. A girl because of fear or Excited screaming is just a normal thing, mine was just a little louder.”

“Leaving the playground, I, the culprit, came to the hospital to see the victims Of course, this was accompanied by comrades from the relevant departments, because they were afraid that the angry family members of the victims would find trouble for me.”

“Unfortunately, what didn’t expect is that whether it is the victim The family has just woken up The victims, when they saw me, showed fear on their faces, as if they had seen a demon slipping from hell to the world. I apologized to them calmly and politely, but they didn’t say anything, just kept shaking. “

“This situation is beyond my control. “

“So, I had to leave the ward and prepare to visit my biological parents. When I left the ward, I heard the victims behind me cursing me in very low voices, calling me a devil, not a human, a monster or something. Obviously, they already know my identity. “

“I just laughed and walked to my parents’ ward with firm steps, I believe they will understand me.” Is it wrong for a girl to be happy? Is it wrong for a girl to scream? “

“I put a sincere smile on my face and pushed open the door of the ward.” I saw the father was lying on the hospital bed playing mobile games, and the mother was using the laptop to process files, the atmosphere was very good. It’s a pity that this beauty was shattered by the sound of “oh la la” like a mirror when I appeared, and it was broken into thousands of pieces. “

“The mother saw my subconsciously “Pa” click and closed the laptop, while the father threw away the phone, jumped off the hospital bed, and came at me with a slap in the face. “

“Is this going to teach me a lesson?” “

“I stood there with my eyes closed.” Just wait. If a few slaps on me can get them to vent their anger, I’d rather get a few slaps. Unfortunately, the expected severe pain did not appear. “

“After a long time, my eyes slowly opened. Father raised his slap high, complexion ashen, his eyes widened, and his face was a little grim, but he didn’t dare to slap down. He gritted his teeth and scolded me fiercely: monster! . “

“I was heartbroken.” Although they have also scolded me as a monster before, it was the first time they scolded me face to face. My heart seems to be torn, I know I am a monster, but I don’t want to be a monster! ! Speaking of which, X seemed a little incoherent, and her originally fair little face had turned red.

Chen Shuxian, who was sitting across from her, could even clearly hear her rapid breathing.

X gritted his teeth and continued: “I turned my eyes to mother, and she ducked her eyes with her head down, and I was completely disappointed. After becoming a mechanoid, I thought I was still a normal human in my wishful thinking. Like all ordinary people, you can live an ordinary life, even if the alien spaceship invades, Earth is not afraid of destruction. “

“But thinking that I’m just a monster, a monster living in the human world, I’m terrified.” There are more than 7 billion people in the whole world, and I am the only monster, which is too terrifying. “

“When I, I ran away without the slightest hesitation, running out of the inpatient building, out of the hospital, and out into the street.” When the streets are very lively, ordinary people have anxiety on their faces and are in a hurry, rushing for life. I stood in the endless crowd, envious. Although they work hard all day and are reprimanded by their superiors in the company and factory, at least they have a warm home after work. “

“But what about me?” “

“I am a monster. Although the world is big, there is no place for monsters.” At this time, the future promotional video of Mozi Technology played on the large LED screen in the square reminded me. I should probably go back to my birthplace, the Gobi Desert base. There, scientists did not despise me as a monster, but praised me as a treasure girl, and even a guy with only three hairs on his head called me the future evolutionary direction of mankind. “

“However, when I went to the Gobi Desert base last time, it was just a head soaked in a glass bottle. When I returned to the Magic City from the Gobi Desert base, a special plane sent by the Earth Defense Bureau sent me. Therefore, I do not know the specific location of the Gobi Desert base, only the approximate location. “

“And when I ran out of the hospital, I didn’t carry my wallet, I didn’t have my mobile phone with me, and I couldn’t take transportation. In this case, I started to spread my legs and walk in the direction of the Great Northwest. “

“Fortunately, because I am a mechanical biochemical person, my body is powered by nuclear fusion batteries. I don’t know if I am tired or need food. I only need to drink a little water every day to keep my brain alive.” normal operation. “

“I started from Lujiazui in the magic capital, walked along Century Avenue to the Huangpu River, and then crossed the river through the tunnel. In the tunnel, I picked up a puppy. It was bony and messy. It should have been abandoned by its owner. Looking at this puppy, I thought of myself. “

“So, I caught a few mice from the tunnel and fed them to the puppy. After it had eaten and drank, it followed me with its tail wagging. Although I don’t like other people following me, but thinking of this dog being homeless, I softened my heart again and set out with the dog. “

“This dog is covered with yellow hair, has a pointed mouth, a short mouth, and a flat forehead. It looks like a wolf in a dimly lit environment. Although I don’t understand dogs, I also know that it is a dog.” A Chinese pastoral dog. “

“After two days of getting along, this stupid dog ate a total of 10 mice. After thinking about it, I named it Rabbit.” “


Chen Shuxian was stunned for a moment, and asked, “Is it a little strange to give a dog such a name?” “

Besides, what does the name have to do with the dog eating 10 mice, is there really something wrong with X’s brain circuit?

“Heh, do you think the dog that has been named rabbit , and a person with a left head, which is more weird? A strange smile appeared on X’s face.

Chen Shuxian was speechless for a while.

It seems that X’s temperament is different from ordinary people.

“Just like that, I left the magic capital with the rabbit. X seemed to be unwilling to struggle with this question. Seeing that Chen Shuxian didn’t answer, he continued to speak: “After I left the Magic City, I specially found a path where no one was there, so that not only could I avoid other people’s strange eyes, my clothes were torn at that time. A lot, you can also catch some small animals for the rabbit by the way. “

It seems that X’s ability to change clothes is not innate, but trained at the Gobi Desert base.

Chen Shuxian nodded silently, a girl wearing ragged clothes was Walking on the street is really eye-catching.

X continued: “When I came to the country, I was a girl who grew up in the city, and only then did I realize that so many people lived in the wilderness that I went to the countryside. Wild animals. I have caught more than ten kinds of animals such as weasels, foxes, little gray rabbits, etc. on the same day. “


X paused and looked up at Chen Shuxian: “To be exact, I didn’t catch these animals, I just set traps, etc. After these small animals fall into the trap, let the rabbit go for food on their own. “

“In this case, the cause of death of these animals should be regarded as a fight between animals, so my behavior is not illegal, right? “

“You know, I have always abided by the law and will never violate the relevant regulations.” “

X looks cautiously and looks like he’s been educated.

“. “Chen Shuxian nodded helplessly.

Although this girl has some problems with her brain circuits, her IQ is not low, so she came up with a good idea to let the dog eat the “buffet”.

“I It also thinks so. “X, who got a satisfactory answer, was excited and nodded: “In a few days, the bald man who was thin and bony became fat and fat, and his yellow hair was smooth and shiny, and he became a happy dog. “

“However, I am not happy, because the rabbit’s forward speed is too slow, it can only walk less than 100 kilometers a day, and it needs to rest at night. At this speed, it needs to spend at least 100 kilometers. It will take a year to reach the Gobi Desert base. “

“So, when I was passing by a small town, I saw a supermarket shopping cart parked outside the town’s supermarket. Rabbit is a smart dog. In the past few days, he ran so much every day that he was already exhausted. So, it took the initiative to run to the street and pushed the shopping cart back. ”

(end of this chapter)

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